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your sense of manhood
so macho and distorted
makes you deaf and blind
 Feb 2016 M Blake
to; you
 Feb 2016 M Blake
I don't wish to unmeet you

you remind me of love that was real

but I wish for time to pass a little faster now

because I miss you so
 Feb 2016 M Blake
 Feb 2016 M Blake
They say you are disorder of sleep
Because you don't let others stay asleep
You come to me silently at night
I can't prevent your coming, I can't fight
When sleeping time comes, I close my eye
Sleep don't come, only come my cries
Sleep gets frightened, she hides
You are the evil and you stay besides
Even when sleep comes, you give me nightmares
My health deteriorates but you don't care
I fancy to anything but just scream
I wish I were lost in my dreams
You keep me stay awake for endless hours
I wish I were snow white lying on bed of flowers
I wish I had that apple the dark queen gave her
I couldn't even stay fully awake, my eyes have a blur
I feel tired, every other day
Insomnia insomnia, pretty please go away
At least for tonight, please cease
Let me lay in the slumber of peace
Insomnia don't let my angel sleep sometimes and I hate it then.
Written from her view
 Feb 2016 M Blake
Tidal Wave
 Feb 2016 M Blake
You feel its pull before it even shows
It tugs you into climbing heights
Foam churning at your feet
Like the contents of your stomach
And even if you found the courage
To whirl around and face the tide
It will have already swallowed you whole
Crashing down from up above
Bitter with fear’s salt
Stronger than man
And so you drink it in, open-mouthed
Because you don’t know how to swim
But you’ve mastered how to drown.
 Feb 2016 M Blake
 Feb 2016 M Blake
You’re probably sitting now
With a glass of cabernet
Sprawled on the couch
Reflecting on your day
Maybe the TV
Is humming along
Singing its song
So you don’t have to
Listen to yours.

You’re heavy with
Loneliness and those
guilty pleasures --
candies --
That you hide
A nervous addiction
Even though you write it out
In wrappers.

I know I do not fail
To flummox you
You hide it well
But I still see through
“The line’s always open,”
is the urging
Too bad I already
Blew out the fuse
It was hard that she had fought,
but she was stronger than she thought.
She knew her only job was to*  love herself  *a lot.
---- 2.17.16 ----
I do not authorize the duplication(s) of my writings, photography, or personal information.
-Kaitlyn A. Warnken
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