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I S A A C Jul 2022
my blindness causing me strife
never committed to being right
but never committed to being wrong either
just trucking along the beaten path
I didn't know there were fires birthed in my wake
I didn't know for goodness sake
I would not be the bad guy, even if it were my fault
but ignorance is bliss at the top
water the burnt fields, open my eyes to the real
could you open my eyes?
for real
I S A A C Jun 2022
producing buckets on buckets of mucus
in my bed being useless
Wondering why i am so **** useless?
my brain won’t work, my body is disconnected
not even sure what I am representing??
Who am I repping, too busy tripping?
both ways, on the via rail today
thinking of the things i say
Was that me, am i too deep?
shallowness is not appealing to me
rather dive into mysteries
you like that i am an enigma
curated chaos charisma
you like that i am an enigma
surfing on tsunamis, dissolving sigma
I S A A C ?
I S A A C the enigma
I S A A C Jun 2022
clean fit, ***** city
manz gripping the waist because i’m too pretty
breaking it down on Yonge street
breaking it down for the young me
that had to hide, inner child suicide
now i surf the waves and follow the tides
imagining what it would be like
to be a son of skyscrapers
imagining what it could be like
if i left my nest i’ve built
home is where the heart is
but where is mine
i think i found it in the rainbow
I S A A C Jun 2022
always thought a man was what i needed
thought that there was reason
why, after how hard I tried
love kept declining, defying my expectations
moving in and out of happy places
but i found something
watered my seeds, watched them grow into trees
now i revel in the sweetness of its berries
i dont need a man, i dont even think i want one
art is my soulmate, time is no longer my weakness
bite into life’s big peaches
no need for men in my reach
art is my soulmate, my vibe is Venus
I S A A C Jun 2022
earthquakes, heart breaks, slow like a turtle
trying to birth my new era but i am not fertile
all in divine timing i guess
what is holding me back, my stress, my ex, is my best not good enough
what is holding back my blessings, my lessons, is it that my heart is scuffed
what do i even want, been way too long
since i asked myself to be honest, everything has been a performance
who would i be if i was fearless
what would i be like if i was endearing
wonder what the core essence of me is, my scent riding the breezes
people are recognizing me, my anxiety recognizes me
a recipe for brain-fog, get up for a morning jog
to sweat out all of my venom, to restart my system
cultivate and reinstate my Wisdom
I S A A C Jun 2022
the one who cuts us, we become
spew the same venom, too numb
to reflect, reject, the rejection
instead harness the sweetness
that grew bigger and bitter
burdens piling on top of each other, stressing out each other
cats in cars, birds in caves
displaced, misplaced, disrespectful space
where is the worldly womb
too tired of this white room
100 nights awake in this room
100 nights without you
I S A A C Jun 2022
my guard dropped when i fell into your heart
at the heart and crown orange lit bar
its been a minute since i’ve been so inhibited
revisiting the pools of pleasure i used to dip into
wanna get to know exactly what you are into
kisses underneath the full moon?
kisses as Dont Start Believing is chanted through the room
its serendipitous how you are here
perfect timing for my perfect poison
don’t let it be a one night thing
you plus me got to equal something
lets be something
tired of nothings
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