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LS Mar 2018
i was 7 when i learned
what a cemetery was
we were walking through
the number of headstones
with names and dates
written upon them

i asked my father
what this place was
he grabbed my hand
that felt so small in his
he looked down at me with his hazel eyes
and said
it's where people go
when their time with us is up

i looked around
at the dozens of stones
and asked
how many are there?
he said
i haven't counted
so i said
someone should
  Mar 2018 LS
vanessa ann
flatten your tongue
slip it between your teeth


your little lips
forming an elipsis


put them together
and may you declare
a word you’d so carefully deny—

you spell it out
on table tops
shout it
from the rooftops

and when cursed hands
seek to defile your shrine
may you exclaim
"i am mine"
for my precious friends with hearts too soft to say no. may you be a little more selfish.
LS Mar 2018
it's 12:13 A.M.
i'm sitting upright
in my bed
my fan is making the slightest buzzing noise
and yet
the silence is deafening

12:13 reminds me
of the time my best friend and i got into a fight
and she wouldn't even meet my eye
i opened my mouth so many times
but i never succeeded in saying
what i needed to
the silence
wrapped around my throat
and robbed me of all of my words

is like the time
my boyfriend told me
he would miss me
right after he said
he couldn't be with me anymore
i turned around and left
only when my words sunk into my toes
and the silence took over

reminds me of all the times
i should've said what i needed to
and how i shouldn't have
let the silence choke me
and take away all my words
when all i wanted to do
was say them
LS Mar 2018
today you looked at me and told me
to fall out of love with you
you laughed
you said i couldn't do it
that i couldn't
look you in the eye
and tell you

so i looked right into your deep brown eyes
that held a mischievous glint
and said clearly
"i don't love you anymore."
  Mar 2018 LS
Sarita Aditya Verma

Step I -⭐️
As you can see I have used a ⭐️above
(we can use any character/number /alphabet)

Step 2- use return key

Step 3- The poem in asterisk , which remains the same

Step 4- use return key

Step 5- again the character(⭐️) it could be anything

And there you get the poem in desired fonts .
I tried this in my drafts on Hp and yes it works .

Happy posting

Step1 ~

Step2  return key

Step 3 *poem*

Step4 return key

Step5 ~

Thanks Kim for giving the sun here .
I just so hope whatever I tried , should be of help to all my friends on HP.
It would bring me immense happiness if it works for you all.

My abilities in explaining is limited, I have tried putting the steps in notes too

We could use any of these signs ~ !  # .
I just hope it works for you my friends .
The devices that I have been using  are my iPad iPhone MacBook.
LS Mar 2018
you were in my dream
or more of a nightmare it seems
you stood there
with a sinister smile
and took a knife with a silver handle
and cut me
not just enough to break the skin
but to cut out parts of me
and hold them in your hands

you cut out my liver
and said i drank too much when you left
you cut out my lungs
because you said i can barley breathe
from how much i cry anyway
you cut out parts of my stomach
you said i never eat enough to fill it
you cut my heart out
and said you've seen too much of it

you dropped all of them to the floor
and they didn't even make a sound
you looked at me and laughed
and seemed almost proud

i stood there
nothing but bones and blood
looked at you
and said
"see what you've done?"
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