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Randy Johnson Aug 2015
If you hadn't died in March, you would've turned 65 today.
Life hasn't been as good since you passed away.
Everybody who knew you, knew that you were nice.
But I took things for granted and now I'm paying the price.
I thought you'd live for another ten to fifteen years.
It's been tough to accept that you're no longer here.
If you had survived, I was going to take care of you.
I didn't know what I had until I lost it and that is true.
When you celebrated your birthday last year, you were alive and well.
I didn't know how sick you would become, I was unable to tell.
Seeing you suffer during your last days made my heart break.
Even though you're dead, I still bought you a birthday cake.
I promised that I'd buy you a cake this year and I'm a man of my word.
God is much happier now because you're with him, believe me that's assured.
Dedicated to Agnes Johnson (1948-2013) who passed away on March 6, 2013. (I wrote this poem in 2013.)
Randy Johnson Aug 2015
God will never forsake people but many have forsaken him.
We need God now more than ever because things are so grim.
Many have chosen to forsake God and live such sinful ways.
But the Lord isn't like that, he's in my heart and he's here to stay.
Some people do or sell drugs, some are greedy and some steal.
Others commit ****, adultery, arson and some even ****.
But those people will eventually suffer because of their wicked ways.
Every one of those people will face God's judgement and they will pay.
Randy Johnson Jul 2015
Jesus left Heaven to be one of us and God allowed his only son to go.
Jesus died so that people will not be sent to the Lake of Fire below.
Jesus performed miracles.
He was truly remarkable.
When Jesus was on Earth, I know that God missed him.
Jesus was tempted by Satan but he was able to resist him.
When people steal, ****, do drugs and other bad things, they will pay.
They will try but fail to hide on Judgement Day.
Randy Johnson Jul 2015
Jesus Christ was the greatest Jewish man who has been on the Earth.
The world became a far greater place on the day of his birth.
When Jesus was nailed to the cross, he died for people's sins.
He's in Heaven with his father now but we will see him again.
The Jewish people have been persecuted and that's a disgrace.
Jesus is wonderful and he'll be the savior of the Human Race.
Randy Johnson Jul 2015
When I saw you in your casket, it brought tears to my eyes.
You died two years ago today on the thirteenth day of July.
When the doctors said that your illness was terminal, I didn't want to believe that it was true.
But sadly, they were correct and two years ago today, we lost you.

From 1975 to 2010 you worked at Woodcraft, you worked with lumber.
People may think that I'm crazy because I believe that 13 is an unlucky number.
You died on the thirteenth year of the century and also on the thirteenth day of July.
You took Chemotherapy treatments for months and two years ago today, you died.
Dedicated to Charles F. Johnson (1947-2013) who died on July 13, 2013 at the age of 65.
Randy Johnson Jul 2015
The best thing that money is good for is that it tells us that God is who we should trust.
In the Garden of Eden, God gave life to Adam after creating him from dust.
But Adam and Eve didn't trust God when he asked them not to eat from the forbidden tree.
They trusted the serpent instead and ignored God's command and they both paid dearly.
Many people are obsessed with making money because it buys nice things.
But the world seems to have forgotten what putting on trust in God can bring.
We live in a world that has been consumed by greed, violence and lust.
The world would be in a better shape if God was the one who many more people would trust.
Randy Johnson Jul 2015
This airplane is on fire and it's going down.
Soon everybody on board will no longer be around.
I'm really scared because of the trouble that I'm in.
I'm praying and I'm begging God to forgive my sins.
Very soon I'll no longer be a part of the Human Race.
Very soon I'll be dead and I'll meet God face to face.
I'm really scared and my brow is covered with sweat.
I've done people wrong and that's something I regret.
Everybody else on this plane will die too, I'm not alone.
When we all die, Heaven will become our new home.
This is a fictional poem.
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