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Lynn Al-Abiad May 2015
He was next to me
Driving me home
Talking about all the older women he wouldn't be with

And I was next to him
Looking down the road
Feeling pain making surface at the corner of my eye

Another mistake...
Lynn Al-Abiad Apr 2015
Get up
And leave my bed.

My pillow smells like you
I'm suffocating.

My sheets are warm
They're burning my skin.

Take your gray I-Shirt with you
And your Tom Ford perfume.

Don't look back at me
And leave.

Lynn Al-Abiad Apr 2015
You linger in my mind
Just like nicotine would linger in my system if I ever decided to smoke

Get me a pack of Marlboro Medium.

Lynn Al-Abiad Apr 2015
Spread perfume on your skin
Wear tights under your pants
Make sure your belly shows just enough
And wait.

Maybe he'll notice your belly skin
Maybe he'll smell your hair
Maybe he'll see your legs when you bend down to pick up his shirt

And if he does
Watch TV together
Discovery Science preferably
While his hands try to reach you
Under the one sheet that covers you both.

Allow him to put his arms around you
Allow him to lay his lips on you
Allow him to hear you moan
Allow him to feel your back arch

And the second day
He'll go back to being a DJ
And you'll go back to being a man's bait.

Tall eyelashes, sweetie, make eyes worth looking at.

Lynn Al-Abiad Apr 2015
Let me tell you something, Sir

You are the reason of my endless waits.
You, Sir, are the reason
Women like me drink coffee at 10 p.m
Believing that maybe
Only maybe
I would hear your voice at 3 a.m
Before I unwillingly fall asleep at 3:10 a.m
To wake up the next morning cursing my coffee.

Lynn Al-Abiad Apr 2015
She smells like a meadow of Jasmine trees
Soft breeze carrying off her scent
To the sun shining upon her
Making her floral skirt bloom
And her hair gleam
Like little raindrops
Pierced by a beam of sunlight

Dear sun, touch my neck
Inhale my Jasmines
Burn my hair
And let the breeze play with my skirt
So that my thighs can be kissed by you

Perfume is heavenly.
Lynn Al-Abiad Mar 2015
You hid behind a glass-made wall
Flaring during daytime
Invisible during nighttime.

We smiled at an unknown future
We made love with raw words
We stayed in bed covered in sheets that smelled like endless sleep.

Our skins flooded in unknown perfume.
You never smelled my chamomile hair
And I never held on to your shirt.

And on a sunny summer day
Sunlight hit your glass wall
Flaring rainbows on your body
While you were taking a cold shower
And glass shattered to invisible pieces
Falling down like raindrops at your feet.

Only then, August's sunlight blinded me

And I never saw you since.

- LynnAA
Evoking a past.
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