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I'm in pain,
You broke me.

Upon my eyes-

You smiled,
You laugh,
You left.

Looked at a text,
And never turned back.

You screamed at me,
You called me annoying,
You walked away.

Heading back to one of the many toy you own.

You ignited a flame,
You let it burn,
You created an everlasting fire,
That will only burn me

Like a rose,
You're flawless,
You're majestic,
You're bold,
You're everything a girl wants.


You will wilt,
You will be torn,
Petal by petal,
Your thorns will scare women away.

You're just another heartbreaker,
Waiting for another deal breaker.
I aspire to inspire
Before I *expire
“I am the spirit that negates.
And rightly so, for all that comes to be
Deserves to perish wretchedly;
'Twere better nothing would begin.
Thus everything that that your terms, sin,
Destruction, evil represent—
That is my proper element.”
― Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Faust - Part One
See how she had changed
See how she had grown
Nothing stayed the same
All were due for change

She cried to the world
But it never understood her tears
She gave out a brittle laugh instead
For the whole world would always seem not to care

She'd been always compromising for everyone else
Yet she ended up getting nothing in return
She was trapped in the confusion of her mind
She was lost with no way out

She was in the labyrinth
So labyrinth she became
Who was she?
*She was someone she never wanted to be
entropy is the ultimate fate of all, we believed
regardless as how many times you've tried to resist it
things would still fall apart
for entropy is a natural course of nature ― it always increases; it is inevitable
and soon universal darkness would bury us all
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