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 Sep 2018 Oliver
maybe you love her
even when you say you don’t
and maybe you miss her
in every way when you’re alone
but tell me why
when you hold me close,
for a second, i believe
you love me the most.
maybe I just want it too much.
 Sep 2018 Oliver
that moment when you realize
too many of your poems
share the same title
because you are
oops too late now
all my life
i've been preparing faces
to meet the faces that
i've met

the man who delivers newspapers
at our doorstep each morning

i've laughed at their silly jokes
as they tossed their heads from side to side
in naive stupidity and their sheer ignorance
a pompous lot, the human race i tell you

i've acknowledged their staunch morals
and tried to make them my own
as they scorned at the girl in a skimpy dress
and chewed on mutton bones gluttonously

all my life, i've been trying hard
to blend in
with people who've shown me
that i don't belong with them

and tonight when i shed gallons of tears
i have only my bed and pillow to share
i've learnt that my sadness
is my very own
just a sad girl writing to survive
 Sep 2018 Oliver
At last!
 Sep 2018 Oliver
From the first day I saw you
I knew you would be mine
I figured it would take time
I promised myself to wait

Those curves on your lips
Complements those on your hips
The sound of your voice
Is like Angels singing praises

Good things don't come easy
It took months to get a date with you
Cos you were always busy
I'm glad to say on this day
That you are now my Mrs.
 Sep 2018 Oliver
 Sep 2018 Oliver
I don't know if I ever want to have my poems
immortalized in a book, to sit on some shelf untouched
a reminder printed on blank pages; my love, and my pain
organized into pretty poetic arrangements for other's viewing pleasure
for strangers to know me that intimately on a level I barely understand
I can't comprehend--

my love, and my pain, indeed
the love I have is beautiful, and worth sharing with the world
but I dont know if I could immortalize the pain it has caused me to love so throughly
so completely have I given myself over to everything
followed the winding paths through heartache and back;
I would much rather forget them here, forget the past
cross the road when I get there I suppose
 Sep 2018 Oliver
believe me when i say
that these scars
are not a reminder of you
believe me, these scars
are a reminder
of how deep my love can be
these scars are not about you
 Sep 2018 Oliver
Darling, please,
Lay your head down
Even on my shoulder

Curl up nice and warm
Grab the blankets
And my arm

I'll fight the demons away
If only for tonight
You don't need to be strong

Your fight is over
The war has ended
Its time for me to save you

Close your eyes
I'll hold your head
It's time for you to rest
And let this all be forgotten.
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