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Randy Johnson Jun 2015
You're looking at a man who has been blessed.
I have a dog and she's Daddy's little Princess.
My Chihuahua, Agnes is very special to me and I love her a lot.
She means more to me than anything else that I've got.
Agnes also loves me and she loves it when I stroke her dark brown fur.
I became a lucky man on the day when I adopted her.
Having Agnes for a pet is better than being wealthy, that's what I believe.
That's how I feel even though it's something that others may not perceive.
Randy Johnson Jun 2015
Some people believe in Darwin's theory but I don't.
These people want me to believe Darwin but I won't.
I can't believe in Darwin's theory because it goes against what the Bible teaches us.
If I have to choose somebody to believe, I choose God because he's the one I trust.
Darwin wanted us to believe that we evolved from apes.
Darwin was only a man and men can make mistakes.
But God is perfect, he never has and never will make a mistake.
I'm sorry but Darwin's theory is something that I must forsake
Randy Johnson Jun 2015
He was a man of God but that **** didn't care in the least.
That animal walked into a Parish and murdered the Priest.
When he was arrested, he said that he killed the Priest because he hated God.
People were very unhappy because of what he did, they sure didn't applaud.
He was convicted of first degree ****** and sentenced to life in jail.
But God didn't want him to be in prison, he wanted him to be in Hell.
God made that man become ill and he gave him Staph Infection.
He suffered tremendously and then he died of that affliction.
Now he's burning in Hell and he's begging God to let him out.
But he can't escape his torment no matter how loud he shouts.
As his flesh burns, he wishes that he hadn't killed that Priest.
Now he will spend eternity with Satan who is the Beast.
Randy Johnson Jun 2015
He's the Son of God and he was the greatest man who ever lived.
He's compassionate and he has always been willing to forgive.
He's the Son of God and his blood was collected in the Holy Grail.
Jesus died for Mankind's sins, he died so that we won't go to Hell.
He's the Son of God and his death brought a lot of tears.
They nailed him to the cross and impaled him with a spear.
He's the Son of God and in certain bibles, his words appear in red.
He was in agony as he was crucified and then sadly, he was dead.
He's the Son of God and he rose from his tomb after he died.
They couldn't end Christ's existence even though they tried.
He's the Son of God and he could resurrect the dead and make the blind see.
Because he's so wonderful, he means a lot to you and he means a lot to me.
Randy Johnson Jun 2015
You were always number one, never number two.
I'm your son and I was very fortunate to have you.
You cared more about others than you did for yourself and that is rare.
It took your death to show me how hard life can be and how unfair.
Because you chose to be a homemaker, I was able to spend much more time with you and that made me glad.
Because of you, I admire women who are homemakers and I don't care if that makes Feminists mad.
When people see me, they see a man who is proud to be your son.
You always came first in my life, you were always number one.
Dedicated to Agnes Johnson (1948-2013) who passed away on March 6, 2013.
Randy Johnson Jun 2015
A **** was set free even though he committed a crime.
The reason why he was set free was because I'm a Mime.
I was on the witness stand but because I'm a Mime, I wouldn't talk.
I take my job way too seriously and that was why that criminal walked.
Because I wouldn't testify, everybody in the courtroom started to yell.
The judge was so mad that he found me in contempt and put me in jail.
People are still angry because I wouldn't give my testimony.
My wife divorced me and now I have to pay her alimony.
If I hadn't taken my job so seriously, that criminal would be rotting in prison.
I'm going to get a new career because that's something that needs to be done.
This is a fictional poem.
Randy Johnson Jun 2015
My life would be so much better if you hadn't become sick and died.
You were a wonderful person because love was what you supplied.
My life would be so much better if you had gotten well.
But you died in the hospital and life became pure hell.
My life would be so much better if you were still around.
I wish I could still hear your voice because it was such a beautiful sound.
Dedicated to Agnes Johnson (1948-2013) who passed away on March 6, 2013.
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