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 Nov 2014 Neon lights
Poetic T
"I killed someone today"*
"I looked him in the eye"
"Put a gun to his head"
Fragments litter the cotton white floor,
"But was I sorry, did I regret"
What was done,
"Lets rewind a moment"
There we go, a little more,
It was meant to be frustrated,
With oneself, no other just me
But you can only
Is the most deafening of sounds,
Choices were thought, while looking
At that face, I should have ended it long ago,
But that was before, and know its
"To late"
I smiled when I put the gun to the forehead
Who's chicken now ******,
"I hesitated"
But then laughter spilled out,
AND ******* TOO....
Must have said it a couple of times,
Then with ease it locked back, one
Finger up in the air, one
Pulled the trigger, then  
Fragments litter the cotton white floor,
And I died  happy, that the voice
Never won, I had looked them
In the eye and ended this lie,
I died with a smile upon my face
And with in those moments of
I knew peace, the voices quietened and
I died  silent with a smile upon my face.
 Nov 2014 Neon lights
k o s m i k
i love you. i do, i really do. and i’m sorry if it freaks you out sometimes, but these feelings are so overwhelmingly strong that it shakes my whole system even after 2 am. i dream of you constantly and it horrifies me because they seem so real — as if i could still feel it, taste it, remember it like it happened yesterday.

i love you, and it’s scary to think that your words can break me anytime, any moment. i am vulnerable to you, and i think it’s both beautiful and sad how i easily & effortlessly gave it all up just so i could be with you. there’s just something — God knows what — that made me want to be with you even though i’m aware that you’re galaxies away from me.

i love you, and i love how i feel beautiful when you say that you are in love with me too. God, you are my favorite. i must admit that i have kissed & loved enough boys to know what brokenness truly feels like, but you mended me just like i’m something familiar, something you’ve been fixing your entire life. it’s a sick, mad world we’re living in, but you make it seem less agonizing whenever i hear you say those three words at 3 am, 4 pm, or 11 pm.

i’m in love with you, and it’s more intoxicating than the cigarettes and the alcohol i’ve taken in my whole life combined, and i don’t even want to be sober. you are the high even without the drug. you are the euphoria even without the ******* (beautiful) fireworks. you are the emotion even without the words.

i love you, and it’s okay if you can’t put it into words — how you feel — because even the silence i spend with you is enough to give me butterflies in my empty stomach. i don’t know what time it is, but it’s past midnight, and i’m still writing about you. i am a mess for and because of you, and my handwriting is proof. you shake my system even when you’re not there, and my dear, this is rare.

i love you dearly, with all honestly, and with all faithfulness. and i can’t help but think about you, every **** day. you’re both my drug and my antidote. my poem. my sunlight, my stars. my soul.

and i hope you love me too, as much as i love you.
I can hear your back crack,
in the dark.
Removing your underwear
with chewed fingernails:
You softly ask
if we can share scar tissue
and if I'll stay
despite every issue.

You try to kick the covers
off of our bed,
and ask if we can share the thoughts
buzzing inside of your head.

When insomnia erases your eyes
and disease steals your brain:
You inhale ways to die,
because you still dream
but it's not the same.

I can hear the static in your skull.
I know why you keep
the kitchen knives dull.
You pull on my fingers
so I don't forget you.
You cry on the pillows
and hope I like romance too.

I kiss your temple
during each thunderstorm.
I read you books in bed,
because your eyes are worn.
I put my ear to your chest
because I want you to see
that the air you breathe
means everything to me.
 Nov 2014 Neon lights
 Nov 2014 Neon lights
saw through me
as if i was transparent
and watched my hollow heart
beat,  attempting to match  your
rhythm but changed pulse ever so
slightly the second i was almost
close enough so i ****** my
skin and  bones  for  being
built of cellophane and
bit my cheeks and
blood for
you didn't
love me when you
should have, i built walls
around my ghostly body just high
enough to keep you out, then watched
you burn them down and dance in the ashes.
 Oct 2014 Neon lights
I've always been told
That you should never let go
Of a person
Who can see the sadness
Behind your smile
And hear your screams
When you are silent

Three years it has been
Since I was introduced
To a person
Who rapidly became
My other half,
My panda child,
My best friend.
Up until then,
I was forever surrounded
By small talk
And friends without meaning

Through all the
She had been there
Along with
All the petty
Events inbetween
I know
In my coffee
Scented soul
That she will
Continue to do so
For a very,
Long time.

And one day,
She is going to arrive home
To a place and a person
She loves
And then she will understand
That dying
Isn't necessary
In order to
Go to heaven.
If a boy ever
Borrows her heart
And returns it infected
I will personally
What's left
Of his sad
Knowing her,
She will give him everything
And he **** well
Better do the same.

Brooke Roman,
You are beautiful
And I hope you enjoy this poem
That doesn't really make much sense
I thought it was necessary
You mean the world to me
I would not be here
If you had not come
And saved me
You can truly say
You appreciate beauty
You've continously stopped
To pick up the pieces
Of my insecurities
That self-identify
To a beer bottle
Smashed onto a rock
Probably by my father

You are perfect
I love you
More than I love coffee
And pizza
And that's saying something.
Words cannot describe my love for her, but I had to at least attempt a poem.
 Oct 2014 Neon lights
The sea, endless, magnificent blue
Reminds me of your deep swirling eyes
Looking at me with mischievous love
Reflecting the big, open skies

The stars of the dark night
Remind me of the scars dotted on your skin
Painting your body in loose touches
Polaroids of everywhere you've been

The Sun, in its bright glory
Reminds me of your smile
Radiating, powerful, from cheek to cheek
Sadly, I haven't seen it in a while.

And finally, I must say, my love
I realize, as I finish this verse
Before, I saw the universe in you
*Now, I see you in the universe
I don't know but yeah.
 Oct 2014 Neon lights
 Oct 2014 Neon lights
As her fingertips brushed through the fragile pages;
familiar notes of handwriting flit onto her lips, then her ears. She could almost hear his voice again.
The thin, ribboned memories sweetly tie themselves into the hollow spaces. The one on the left side of her wrist, the little corner behind the eye socket.

And especially, the ones where she holds her breath, hoping her very heartbeat would be enough.

Enough rhyme & reason to stay here.
Please, stay.
This is for you.
Yes, you.
blow your trumpet in my ear
so I may hear
the rise of lilies
Marching down my throat

Naked ladies and daffodils
King proteas and petunias
Spinach, celery and rocket

For the venus fly-trap has lost her teeth
in semi-nation feasting --

My gut is a gaza-strip:
holier than seven maries
times eleven matzot, squared

Who would raise the dandelion and the khaki-bos,
Who would shield the cornflower and the joseph's coat
in semi-nation trepidation

My gut is a gaza-strip
My nerves: a dead sea . . .

But Gabriel,
blow your trumpet in my ear again
so I can see
the significance of shattering

14 August, 2014
 Oct 2014 Neon lights
Plastered wet t-shirts against bare skin, sun-shine evaporates H2O into transparent bubbles of ecstasy.

Bruised tailbones from

                                             f a
it­'s just your heart giving way to gravity.

Let it.
Hello there lovely!
Man, have I MISSED writing. I hope you all are well.
Whatever it is, chin up and go go go!
You can do this.
I got some news for you, you and you,
a) I just did my Biology Final today.
b) I got told that I attained the position of Vice-Captain in my high school!
c) Taylor Swift's 1989 album. Sigh. *fangirls*
Good morning, Good Afternoon or Good night & Sweet dreams, where-ever you are!
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