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 Dec 2018 Becca
Soft Love
 Dec 2018 Becca
You're so utterly soft
It is a comfort
Like a blanket of snow
On a sleeping village
Honestly. I would not think the same of love if I did not see yours.
 Dec 2018 Becca
Jack P
Have you ever liked someone so much you regret meeting them?
 Dec 2018 Becca
 Dec 2018 Becca
You were at fault,


I blamed myself.


I loved you even through the heart break.
When you truely love someone, you start to justify their wrongs too.
 Dec 2018 Becca
He writes poetry
But no one knows

He writes poetry
He writes about love
And loss

He writes about smiles
And frowns

He writes about sorrow
And forgotten towns

He writes about how lost he gets
Caught up in his own mind

He writes poetry to
And about others

But no one knows

Know one knows the depth of his soul
Because they all choose to see the exterior
And that exterior screams

And preppy
Don't have souls

Or so they thought
Until the day he was consumed
By his own poetry
 Nov 2018 Becca
Hot chocolate no longer tastes like chocolate

Tea gets me as drunk as wine

I get about as high on cannabis as I would rosemerry or thyme

The clocks in my house have stopped ticking

Though I never stop to check

There's a litter of stray kittens, outside my door, on the front step

Although time has stopped passing
And the gods have fallen asleep

I still find myself laughing
That I've wept to much to weep
Tis limbo my friends. How. Low. Canyago. How. Low. Canyago.
 Nov 2018 Becca
Coraline Hatter
candles light up her room
it smells like herbs
and flowers

fall is her favorite season
she enjoys the rain
while dancing trough the woods

she's one with nature and the sun
but in love with the moon
everyone's terrified of her

— The End —