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Hello Prolly May 2019
​​we live
​​in dreams
​​and fears
​​feeling hopeless
​​for not getting
​​what we desperately need
​​and we hardly know
​​other ways
​​to tell
​​They blame,
burning you

​​Listen to them,
​​and you'll see It.
​​Forgive them,
​​they don't mean it.
​​You blame yourself
burning too

​​Listen to yourself,
​​and you'll see It.
​​Forgive yourself,
​​you don't mean it.

​​so hopelessly in need,
​​being either
Them or You,

​​do feed the need
​​unless you need
not to live
Hello Prolly May 2019
The picture de la France
roads were walked
lollipops were smiled

The fields of greens and yellow straw
gave ‘selves up to a breeze
that was not a breeze

The abandoned lawns, old military tent
how come they've become
a shelter for the hearts and hand

The painting of such vivid colours
a smell of french cousine
make the memories a lucid dream

The french flair - a mere coulisse
Où nous avons fixé un mur
et nous avons fait l'amour

Maite zaitut
et maintenant, nous avons eu un amour
et maintenant, nous ne savons pas réparer le mur
Hello Prolly May 2019
why nobody’s taught us
the love we see is not a love?

why we are so keen on buying into
the love that’s a lie?

albeit love is, has wings,
is free and can fly
Hello Prolly May 2019
I don’t wanna be alone
wait for me
somewhere near the sheep

the sheep and her three
the sheep in the box
invisible to the eye

with love, unemphatically
in a good will shot
a headshot

hear me if survived
near, waiting there
dear, not to be alone
two cities, one sheep and few lil'ones
Hello Prolly May 2019
One hates oneself
for what
one has ever done

One hates oneself
for all
the never done

One even hates oneself
for fantasies
one might have not yet done

One hates oneself
for hating
all of it

But still calling it on
and on
unavoidably wanting it

The one is me
the one is you
come, break through
Go hate this to keep the vibe ;) Jokingly.
Hello Prolly May 2019
not allowed to see
not allowed to know
not to be told
in the rain
off pain closed door
I’d better be quiet
not to break in
not to hurt
just there patiently
close enough
reach for me
Hello Prolly Apr 2019
we run long miles
run them fast
to the point

we run north and south
wave the crowd
to show them

we run west
believe in east
to believe in

take the peace in rest
so I did almost
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