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She lives in
a Faery Tale World
Odd from conception
She never quite fit in
Flawed and damage
Her parents sought
Others more perfect than she
So she lost herself in Faery Tales
and tried to live her life
like a romance novel
Always knights,
Too many knights
And well maybe not so shiny
Dragons, Griffins, and Unicorns
Yes, these were always
part of her dreams
Now the years
have gone by
but still
Like Delta Dawn
She wears her faded rose
Looking for a love
Looking for an acceptance
that maybe,
that maybe...
Can only be found
in Faery Tales
and Romance novels
Always on the outside
Always looking in
Always wondering
Why or what it is
that is so unacceptable about her
Even she thinks she 's odd
Her head up in the clouds
Searching for something....
Making impossible demands
Living in her Faery Tale Land
Living on the outskirts of reality
She's an Echo,
A Shadow of something
not quite real
She just a Faery Tale Myth
Real, but not....
Sad to think I live in sandcastles in the air
Words have power
They can reveal
our desires
They can be weapons
that tear another down
They can bring joy
and lift another's spirit
They can be used
to form laws
and bring justice
They can spread love
build empires
bring forth destruction
So choose your words wisely
Words have power
 Oct 2014 Elijah Almond

Your love is the virus
I hope to catch everyday
 Oct 2014 Elijah Almond
Just Melz
Nature has no poverty, wanton destruction or hatred
For she is nature
Man rips out the beating heart
With every saw cut and bite of Axe
With ever searing brand
That lights the fire of mans destruction

Humans, with their materialistic ways
Slowly draining away my beauty
It's almost the end of my days
Can't they see,
What every flower, river and tree,
Means to me?
I'm the mother of all nature
And my loves flows pure
But soon my love for life
Will no longer endure

You are the rain forest
The beating heart of life
And yet how long can you take the wounds
Caused by my lust and greed
Your heart, your beaten bleeding heart
For every drop of your precious blood
Humanity must die

You purposely destroy me
Use me
Cut out my heart, bleed me dry
Leaving me bare
Then walk away as I cry
Without a care
This is not new to me
Been happening for centuries
I think I've had enough now
I'm bringing a flood to watch you drown
Then a hurricane to bury you underground

Nature was placed here to serve me
You are neither master nor lord
And you serve in humility for the betterment of man
But I, I'VE
Chosen to use and abuse what you offer
It's not for me, the delicate surgeons cut
More the slash and hack
Of the untrained butcher
Me, oh me who drains the life blood from this earth

You deserve no more of what I can offer,
I will rain hail of fury upon my precious ground
Simply to watch you suffer
With all living things, I'm naturally bound
But I will destroy the soul of me
Just to watch you die with no mercy
You will fear me
Bow down to me
Respect me
Care for me
Or you WILL all DIE in misery
Maybe next time, humanity,
You will choose how you treat me more carefully.
Wow, Joe Cole!
What. An. Amazing. Experience!
I truly feel blessed he'd want to collaborate with me.
Hope you all enjoy mother nature's wrath.
Deep in a cavern there lived a troll
Who coveted the light instead of gold
He lurked in the darkness behind the trees
Searching for light in all he could see
He thought that he'd discovered the light years ago
But his pixie girl said that she had to go
So this time he's waiting until he's sure
This time his light must have more to allure
Beauty and grace but mostly a soul
To bring the warmth of love to the troll
Each lady that passed he took to his lair
To see if more than her face was fair
But each one was lacking so after each pillage
He returned the vapid girls to their village
But one day a lady from a far away place
Walked by on the trail near his hiding place
He almost let her pass him by
Sure she'd be like the others he'd tried
But something inside forced his hand to reach out
He dragged her to his cave with a shout
She smiled because how could the troll know
That she'd been a troll not long ago
They talked and they laughed, the troll taking it slow
Deep inside he felt his heart start to glow
As he realized her elegance was partly a show
And that their hearts beat in perfect time with each other
Finally he took her as his lover
He felt himself going through a transformation
He no longer felt like his fate was damnation
He held the girl close and looked in her eyes
What he saw reflected was a surprise
No longer a troll, but a prince with red hair
He knew it was time to abandon his lair
The lady and prince emerged into the night
They walked hand in hand beneath the moonlight
He told her she'd saved him but she smiled and claimed
That he was the one who'd loosened her chains
My first attempt at a story-poem...inspired by a poem by Xan Abyss
 Oct 2014 Elijah Almond

Wept this dream, my thoughts they fill
Take me from this weary place
Where darkness screams a painful chill
In torment of the mind does trace

I wait here thick of splintered thorn
My tears they fall upon the seed
In hopes the bloom of perfect dawn
Will light the way of what I need

My hands are sore of calloused fear
Scars my skin they carve a line
Neath bramble branch of broken cheer
A breast of this near mortal time

Your hand I long of feathered feel
So soft the touch, my heart does wane
These eyes, a love to then reveal
Within your arms, ignite the flame

Lift me for my body weak
Desires but the breath of you
To breathe within this soul I seek
Allowing dreams to mend the true

Or shall I die alone this eve
Beyond the moon of wicked glow
Lost of every captured dream
And nothing more I need to know
When there, atop, a shadowed form
With torch in hand of flickered fire
Eyes so wide to fend the storm
I reach for her which I desire

Upon my brow a single kiss
Of angel wings in silken twine
“Arise” a voice, melodic bliss
“I’ve come, my love, to make you mine”

The sun appears on eastern shore
As flowers bloom in petal’d faire
Of wishes I do cast once more
My fortune now to find you there

“Come, let’s dream, let’s dream as one”
You sing to me harmonic voice
“And fall in love till time is done”
My heart has only but one choice

We leave this place of fractured doubt
My hand in yours, my life the same
A feeling but the need to shout
Dear heavens, thank you once again

For I was lost, a wilted soul
Alone of this and every breath
Of counted stars to take their toll
Awaiting but my coming death

And now my world has filled the brim
With love I find so deep inside
My dream is you, has always been
No longer do I run and hide

So now we dream, we dream as one
Such beauty does my life exceed
Perfection to my sight has come
Sweet angel, all I’ll ever need
Epic = Way too long...sorry
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