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morallygray Aug 2022
Grace my presence
Give way in a field of flowers
Allow me to carry you
A kiss whilst spinning
Just like the movies
The sweat betwixt our hands
The petrichor from the rain
Lest we grow apart
Don't let go
morallygray Feb 6
come to me cats and dog
in the meadow you all roam
Leah, I watched you take your last breath
And the winter air froze my tears
The moon shined on you and made you glimmer
and through it your soul rose
The moon was half dark as it was light
like you and your sister
and a star placed too perfectly at your side
which I believe was your brother

and God gave me a chance to look at all of you one last time

Run kids and don't look back

I'll be right behind you
Rocky, Leah, Molly (Mojang).

I love you 3 all so much, roam free in Heaven.
morallygray May 2019
I hit a deer, its blood drying on me
It wept and cried in agony
It was my fault
I cried with it
I had to do what i took away from it
I had to be strong and live on
I gripped its neck in my hands and twisted it
The twist ended all sadness.
The deer was to be hunted anyways
I think i did it a favor, this world is cruel to deers.
morallygray Apr 2020
As quickly as the first is whisked away
The second was too far to begin with
There has now been far too many to count
I stopped after the first
They seem the same after a while
Like a stack of rocks on a log
I stack them
morallygray Aug 2023
A brand new Lego set is splayed on the floor.
Fluttering pages threaten calloused fingers as the reader flips through pages.
The loose pieces clink together as delicate hands sift through them.
The bright colors flash and blend together in the pile.
Piece by piece the two finish their structure.
Though some pieces are missing, and some are out of place, the structure is beautiful, and they are content.
As it's lifted to its final place, one of the hands slip, and the structure falls to the floor.
It crumbles apart.
For a moment, the builders hold each other, then one speaks to the other.
"That's okay. They're meant to be put together again."
entirely written by her
morallygray Sep 2022
May we draw a dream
A photo in a field
Can we share what we've seen
And your love I may wield
Perhaps a game where we die
A picnic where we say nothing
We can let our pet birds fly
Just give me something
morallygray Aug 2023
I feel desire
A desire so strong and papable amidst the futility
Like a search party for a child everyone knows is gone
A seemingly juxtaposed love affair between a rat and a coyote
A tethering feeling with no slack in its shackles
O, my dearest, trap me not alike fortunado
For I have not wronged you
morallygray Oct 2024
women views words like currency
where hurt is the apex of money
and the love and camaraderie
one a prisoner searches for in the cracks of his walls
is just a vehicle for the softening of the shell
one they've erected
after one too many 'you're my diamond"
when they're just feeling the pressure of one
well my words are gold, woman
and I tell you
you were born gilded
impervious to these poison laden speeches
where you were taught to hate your fellow girl
and to die for the man who kills you
they may speak all they want
but you will stand bold and ironclad with closed mouth
saving your last word for a rainy day
morallygray Jun 2024
I want to taste the flavor her words again
Where she spoke sweet and left something sour in word
And it was salt in the wound and acid in the cut
She was my obesity
Now, I am half the man I used to be.
I was bored
morallygray Jun 2024
Caught you hiding in the little things
Like the written word
From that you cannot run
The crumbled letter once written so cold
now sits, smoldering at the depth of a trash can
and you lay there, smoke in nostrils and eyes watering
Until the brimstone and ash beckons
And you dig your hand into the refuse and waste
Pulling out the fire to ease the tears and cacophony
Only for it to wither in your hands
And you will lay there again
Eyes clear and white like lily of the valley
With vacant lungs and a yearnful demeanor
Wishing the burn would go away
It's hot today
morallygray Sep 2019
Into my heart, an arrow
On your back, the quiver.
morallygray Apr 2019
I want to die here
With you
Your dead body in my arms
Wrapped like my little mummy
I look into your empty eye sockets
I drop a tear into them
You do not say a word
We shall become one with the earthworms
morallygray Sep 2023
love, torture filled yet beauteous

reminiscent of flora emerging from ash after a forest fire

like a waning gibbous projecting yin and yang we too were light and dark

I have still not seen the stars but your words of them carry me there
morallygray Aug 2022
Do you ever wonder
The answer to a question
That your brain knows
But your heart ignores
morallygray Dec 2019
We lay together amongst the earth
Gazing at what seems unobtainable
I am in awe
The light that may not even be there
Oh it is so hot
I am grounded again
By the star that sits next to me
morallygray Feb 2019
ribs exposed
mirrored full image
abandoned health
Wasting away waist
to say a goodbye
to both people
and food
you can cure darkness
but it won't stop it
from invading my body again
morallygray May 2023
This eyeballs
It pursues you
It bores its tendrils deep beyond any dermal capacity
No matter if a jaunt, stride, or sprint
It is (in) the second person
Can you see yourself?
morallygray May 2024
I long to be an old woman
Fingers stricken by wrinkles and skin memory of past love
I want to gaze longingly into the Miamian sunset and ponder on missed chances
I want to make cheesecake a long forgotten friend i venture back to with fondness every fortnight or so
I want to fall into trivialities like bingo or muffin making
To die beach side and ancient so that blood memory awakens
And with my last breath ecstasy implodes and i become the last generation again
The clock isn't real
Its digits are manmade
And with it comes functionality like we are predestined to coup against
I will be your old lady
And you will be that soft, young ear that my razor blade lined drivel will fall against
I'm an old lady traversing every fathom of God's needlessly confusing, dystopian wasteland we refer to as "home". I wrote this after watching the Golden Girls.
morallygray Apr 2024
Springtime comes and we are still cold
Where you wave flowers in lieu of my hands
Chrysanthemums are my favorite
In them lie hidden a poison veiled by colors and patterns
But you didn't know
They were dead before my fingers connected
She loves me, she loves me too much i say as pick the dead petals
Before they were all gone and my breath to the wind
The angel on my shoulder is ignoring me and the devil is on vacation
and its just me
all alone with my vices and stonewall demeanor
tall as the shadow of the tree i hide under
and you are so high up
breathing in mountain air and living
As above so below it hurts
miles above me and yet you dont look down on me
Instead you extend a hand down
And i kept getting lower and lower
Until your arm reached its limit
And i peel my skin off trying to find the reason
the chronic ennui and morose feeling juxtaposed with your canyon length smile
To realize I am no more a man the more layers are gone
just getting closer inside to the boy who never healed
You never saw all the times i wanted to cry
to wail and scream and tell you what was killing me
the poison in me for so long
i tried to keep it contained
only for it to spread like wildfire
Why did it take you dying for me to love you?
morallygray Jul 2022
A whisper almost silent
Grazes across the breadth of my face
Your aura pierces me
I stick my arm into your chest
I feel for your soul
I grab your life in my hand
I rip it from you
It slips from my hand like sand
I can never pick up every grain
morallygray Dec 2024
A kiss goodbye has many things in-between
Like when I call you back ten paces out for another
I always find a way to keep you there for another farewell
I will always have another goodbye in me for you
So much so you'll feel as if you never had to go
Sorry for using "another" so much. It just felt right.
morallygray Feb 2019
A field of roses
Where we walked
The sun beaming off your face
Tender and delightful

I visit that same field of roses
Only now it is I who walks them
The sun beaming off my tears drops
In pain and dying

You were my rose
My reason for getting up and walking
My sunshine and light
But now you are my rock, so deep in the ground.
morallygray Sep 2021
Can you feel the heat
That radiated off you
That followed you
As you left
It slowly died
With every step you took
Away from me
morallygray Aug 2022
If ever struck with the frigid end
I hope we may meet again
If not by fate then by chance
And may you run to me
In this field of flora
Never to worry again
You and I
Till our end's end
morallygray Dec 2020
The hell that so many say awaits us
Is right at our feet
We survive it everyday
morallygray Sep 2019
I see a butterfly emerging from a cocoon
Struggling to fly
I know somewhere, someone is watching me
that butterfly that is struggling to fly
Every down hill for you is an uphill for someone else
morallygray Jul 2019
Give way, and let fall what has been held
I will be there to grab
To embrace
Whatever it is
I will be the dam
morallygray Jul 2019
You meet me
I steal from you
What I stole is now part of me
You will forever be with me
morallygray Oct 2024
I don't even know who I write to anymore
do I hope you'll stumble across my work
that you'll tell yourself "just one more line" again and again
And when you reach the end you'll read again
until there's nothing left to find
and you'll sob and tears will distort the screen
you'll wipe them away and forget all about this
morallygray Feb 2019
I miss all of those who I have forgotten
All those friends I left at the age of 12
Their young faces cemented in my memory; that is all I will remember of them

As I grow older
My thoughts get younger
Fleeting time equals new found regret
My knees fail and my face sags

I will become just a statistic
I will be an ignored grandfather in a retirement home
I will be another cloud soldier with no name
I think I am OK with that.
morallygray Mar 2019
I miss my father
He's not dead, but it seems like he is
Doesn't talk
At least not to me
Where'd you go dad?
I know I couldn't be all the son you wanted
But I tried
I know we tend to forget about dads
But from the bottom of my heart I wanted to say

I love you, dad.
morallygray Sep 2021
When I stepped into your room
On your bed where we used to love
It took everything I had to not cry
A hand covering below my eyes
To not let you see the emotion fall
Along my face
So devoid of anything
I'm sorry I left without a word
Don't be scared to make a mistake, you'll feel better knowing you tried
morallygray Feb 2019
In a hole playing with toy guns
Childhood caressing me
In a hole wielding a shovel
Adulthood killing me
In a hole where I am pale
Death saving me
morallygray Sep 2019
Awaken I did to fleeting darkness bellowing from the sky
On the wrong side of the bed I fell off onto the floor
Dazed, I decided to go back to sleep
I woke up on the wrong side of the floor.
I'm getting too old for this ****.
morallygray Mar 2019
A profound knowledge for chess
Nearly unparalleled in talent
Beat the many odds against him
But oh so alone, to practice all day and night
Deemed insane and a hermit
Forgotten by many
You can win a many times, but once you stop
You're forever labeled, a loser.
morallygray Sep 2019
I do not think of you with love
No, you are the deadly sin
I think about you and when we touched
Not when we laughed
Lust not love.
To feel your hands dig into my back
Was better than any kiss you ever gave me.
morallygray Jul 2022
Under the threshold is the water of the abyss
I worry I may drown at times
morallygray Nov 2020
A tiny Midwestern boy
The hay in his pocket at the corn maze
Grown by the ways of pine trees and baseball practice
With his only motivation that things will get worse
morallygray Oct 2019
I had a dream
I sat on a rock with a girl, i could not see her face
She told me she'd meet me there again
We always missed each other
She'd sketch little drawings for me on the rock
I knew it had to be you
I saw you in the dream, sat with you
Another girl walked in and said
"Did you like what i did with our place"
I knew then I was meant
To let you go
morallygray Jan 2022
While your body leaves
I can feel that your soul remains
And with it my mind
Like the two lovers we could never be
morallygray Aug 2021
We often start a poem with you or I
Sometimes unintentionally
It just goes to show
How much the soul needs another person
morallygray Apr 2023
A balance beam
the edge of the sidewalk

Excavator escapades
the sandpit

Sundry scenes eclipsing face
Mom's cooking

Turn around
morallygray Jun 2023
I miss the analog sounds of the controller

I miss the overlapping sounds of footsteps amongst the sticks and leaves

I miss the sonorous sounds of a reel being cast into shallow water draped in ripples

I miss soviet style ballet dancing amidst the arguments in the kitchen

I miss the back pain from letting you have the nice side of the bed

I miss letting the love **** me
morallygray Jun 2022
Each turn a reflection of the last
All too familiar
When will you realize
Your deja vu is just redundancy
morallygray May 2024
Let it be know I let sand fall through each crevice
And when you watch it all fall
You don't count the grains until about 10 left
I count it like seconds
As the texture slowly leaves my nerves like a girl you hate (love)
Those with cancer, suicidal ideation and a beautiful wife
Become aware of their fleeting beaches too late
So they make snow angels in it
Slowly sinking beneath instead of standing up
And the sand awaits the next eager, quasi-benevolent boy
It is a line to the beach, I check my ticket number
morallygray Dec 2024
Sight: Her salmon pink skin on her sage green dress
Caught my eye every time

Touch: The way her warmth flowed to me
Made me feel fire once more

Scent: Her 5 dollar cotton candy perfume
Lifted me from my feet like a pie window side

Taste: The bitter lemon chicken we had cooked
Rested on her lips when I came back for seconds

Hearing: When she'd sing, my god her voice
Was better than every song I did and didn't hear

So much so, I had forgotten my sixth sense
morallygray Jan 16
there she stood as a mighty redwood
so tall and ancient
only to be fell
laid there so harmless
and they will strip her bare
she will be your furniture
your house
your toothpicks
and you will/do not think of her
only what she could be for you
morallygray Oct 2019
Carry me with your waves
I cannot separate thoughts from it
Your exterior
I bite into it, that's where the addiction lies
Creo que sientes lo mismo
Even your aches I think of every aching moment
This is the devil, but i am done with heaven
morallygray May 2019
To examine the feeling of love is difficult
I do not wish to share the same
My curiosity perseveres
I will not cry for you
My hugs will be that of a mannequin
You may wrap me in flowers
But I will sleep soundly

morallygray Jan 28
When we'd step into Virginia Kendell
And the breeze came through
It flowed to your hair and you were godly
I just smiled and you asked why
I said nothing but that you were pretty
But in truth
you were the morning dew drop
on a cherry blossom in early spring
And that's where we've stayed since 2016
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