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In January I felt so free
Wanting to explore vast infinity

In February I started school
Ditching classes like any fool

In March I was at work and met you
A man with brown eyes and a gaze so blue

In April my heart did sing
With all the love you did bring

In May I felt brand new
******* for the first time in front of you

In June I was so uneasy
Fearing that you'd up and leave me

In July you ended it all
Telling me you'd never call

In August I wept through the season
Feeling like my life had no reason

In September I regained my strength
Deciding to cut my depression's length

In October we met again
Darkness in your eyes did reign

In November you tried to play with me
But your false words didn't drown me in misery

In December you told me about your cheating
When you found your heart wounded and bleeding
Shared on Hello Poetry on July 25, 2016
Copywrite under Bianca Reyes
All rights reserved
 May 2016 Max Alvarez
Got Guanxi

It's 11.11 again,
AM through to PM,
Just to see you again,
In all your simplicities.

11.11 again,
Now tell me what's the relevance,
When I see you there,
Lying in sentimentality,

You got the 411,
Telling me just about anything,
That you can breath,
Steals your rationality.

11.11 again,
The sentence that won't ever end;
Caught up in a comma coma,
Blinded by the clarity,

11.11 again,
I seen it on the TV screen,
What does it mean to you & me,
Simple sequenced synchornities
 Apr 2016 Max Alvarez
mike dm
her vocal chords
ten verdant tendrils
helixing ocher brainscrape stir

sound re-members energy againagain
marigold tiger soft glow fleshcaress balm

my contusion
cared for
dressed in mossygauz
diaphanous cure

i feel

dont let me get me
eater of spiral
seer of hurt
speaker of word
two souls
two worlds
two parallel lines
single thread
 Mar 2016 Max Alvarez
mike dm
i know
a soul
that has a poem
writing inside her.

among other things,
it has written me down, there,
on the backside of her third rib.

i, consumed
by a certain peculiar meanderlust,
curl up
along its
metamorphic edge:
riding those finishing strokes
that forever code your own typeface as such.
dm m
I will be the kite
And the wind at the same time
Be my kite runner
Shared on Hello Poetry on February 22,2016
Copywrite under Bianca Reyes
All rights reserved

Blah blah blah
Yay for haikus!!!
I want to find
The point of origin
Of silence with you

We can sit together
And I will memorize
Everything about you there

From the cute scrunch
Of your nose when
You smile at me

To your saddening gaze
Which causes this incessant
Tearing of my heart

Without the necessary words
You will be enveloped
In my full admiration

Then I can work
On speaking the words
Another heart wrenching time
©Origin of Silence by Bianca Reyes
Shared on Hello Poetry on March 1, 2016

Blah blah blah
 Feb 2016 Max Alvarez
If you crave
discovering the pit
of fire,
shower the floor
with your coverings
and summon lust
under white linen
while my hungry
eyes make a
meal of you.

Or, if you
fantasize of glowing
gates drenched in
golden glory,
keep silent
prayers tucked under
your tongue,
and don’t let
God hear you
say my name.
In this deep blue sea
I will either find a fish
Or drown in my search
Shared on Hello Poetry on February 10, 2016
Copywrite under Bianca Reyes
All rights reserved
Blah blah blah
Enjoy this haiku!
 Dec 2015 Max Alvarez
Katie Katie
It's strange, now that we have this technology
We know it's poisonous, but we're hooked
My words don't come out from my mouth, my fingertips write
Why speak or compose a letter when we can text together? Right?

It's like the words I say flow too naturally, and I'm not as afraid
They're the same thoughts- day and night- haunting my brain
But when I shoot 'em in a text it's like it's not real, it's not the same
A sad emoji replaced your empathy, and you move on with your day  

Like our words are no longer valid
*Like nothing ever even happened
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