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Randy Johnson Nov 2015
Adam and Eve were thrown out of the Garden of Eden because they angered the Lord.
Jehovah blocked the entrance to the Garden of Eden with Angels and a flaming sword.
When it came to trusting somebody, they chose the wrong one to trust.
They chose to trust Satan so they eventually died and returned to dust.
After being exiled, neither they nor their off spring could return.
That teaches people a valuable lesson that we must learn.
We must trust and obey Jehovah instead of Satan or we will not receive our reward.
If we put our faith in God, our paradise won't be blocked by angels or a flaming sword.
Randy Johnson Nov 2015
You're moving in with your girlfriend and many people have congratulated you.
You've asked me to do the same but that is something I can't and won't do.
I won't congratulate you because you and your girlfriend will be living in sin.
I won't condone premarital ***, don't ask for my congratulations ever again.
Yes, I have old-fashioned morals that you consider to be out of date.
I won't congratulate you because you're doing something that God hates.
Randy Johnson Nov 2015
When people do us wrong, Jesus doesn't want us to retaliate.
He is the Son of God so his words are something we should contemplate.
When Jesus was arrested, he didn't retaliate even though people slapped him and punched him with their fists.
When we want to retaliate against others, Jesus wants us to resist.
Jesus wants everybody to live in peace, he wants us to be meek.
When people do us wrong, Jesus wants us to turn the other cheek.
Randy Johnson Nov 2015
The almighty Jehovah is my Master, he is the one who I serve.
He has my love and obedience and that is what he deserves.
If loving God is wrong, I don't want to be right.
He is my best friend, I praise him day and night.

Having faith in Jehovah can move mountains, that is true.
I hope that you love him because he certainly loves you.
Jehovah can also be your best friend, turning to him makes plenty of sense.
He will always be with you if he has your love and obedience.
Randy Johnson Nov 2015
I'm thankful because Jehovah God is the most important part of my life.
I'm thankful to have two new friends, Jason Laster and Stephanie, his wife.
I'm also thankful to have my other friends and my brother.
God is always thankful when people are kind to one another.
Randy Johnson Sep 2015
To get on God's good side, we must pray again and again.
We must pray and ask Jehovah to wash away our sins.
We must treat everybody like a sister or a brother.
We must show Jehovah that we love one another.
Heaven is the reward for all of the good people who have died.
We must obey the ten commandments to get on the Lord's good side.
Randy Johnson Sep 2015
Let me tell you about the best year of the 20th Century, a year that was great.
It was the year when my mom was born and that year was 1948.
That was the greatest year of the 20th Century, that's how I feel.
1948 was great but 2013 ****** because of a terrible ordeal.
2013 was a terrible year because that was when Mom died.
After she perished in the hospital, I came home and cried.
Please listen to this advice, don't ever take your mom for granted, she's somebody who you should always appreciate.
If I live to be a hundred, I will not change my opinion, I believe that the greatest year of the 20th Century was 1948.
Dedicated to Agnes Greene-Johnson (1948-2013) who passed away on March 6, 2013.
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