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Her narrow path kept winding as she hummed along in tune
To a song no one else heard, except her lover on the moon.
She skipped and ran and often fell,
But never wondered why
Some creatures fly to heaven and some simply die.
She listened to the others but they never heard her speak.
She was brave in her convictions but they thought of her as weak.
She tried to wear a normal hat but found it way too tight,
So she spread her tangled tendriled hair and found herself in flight.
It's a very lovely planet and she left it much too soon.
And though no one seemed to notice...
There was crying on the moon.
I hear the names I'm called, I hear the disgusting comments they say about me do I do anything no why because I'm who IAM and I didn't choose this but I accepted who I was so what I love men, here's how I see it the reason you pick on others is because you haven't come  to terms of who the hell you are, you haven't accepted who you really are so really the joke is on you
 Mar 2015 Otherly One
There was a still darkness
seeping in through the car windows,
and we turned up the music
and we smoked six cigarettes
and we talked louder than we had to
and we laughed at things that weren't funny
and we drove passed your house,
eight or nine times
before we stepped out into it
We did all we could to keep it outside
but it was inside of us all along
so all the noise
was just noise
And all the movement
was just movement
And we knew that
as soon as we were alone
in our beds at home,
we would have to face it
And we were better at
than we were at
But there was an eerie,
sharp pain in
the backs of our calves,
through all the pretending,
that served as a reminder
that we couldn't talk forever
and we couldn't smoke forever
and we couldn't
drive to the ends of the earth
Not in your beat up two seater
But we just wanted
heat and closeness and music
We just wanted something
other than the darkness
to hold us
We could never hold ourselves,
We knew that
We weren't the kinds of people
who held themselves
But we were sick
of feeling like we were dreaming,
when we were wide awake
We were sick of feeling
like we were seeing the world
through a scratched,
and dusty lens
There was something growing in our bones
that we didn't know how to describe
It was a dull aching
that didn't come from the outside
And the thing that would eventually
drive us out of our minds
was that we never
really could find
a safe place to hide
 Mar 2015 Otherly One
Kalon R
You talk about selfishness all the time, well you thinking like this is selfish,
I need you to live.
enjoy YOUR life,
enjoy the life YOU share with others, enjoy every smile YOU bring,
enjoy every thought of love YOU give me,
enjoy every time YOU make your family happy,
enjoy the fact that if YOU go YOU will be missed,
enjoy the moment,
enjoy the thought of the future,
enjoy us,
enjoy the fact that YOU love someone, enjoy YOUR kind nature,
just like everyone else
enjoy yourself!

No Surrender!!!
title comes from Book Of Life, which is amazing
 Mar 2015 Otherly One
Miss E
They don't care
We're just a thing they stare
Big curves, no brains
They think we're all the same
What we think, what we believe
They will never care to see
Our names are simplified to babe
Our beauty becomes our face
Our ideas go to waste
Our work gets shut away
In our homes, no way to claim
The wages we deserve
Because we are just a thing
To tame
Until time continues to change
She was an angel
But I turned her into the devil
With my lies
With my carelessness
With my anger
With my hate

I set fire to a flower
And was shocked
When the flower
Fell in my lap
And set me on fire

All the flower needed
Was attention
And love
And effort
And everything I wasn't ready
To give
 Mar 2015 Otherly One
Daniel Jr
I am a man,
I feel no pain,
I am a man
with nothing to gain.
I am a man,
strong in my heart,
I am a man,
who is falling apart.
I am a man,
I must carry on.
I am a man,
but this war can't be won.
I am a man,
I can not quit.
I am a man,
but I can't handle this ****.
I am a man,
I am independent,
I am a man,
without my love I lament.
I am a man,
but deep down inside,
I am a boy,
with weaknesses to hide.
It may come as a surprise but just as society expects certain truths from women, it demands them from men. Men must be strong, and determined, and responsible, and we must hide our emotions or seem weak. The truth is that men can't always live up to these expectations. What happens when the world falls out from under us? We are expected to keep our composer and hide away our depression. This poem is more or less the thoughts that race through my mind, the battle between the side of me that wants to be a "man" and the side of me that needs help sometimes.
Once upon a time,
In a almost perfect world.
There was a girl.
She was happy.
She laughed and played
And smiled all day, with a lovable smile
And her sparkling eyes.
One day, i checked behind that cheerful smile,
That sat so sweetly, among her rosy cheeks.
It was real.
She was happy.
Then she entered reality.
         PLOT TWIST
Alice was no longer in wonderland.
Wonderland to reality.
Crazy insanity.
She kept her head down.
And forced her smile.
Soft, frightened whispers escaped her
Blood red lips as she spoke.
Dark, Dull Madness
Her genuine laugh lightened,
The sparkle in her eyes
Washed out
And was replaced
With pain and darkness.
She WAS happy.
Once upon a time.
first poem posted
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