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 Oct 2014 Elijah Almond
"How do you keep so unattatched?"*

What do you mean?
I hear this question so much.
I guess you just dont see.

I'm not holding back
Or doing anything
I just don't know how
To hold onto anything

I never had a home
Or any long term friends
Letting go is manditory
Everything ends

This isn't a good thing
I don't know how to love
Don't try to be me
It hurts. It's numb

I'd rather be attatched
Sown at the hip
Helplessly heartbroken
Longing for your lips

Instead i despise you
For latching on so tight
I just want to run
I know that isn't right

So don't ask me that again
There's no special trick
If i could love i would
If only i could stick
An explanation
 Oct 2014 Elijah Almond
I believe
That writers are
So brave
Because each time
They start writing
Blotting ink onto
Their paper
Frustratingly typing on
Their laptop
They rip their heart out
Of their chest
And show the world
What it's made of.
I can be your support,
your shoulder,
your soul mate.

I can be your friend,
your fling,
your fantasy.

And more,

I can be your lover.

But I can't,
Because you don't allow me to.
 Oct 2014 Elijah Almond
The bath water
is the colour of my eyes;
yet, I don't know
which is wetter.
As we cocoon ourselves
We insulate life
That we love most
From the affection of our desire ...

The white rose
Of Aries
So beautiful to behold
The evil of destruction
Comes so bold ...

Trust on one another
Is so important
To do or die
Or cry ...

It’s a rare and precious time
To realize what we have gained
Not only love and friendship
But completeness of our souls ...

As the Story goes
They say when we are writing our words
The words we only see
When in truth we see it all ...

Seeing them again
Knowing they have that something special
We can’t help but see the stranger
That we have become ...*

Debbie Brooks 2014
What have we become?
 Oct 2014 Elijah Almond
Silence is not keeping quiet
because you have nothing
to say...

Silence is having a lot
to say but no desire
to speak...
 Oct 2014 Elijah Almond
There is no smoke
without fire...

Why does the worst
smoke spew when
the fire is put out*...
How little changes
Can bring about
A great divide

Our humor was in sync
I don't recognize you at all

I know we grow
and change
I never thought
I would find
Your humor so repulsive

Queer even
How little changes
Can bring about
A great divide

As I ponder
This chasm
That has opened
Between us
I feel my heart
Well, maybe just a little
Sad by changes I see in one I love
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