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Nikos Kyriazis Nov 2018
Deep inside the wrinkles
of the Blue Mountains
Cold air sits upon
the primitives' throne

Inky echoes stroll the alleys
No living essence have ever
trespassed these halls

Sun's breathe becomes pale
as it touches the gloomy
foothills and crests  

Merely sprites wearing
mantles made of mist
dwell this mountainous region

Even rain seldom visits
to pierce the ghastly silence

Amidst the fog
forgotten tokens may hide
In riddles of old and
astral vague light
Nikos Kyriazis Nov 2018
Pathetic warrior...
Down to the meadow
of the valley you went

To fulfil the dire task
of thy nation and
cut the scarlet heads
of those foul lilies

You stand alone
provoking the mighty wind
into a single combact

Viewers of that requiem
are merely the mountains
and the streams
Who's the enemy of our nation?
Who's your enemy?
Why having an enemy at all?
Nikos Kyriazis Oct 2018
To enroll
for a new past
you cannot

The river
to flow opposite
none did it

Mere a future
scarcely arises

By perchance
the merciful
second glow?
Nikos Kyriazis Oct 2018
Then gazed the sky and he whispered
Foggy shades in a lavender void

Gloomy glimpse on a cumulus sigh
I'll grief with you my old father

And by dusk's last glow i shalt follow
Lo your son neath your stature he stands

Thou who rules in the heavens great court
A plea to you by your earthling

Your stairway i most desire now
Let me come in the ***** i borned

Days on earth are the true flames of hell
The inferno's tales you've narrated

The eternal night of my lineage
Now i regret what i've done then my God

Overdue are these words and through shame
For evermore i will serve you

And nevermore the foul serpent
Touch my hand and revive me once more
Nikos Kyriazis Oct 2018
What are you drinking sir?
Oh, inside this wooden mug
several things exist

Stalks from the flowers of rainbow
and some molten clouds of autumn

Petals from the maize shrubbery yonder
and some drops from youth's lunacy of course

All you need
for the upcoming winter
Nikos Kyriazis Oct 2018
What if rocks and dust
befell upon thee
Covering thy existence
with muddy grey and brown
I see that colourful flowers
keep you warm company
Never to be touched
by the bleak hands of death

Everlasting guardians
these lilies are
Armor and weapons
are merely their colour
lily flower tomb mere death colourful
Nikos Kyriazis Oct 2018
Drops are falling
Clocks are weeping
Hours are dying
Please let me go

Turn the pages
Hide your paces
Mourn our ages
Drifting alone

A nightingale's crooning
shall hear nevermore
A life has gone
nightingale clock hour drift life
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