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Peter Roads Aug 2016
Is there space in this system for new rules
Can we find them hiding behind old books
Some dusty office at the top of a pole
Bleak ivory with a view well known
to all of us, who have got what we want
Whose privileged breath breathes deep of high times
stuffed with all those norms and expectations
litigating obligations ignored,
ignored; yet enforced by free tyranny
of the individual, of ones rights
without the weight of responsible
judgement. NO, there is no space up here, NO
not for straighter rules or greater fools
though latter too many, former too few;
These old rules are crooked, like hind quarters
dragged up the long torrid stair to the top
held up by lofty ideals, righteous… no
We seem in these high places to have forgot
whyfore we came to be here or how rotten
we are, that rot set into the books, the rules
the shelves, the pages, the walls, the food
Into the words, the system, the wages
paid to those shoring up this modern day
Babel. No well-intentioned roads lead here
No one will choose to walk these ugly stairs
No one will come, those lonely inventions
Freedom, liberty, the individual
Let them gather and groan in old walls
Mildewed bricks and misted rattling bones
Left here forgotten by those living below
Seen from on high in this ivory tower
This pale tower where no one lives, no one.
Peter Roads Jul 2016
This crooked timber set deep in these bones
Oh, when the wind blows how they wail, they moan
“Such a fine day for this human design
to wither, to char”. Unpicked fruit on the vine
lingers in sight such a tempting insult
to all we once were, before this result
was tempered by the unyielding seasons
and bone branches creaking for numerous reasons
cling to hold fast, but cannot hold on;
they drop like the fruit, lost and forgotten.
The wind does not care for wind never stops
the branches still creak, still grow old, they still rot.
The winds it blows on, to be bent is to crack
The fruit doesn’t know this, never looks back
to where the wind came from, wind never creeps
but like deadened roots sunk deep in the creek
searches for stones that they mistook for seeds
not held in the murk, carried off on the breeze.
Forget seeds and fruit, leaves or trees under
which we now lie, feeding bones to the sky
The wind won’t uproot you, no earth can unshake
endless regret for on eggshells we quake
at the notion of another long day
trying to reach through the stars in our way
trying to feel for the warmth of the sun
for deep in these bones we know there is none
this crooked timber when set to the rack
will remind these bones there is no way back.
I'm not old yet, just not young anymore and on some days I feel it more than others... this was a day
Peter Roads Jul 2016
It is a sad, sad story
for the successes of the past do not fare to serve us in the present
the logic of the bully is a nationalist sigh of relief
and the arc of our world is divided by invisible lines that cross borders
but across which only poverty ****, recorded and scored, shall pass
when the successful liar is preferred to the lonely sage
are we not prepared to accept that which we serve
are we not prepared to eat from the plate we have earned
to sup on anarchistic attitudes, imbibe narcoleptic morality
then purge our selective brutality on the servers
for we have earned this, that which fell into our laps
a modern life made tolerable by the indictments of demagogues
for freedom’s a blight in the nightmares of demagogues
shopkeepers made frightful by the incitement of demagogues
we don’t need rights when we’ve the rightness of demagogues
we know they are liars, but are they successful liars?
we know they start fires so they can be better seen
presiding over the funereal pyre of our former freedom
some bishop of hate and self-interest raised up by our fear
to a pulpit of nations drawn low by wage slavery
to a podium impatient for their arrogant knavery
to a rostrum of hatred unsated by gross economic products
to a minbar frustrated by allegations and false prophets
It is a sad, sad story
for our past failures, our careless disregard will not serve us in the present
the logic of the bully is the demagogues rise to belief
we are weakest only when we are weak
and no backs will lift this burden but our own
A sad story indeed
Listening to speeches by 'Nye' Bevan on the NHS from the 1950s (UK) and his phrasing and passion led to reflection on modern political figures
Peter Roads Apr 2016
Men have searched, longing, lost, for generations
Since the first seed chased the sun
Aeons searching for those few simple words
Since the first tear from sky fell
Hearts hammered on the anvil of desire
Since the first dawn caressed a horizon
For no sweeter mystery can ever be
Since the first lip curved in joy
A simple phrase to bring her closer
Since the first note slunk from string
A sweet refrain to tempt her home
Since the first snake whispered of want
though home is ever a temporary embrace
Since the first rose was found wanting
I was just wondering why you’re here?
Peter Roads Mar 2016
Nothing shines up a halo faster than death
but in living we chase the last living breath
forgiveness is for those who draw in the air
those whose lungs are caked with mistakes
know nothing, only the living care they are there
no longer, what is buried or burnt cannot ache
not even the heart knows when it is too late
Peter Roads Mar 2016
I see your star
you left it
burning for me
so that the dark end
of the street glows
like a broken candle
in the window
there is
no paper lantern lighthouse
above these grease proof paper rocks
so we watch
as shabbily folded galaxies burn
echoing the path of virtual pencil tips
tracing the factory cumulus
corroding our senses
a production line of carbon
across no man's sky
no woman's neither
for we do not own
the open wound of a petroleum aurora
drawn across this
candle wax
atmospheric balance
sevety eight nitrogen
nineteen oxygen
nought point nine argon
tracing nought point one
It is a gross domestic heartbeat
a rain of elementary particles
into the veins
of an unnatural landscape

What reply can these resources make?
The dead metal
veins through stone
crack like bones
under drill bits
from the groaning ground
subsumed by grinding derricks
the sounds
from her veins
the sounds
a squinting look
telling stories
but in no language we know
we do not recognise
the wail of an angry child
in tantrum tornados
a crying coriolis deflecting
from the eye
watching calmly
as those concrete scabs
deny air to our lungs
ecosystems make room
not for trees
for high rise imprisonment
sea levels rising
they come
to wash mother clean
and where are we?
All we ever might have been
a blackhole
on a broken candle windowsill
where no one waits
For this distant beacon
has turned its face
from us
towards a lonely moon
now red with shame
we are welcome home
we are
I know
for here on this empty sill
a fragment of your still
glowing embers
in the ashtray I stole
from the pub
the night we met
such tangible self interest
makes meaningful
what I say
what I do
though I cannot stop
the angry wail
of a child born
in this anthropocentric chaos
of well seeming form
can I simplify the message more?

We are not special

we owe the earth
our vigilance
not our scorn

If not us then who
will take personal responsibility
for soothing
our mother

the sun turns
to blackness
we are consumed
in our own hunger
to the decline we choose
which will it be
the decline of life
the decline of energy use

our species can end
or it can soar

Choose wisely

Choose now


choose nothing
Peter Roads Feb 2016
I would like us to think about the assignation of blame.
A voice weighs a ton a stare takes a shape forlorn is the game
that we play alone so in conversation please consider
the nature of stones. Left prone they sleep but thrown at glass figures
they damage our home replete with possibilities we know
only a few outcomes what we know not is which way to go
let us end this conversation which has now gone one furlong
past the point of return, for we will never know who was wrong
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