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  Feb 9 Mica Wood
owls at dawn
gentle brown eyes
kind peaceful smile
slender angular strong
deep pitched hello
easy-natured laugh
thick wild hair
stories stories stories
sharing histories
sharing selves
spirit tapping at our doors
love tapping at our doors
friendship tapping at our doors

angels hold their breath
on the verge of
our first kiss
Mica Wood Feb 9
Evanescent ghosts
share sad, glass secrets…
Beauty is transient
and eternity is dark.

Born and broken;
yet we laugh—
Celebrating these
sacred, porcelain selves.
Mica Wood Feb 8
The fire burning in my heart
set the forest of possibilities ablaze—
And no love sprouts from a forest fire...
No matter it’s intentions.
Passion does not always produce love.
Mica Wood Feb 8
Step 1: Sign away your rights

Step 2: Take your medicine

Step 3: Don’t tell them you’re a witch
Steps to getting out of the psych ward.
Mica Wood Feb 8
Fat clouds scream, “*******!”
But no one notices me,
As the bus drives by.
I saw the bus of the Christian school I attended drive by, and I blew a cloud of vapor in its direction in defiance... No one noticed.
Mica Wood Feb 8
How many times must my life fall apart
I’m lying here in shambles
One day I’ll learn, and guard my heart
This pain I cannot handle

Immutable law: everything changes
But it’s all changing so fast
I try and I try to keep turning pages
But still I’m stuck in the past

This awful book I’m trying to read
Is corrosive to my soul
If I’d shut it, then I’d be freed
I was already whole

I’ll lay my heart down in a cast
And together we will heal at last
Shakespearean sonnet adjacent.
Mica Wood Feb 8
Mangonadas for dinner,
or maybe just a snack.
Cooking isn’t my forte—
an unfortunate skill to lack.

But when I was a child,
my brother caught on fire.
He leaned against the stove
as if it were his pyre.

Falling to the floor,
he stopped and dropped and rolled—
and luckily for him
the fire was controlled.

I ran upstairs in terror!
I screamed and I cried!
I thought I’d lost my brother—
I thought that he would die.

Lifting up his shirt,
he showed his big, black scar—
Such a drastic contrast
I could see it from afar.

Anxiety came in,
and never did I learn
to cook myself dinner—
too afraid to burn…
A true account of my first memory with fire.
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