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 Jun 2015 Prathibha Pradosh
Became the voice
Of things
that could never
be spoken

Gave reason
To what is
and unimaginable

Fueled the desire
to incorporate love
Into the world
of literature

Told stories
Of thoughts
That only
speak of love

It is also because
of poetry
How she came
to understand
What is suffering
*and how sorrow feels like
Plant me and forget about me,
for I am an annual.
I will show up when you haven’t thought about me for a while.
You might remember what color I am,
or you might be surprised that
I’m in fact purple.
You’ll have to get back into the routine of tending to me.
And we’ll have to develop our relationship all over.
I’m merely a fling,
which you’ll go back to every single summer.
I lose my petals after October
and you simply can’t handle that.
You’ll find comfort inside
caring for an exotic cactus you bought in the Home Depot garden section.
Seeing you every day for four months is truly worth it
Remember me
Is what i told you
But you didnt
Waiting until
even i couldnt stick around
Too once was a beautiful place
Is now a mirage
With so much empty space
I was buried
No casket
In that place
As you watched them throw dirt endlessly
Too worried if your shoes were clean  Convinced this life is but a dream
And my answers lie
Somewhere over the
plant a seed down deep
it must die before it grows
but then it will rise
and be greater than ever
closest and strongest of all.
 Dec 2014 Prathibha Pradosh
I tried always
looking for her
searching for her
for only a trace
of her presence
in my life.

The evanescence
of her existence
always fading,
from my life.

my paths
crossed hers
but I lost her,
she eluded my sight
blinding darkness, no light
like the words
that elude
my quill
when I brood
in a pensive mood
I'm unable to write.

And when in loneliness
deprived of thoughts
I lay mindless
to sleep alone
and slowly flown
into the visions,
of my mind.

I try not to try trying
to look for her
but she
appears in full light
with all of her might
like a hyper realistic sketch
embroidered, engrained and etched
on the curtains of my mind.

her image comes alive
from a memory
her face of ivory
her lips of soft cotton
that I had forgotten
long ago
and now
she keeps coming
back to me
in the swirling carousel of dreams
and plays a motion picture
as I try not to think.

As I try not to think
words keep coming
back to me
and this verse flows freely.
 Nov 2014 Prathibha Pradosh
Don't create

You'll get
caught up
in your
own creation...

Learn to
remain in
with everything
around you*...
 Nov 2014 Prathibha Pradosh
How I wish I had two lives.
One to live to the fullest,
and the other to sleep away.
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