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 Jul 2015 Pam Weldon
SG Holter
Norwegian summer night.
She opens her guest room window and
Balcony door to

Give the scent of warm pine and
Sunstroked willow a free tour of her
Apartment on a welcome breeze.

I mute the TV, as she enters her bedroom  
Leaving me shirtless in shorts on her
Sofa, headphones nearly plugged into

My laptop when she requests a tuck-in,
Knowing that granting me the remains of
Her Saturday night sixpack means

She's going to bed alone.
I kiss her forehead goodnight. She steals
A bonus hug, wanting it to

Last until morning though it's
Futile. I bury my face in warm, soft
Neck. She

Releases hesitantly. Smiles.
She has bed. I have Johnny Cash and Chet
Baker, Alan Watts and Allen Ginsberg,

Beer, time, and a window of solitude.
"Silent" and "listen" are spelled with
The same letters.

My impairment is that I am a man.
I love her. And the aloneness that
A man can only obtain when

Even the loneliness has left him.
I can't feel my feet, unless she does what
She has learned to do;

Give me space. Space with the texture,
Colour and pattern of the
Blanket one tucks

The legs of someone
In a wheelchair, gesturing by it:

*I love your
Every single
 Jul 2015 Pam Weldon
raine cooper
tonight i drowned out the silence with the sound of your voice
i watched your hands touch the darkness & turn it into light
i felt your eyes burn holes down the curve of my spine
i tasted years of sadness in the warmth of your mouth
i felt love move inside me when your skin touched mine
please love,
don't ever stop
making me,
 Jul 2015 Pam Weldon
raine cooper
i dreamt you came for me
we turned our backs on this madness, got lost in the forest & fell together like autumn leaves
 Jul 2015 Pam Weldon
raine cooper
i don't know how to do anything other than love you
even when you're the storm
pushing away shelter
i will wait for you
when you bury yourself in sadness, i will ****** my fingers and dig you out
when you can't find your self belief
i will hold your hands and love you anyway
when your mind becomes a battlefield
i will bring a sword to fight your demons

i'll become silence when there is noise
i'll be an open palm when all you can do is close your fists
i will teach you how to speak when your heart has nothing to say
and one day,  
you will die with the knowledge,
that somebody loved you,
more than she loved herself
I dream of a place
Peaceful and safe
Nowhere to be found
In this filthy place
Darkness and evil
That lies in my face
For I really wish
To be there in your place

Oh where oh where
Have my dreams forsaken me
For I do not wish
To stay awake
The truth of this lie
Will never escape
For I've seen
The lies that slip away

So before
I close my eyes today
I pray
That I won't go astray
For this lies
I've seen won't go away
I hope
The truth will find it's way

@2014 Maman Screams
If only life could be certain
With a drop of a poet's ink
A freedom of speech taints
As the piling papers sink
Nothing was written
No eyewitness sinned  
Seeing is believing
And so they preach
Puzzles made seems so easy
A minor once plea
How could they be so foolish
When they're set out to deal
With a thousand and one possibility
To this puzzle
That I'm currently in

@2014 Maman Screams
Playing a game that fits for two,
I'll pick a card & you'll make your move.
Loving you couldn't be set by rules,
It wasn't a game when I said I love you.

©2013 Maman Screams

Repost from my old collections
Really love this short piece
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