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no let up from the scorching bat
the flogging is a bit too thick
where the fielder gets laid out flat
due to its fervent canning stick*

the flogging is a bit too thick
we've been struck by the boiling heat
due to its fervent canning stick
every day this is on the beat

we've been struck by the boiling heat
downed in a sixer's knocking hit
every day this is on the beat
which drains our energetic pit

downed in a sixer's knocking hit
due to its fervent canning stick
which drains our energetic pit
*the flogging is a bit too thick
Paul Butters Dec 2016
Yesterday morning I woke at 4AM again
And once more my mind got churning.
I juggled with some words in my head,
Composing free verse on how I write my poems.

I wondered whether I should grab a pad
And write.
Or even get on my laptop.
But I made myself go back to sleep,
Forgetting it all.

So here I am,
A day later at 10.30AM,
Pouring out these verses:
A sort of Stream of Consciousness.

No thought of structure
Or metre
Or rhyme.
Just emphasising certain words and phrases
By giving them separate verses
Of their own.

Something I learnt once
When reading a book in Pudsey Library
About how to teach kids to write poetry
An easy way.

Unfettered by considerations of metre or form,
You can express yourself freely,
As deep as you wish.

Just let your emotion
Or Philosophy
Run free.
Let your words cascade
Over those shiny pebbles.
Babbling along through winding willows,
To crash over waterfalls
In a crescendo of sound.

A stream that sparkles in the light
Of sun or moon (and stars),
Wafted by scents of abundant flowers
And sappy cut grass.
God's Grandeur radiating all around.

Paul Butters
As it says on the "tin"......
Hello Poetry is a blue place this calendar year*
for we have seen many a good poet disappear
their inspiring words not around to delight in
of this expression the site is somewhat thin

Hello Poetry has experienced a considerable loss
gone all of that imagery so beautiful in gloss
the colors they deftly painted faded as they left
which makes the heart feel palpably bereft

Hello Poetry members those of excellent ink
missing from our writing fellowship's rink
we'll not forget the contribution they made
as each one of them showed the finest parade

Hello Poetry our brothers and sisters of the quill
departed us with yet more stanzas to spill
their individual styles we'll not sight again
*truly a thought which is so downcast of refrain
Paul Butters Dec 2016
We seek The Purpose of Life,
Or just some Meaning;
A Philosophy,
As we stare through the formless mists of time.
Yet Existence simply Is,
As is Life:
Wondrous phenomenon
That happens.

We are taught to give each thing a function:
The wheel that rolls us on,
A pen which writes.
But Life is Life
Nothing more.
Generations take turns to live,
Passing on the baton.

Trying to breed ever greater Minds,
We yearn to be Immortal.
Studying those regenerating jellyfish,
The search is on
For The Fountain of Youth.

Yet maybe it’s time to stop trying
To make sense of it all.
Perhaps it’s time to spring into action,
And Get On With It.

Paul Butters
One of my "Philosophical" poems.
Paul Butters Dec 2016
As I said this time last year,
We likely get just one taste of life.
So why do we spend so many hours
Watching daytime TV,
Engaging in petty feuds,
Following football and other trivial things
(In my particular case).
Money worries and relationships,
Celebrity and “news”,
Such preoccupation with the mundane.

So I must turn my mind to higher peaks,
Wherever or whatever they may be.
Puzzle the Purpose
Find The Way,
Give life meaning.
Overcome that Seasonal Affective Disorder,
To brighten every day.

As we head towards The Spring,
Think on what joys that’s going to bring.

Paul Butters
Here we are again: THAT time of year...... Dedicated to MUM who passed away this day in 2013.
  Dec 2016 Paul Butters
Phantom Poet
I may not follow the religion,
But i love this festival,
It is celebrated in all region,
Beautiful decorations,
With the couple's if red and white,
And the festive celebrations,
The Christmas spirit,
Is one of a kind,
The time to exchange gift,
Little kids wait for Santa Clause,
But their plan has a flaw,
They fall asleep,
Next morning they run,
To the Christmas tree,
And sprawled below it,
Is gifts received from Santa... Free,
Families get together,
Happiness is in the air,
And its snows forever,
Setting up a Christmas tree,
Setting lights outside,
In the breeze,
The joy of Xmas,
Is beautiful,
And lovely
It's a little too early but i love Christmas
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