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  Jan 8 Nylee
Kurt Philip Behm
The trappings of
a Poet …
or being a Poet
They’re each something
remote and distinct
The tweed jacket
wood paneled
image deceiver
Lays claim to what
—enlightenment inks

(Dreamsleep: January, 2024)
  Jan 8 Nylee
Druzzayne Rika
It's funny to see you in business
Arming them to ****
Frowning, but sending them bills
Putting money bags in your account
Collecting wealth on shared misery
The very heart of this new age tragedy
It's always the same,
Building skyscrapers and bridges
With their ghostly blood on every brick
We know your bluff, your stanze
Looking down and away,
One more terrain in disarray
Your eyes on the next target
Starting fire on next oil.
  Jan 6 Nylee
when i got to the top of the staircase
i half-expected to see you there
leaning against the wall
with your hands in your pockets
but here you are
sitting in a chair,
in my imagination.
will be uploading more stuff i wrote back in December!
Nylee Jan 4
Grab my hand, barge in my fantasy land
Freak me in, freaked out me
It's like a convergence of parallel realities
Combined to be the one
Sunny side up, Moony side comes
Pacing with different lengths
Crossing roads, holding hands.
It's a plus score, to match wavelengths
Scheming and unscheming
Unscrewing and ******* up the plans
Now it is out of controlled ideology
what becomes of we.
  Jan 2 Nylee
Jayantee Khare
Sometimes good sometimes bad
Often make one sad

Sometimes fresh sometimes faint
A picture they paint

We hide or flaunt
But the past is bound to haunt

Make new or retake few
But the mood goes blue

We quit but revisit
Somewhere in heart they sit

All memories
are ongoing stories
  Jan 2 Nylee
I don’t want to be a princess.
I prefer to be a wall
or a shoulder
that some one can lean on
I don’t want to be spoiled
I want to
Get dirt on my clothes
Clean them
search more
fail more
know more
see everything
Try everything
I want to share the road
With some one
Running not carried
I want to look behind
And see MY footprints.
I want to be free
  Dec 2023 Nylee
Druzzayne Rika
Another attack, more bloodshed
humans are in peril
It's hard to see
terror spreading
Why in this century
this should continue
We have read history too many to know
What can happen
And what will be lost
And no one is happy with the ending
We are losing humanity
It is strongly upsetting
what should spread peace, continues to be the reason of divide
Why do people resort to violence
Bloodstain on their fingers.
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