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 Nov 2014 Marni Lamb
Lorraine day
Only when the skies are dark
And there's no sign of any cloud
Do all the twinkling stars above
Dance happily and proud

Only when the skies are dark enough
Can we then see
The beauty of the endless lights
Within our galaxy

Only when there's darkness
And the heart is filled with sorrow
Do we then seek the light to guide
The paths of our tomorrow .......
 Nov 2014 Marni Lamb
Lorraine day
Affliction her addiction
Her thoughts held no restriction

She stumbled through her life blind
Leaving all who loved

No more harm
No more pain
Will never hear her voice again

The blade she sought as her best freind

Took her life in the end ........
In memory of my friend who lived in an isolated world of self destruction if only she could have seen herself like I saw her- loved herself as I loved her     /. Realising her talent creativity and beauty/.  If only.
 Nov 2014 Marni Lamb
hope and faith are my most elaborate form of self harm.
the more i hope, the more i die a little inside
because i know in the end of it all
i will only be lead back to my very bestfriend
Poetry has become my self harm,
I only write at my lows...
Instead of blood I see words,
Instead of a blade I have a keyboard...

I want to write about...
The wind dancing with the sea...
The way you smile and it lights up your innocent face...

I don't want poetry to be my self harm,
Because poetry is beautiful...
An art...
Judge away... I'm trying to not care... No matter how much I do ...
 Nov 2014 Marni Lamb
If I finally lost myself,
and the pieces of my mind and soul
were as scattered as my thoughts,
would you find them for me
and help piece me back together?

If these nightmares finally come true,
and my fears and my worries
begin ripping me apart at my seams,
would you fight them off
and stitch together my heart?

If I believed what I saw in the mirror
and what my mind was whispering in my ear, and began my slow descent into the abyss of self loathing,
Would you tell me how you love me?

Your words of comfort and consolation are the remedy to the sickness of my mind, an antidote to these poisonous thoughts. I wish they were a vaccine but my mind requires the occasional reassurance.

I regret these thoughts and the weight they share in both our hearts, I don't wish to impose this noxious state of mind upon you. But even when my mind is burning,

even when I wake, gasping, in the middle of the night, when Pandora's Box is wrenched from my hands and forced open, and Hope flies out,

I swear. I swear that I'll love you. I'll love you with my rough hands, with these tired eyes. I'll love you with every last shred of my being, even in the deepest pit of self-hate.

Because you're the bottom of that pit. You don't let me fall deeper into my hate. You lift me up and you give me hope. You give me a reason to smile again.

When my life flashes before my eyes,  it's a boring movie for a while, but then your image comes into the frame and everything becomes brighter and livelier.

I love you in the most irretrievable and unconditional way. I've signed off my soul and heart off to you, I have your name and your smile branded into my brain.

Everything I have and everything I am, everything I will ever be and that I will ever have, is yours. I surrender myself entirely to you, a flawed being with good intentions.

I would lay upon the very ground you walk on and be your bridge when all of them have burned down. I would carry you on my back when your legs give out from underneath you.

I would swim across oceans and fight currents to pull you closer to me, I would take a blade or a bullet or both, to prevent any harm from coming to you.

I know it may seem overwhelming to you my dear but I won't apologize for the way I've fallen for you. I'm in love with you, and there's no use in denying the truth.

So for as long as you choose to deal with my thoughts and my fears, I promise to love you and listen to you and kiss you with all of my heart and every bit of me I can.
Sometimes the curiosity can **** the soul, but leave the pain.
She watches as her life washes crimson down the drain.
But to her, it is no drain, but the rabbit's hole to Wonderland
To her it isn't suicide, but a ticket to a world more grand
She is tired of the pain she faces everyday and would choose the pill.
Tired of waiting for her chance, and yet follows the White Rabbit still...
Where could her mind be? Gone farther than many had assumed?
How many bottles has she drank? How many pills has she consumed?
"What it is, it wouldn't be. And what it wouldn't be, it would.... You see?"
Whose fault is it she attempts to leave us? You? Me?!
"Here they come, to take me from you. Her come my knights!"
Her soft words cause many mindless fights.
We wish her to be safe, we wish to set her free
But how can she be free when she refuses to let the world be?
Always lost in Wonderland, except this time she isn't coming back.
For her world in her head obviously knew what reality lacks.
Yet, now she is gone, her body six feet below the ground.
Her Wonderland inside her head, no longer making another sound....
 Nov 2014 Marni Lamb
Candy Noire
You should have listened
When I said I wanted out
When I told you about the things in my head
When I said I was better off dead
You should have listened
When I said I needed someone
But I'm not blaming you for this
Don't get me wrong
You should have listened
At 3am when I was sobbing in my room
And you were sleeping peacefully
You should have listened
When I said that I loved you
The humble crack in my voice
Like it's the last chance for me to be true
But will you listen?
When I'm lonely and it's cold
And I need someone to protect me
This life is growing old
And if you listen
And give me a reason to stay
Then I promise you you won't regret this
I'm here when you feel this way.
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