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Maybe stars aren't meant to be reached. Maybe they are just there to guide you, to light up the darkness of the night.

They may not be beside you, but they are always with you, looking down, watching.

Maybe you are a star yourself.
A star that inspires.
So, keep your head up high, smile, and keep shining.
 Mar 2015 Otherly One
I got lost searching for your heart.
And I'm still wandering.
 Mar 2015 Otherly One
The bird has flown far far from home
where none will ever find her;
she left behest a vacant nest,
and crumbs as a reminder
of all the things her mighty wings
have borne of her creation,
and now she's gone to fly anon
and left a ruination

Far far from home the bird has flown
and time is ever fleeting,
a vacant nest she left behest
in silence of her beating
her mighty wings; of all the things,
she knows the sheer elation
to fly anon, and now she's gone
to seek her own salvation
 Mar 2015 Otherly One
You always listen to me
When I'm away
I only have
Breathing memories
Down my spine
Holding my hand
Like when you said
I need you
But I was too
To be true for you
Like slamming the brakes
When driving off
Instead of the gas
Creating writers block
Deep bass in my veins
I can't remember
Which one didn't say
Goodbye last
I guess we were
Suppose to return
To ash
as I
Drift into these pages
Like throwing rocks
At your windows
A shattered pain
Making you learn
To love again
Each time you drive
leaving me
At writers block
 Mar 2015 Otherly One
I have a message,
To all those out there
Who have been hurt, betrayed, and lied to
I say this once,
I’ll say it again
Stay strong,
Wait for tomorrow
A brighter day
A day that will arrive no matter what
But will you be there?
Yes, you will
Tomorrow will be the day
You smile, with all your heart
And laugh, with all your might
Be there, be happy
Show them,
Who you truly are
The strong, powerful and bright
The person they’ll regret
Throwing away
Like useless trash
Make them think
Make them want you back
And tell them,
This is a message,
Stay Strong.
Stay Strong, Love Again

— The End —