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Apr 2014 · 2.6k
A Paradoxical Stand
Louise Leger Apr 2014
If words mean nothing

Why do we waste so much breath

Telling critics so?
Apr 2014 · 674
Silent Screams
Louise Leger Apr 2014
In my dreams, I scream

At the top of my lungs

In anger/in sadness

Scream words left unsung

My dream is not to be loud

I am loud in the real world

Perhaps too much so

In fact I’ve tried to quiet down

In my dreams

When I scream

No one listens

As if I hadn’t said a word

When I am begging to be heard

A lost cause, really

For who will hear me

Behind closed eyes

And an arcane mind


On the inside
Mar 2014 · 6.1k
The Nasty Customer
Louise Leger Mar 2014
The entitled ones:

Snotty, stuck up, rude

Nasty, spoiled prudes

Your misery, their fun

Loosen up your buns, entitled ones

‘Cause I am in no mood

To harbor your attitude

And snooty snippy sayings sung

The desk between us that which divides

Does not right you to be snide

Entitled ones need not apply

Entitled are entitled nigh

The ones who earn entitlement

Are the ones who give respect

Possessors of this enlightenment

Such respect is what they’ll get

Treat your servers as you will with such level of pomposity

But understand that I abide by way of reciprocity
Louise Leger Mar 2014
Every time you take a leap

There’s someone pulling on your shoe

To pull you back and try to keep

You from doing what you do


Jealous ones,



Gloom mayors

The ones who simply won’t believe

You hold the power to achieve

But they don’t know what you can do

How strong you are, they don’t know you

So we won’t let them in our way

We’ll pay no mind to nayers’ say

They’ll have to judge us from afar

For they don’t know just what we are:






Soon enough they’ll surely see

Just how mighty we can be
My Blog:
Mar 2014 · 752
A World Without Sin
Louise Leger Mar 2014
I think that when all is right with the planet

We’ll have nothing to fight for, nothing to bring

So bored and restless we can barely stand it

No mayhem to suffer no preaches to sing

With no wrongs to right we start writing wrongs

Things get pretty boring when everything’s right

For what do we stand if we cannot stand strong?

Your impact is nigh if you’ve nothing to fight

It’s hard to imagine a world without sin

Our striving for change is what makes life abundant

If the world isn’t perfect, just hold up your chin

To exist in perfection is rather redundant
My Blog:
Mar 2014 · 431
Is it Really Real?
Louise Leger Mar 2014
It was only a dream

But how real it did seem

It isn’t real

But that’s not how I feel

If a crazy man can live in his world

Why can’t I live in mine

I understand his perception’s curled

But inside his head, it’s all in line

How can you say

What not to believe?

At the end of the day

It’s all perceived
Mar 2014 · 490
The Mask
Louise Leger Mar 2014
We all have masks

But no, I will not ask

Of you to never wear

Such safety that you bare

It gets us through the day

And keeps our id at bay

Without our mask

It’d be a task

To live a civil way

For we are social beings

We need those special ties

To share our inner feelings

And free what underlies

But underlies cannot be shared

Until you’ve built a bond

And that is why we have to wear

Our mask to help belong

But if you wear it long enough

Your skin will overgrow

And what was once your social bluff

Will be the only face you know

And what is social fabric

If you’ve forgotten your despairs

Your mask’s a pointless tactic

If you’ve nothing left to share

I encourage you to wear your mask

It gets you through the fight

The only favor that I ask

Is you take it off at night
Louise Leger Mar 2014
Each one who makes their mark on your story

Will be a part of your book

Some will make their mark with words of happiness,

Words of power,

Words of sadness,

Words of pain.

But all are words of gain;

Making your story fuller

They are phrases through which you phase

Some will leave you empty spaces

Some may take a whole chapter

They are questions:

Some will answer them

Some are powerful periods

(Some are secrets on the side)

One might even be so bold

As to be the stem that binds

Each one is important

And will be a part in building your book

But the one thing they shall never be

Is the pen

You hold on to that for dear life
My Blog:
Mar 2014 · 822
A Thriving Species
Louise Leger Mar 2014
The rise of humans

An astounding achievement

Or an utter fluke
Mar 2014 · 561
Esclaves d'une rose
Louise Leger Mar 2014
Les mots que je mange

C’est tellement étrange

Bien qu’on sait

Ce qui est vrai,

On n’a pas le droit

De le dire comme on voit

Et on voit la même chose:

N’importe comment belle, la rose

On sent sa piqûre

Mais on ne sera pas trop dur

On ignorera sa crime

Et sera coupé par ses épines
Louise Leger Mar 2014
As human kind becomes no more

Greens once more may grace the floor

Old ruins last

To glimpse the past

But do not mourn the ones before

Just there to recall

The ones who nearly ended it all

But they could not win

By means of their sin

Either nature would triumph or they’d die

Alongside their polluted enterprise

Their wrongs could earn no prize

An inevitable demise

A system quite worthy of mock:

To wage war with the ground on which you walk
Mar 2014 · 458
The Magic of Pub Shows
Louise Leger Mar 2014
The drum’s the only beat you feel

Pumping in your chest

Pulling your life and soul along

In one with all the rest

Surrounded by the music

And the aura of the crowd

Drinks in hand, cheers to the band

And no one’s shy to sing aloud

The vibration of the base

In that moment there in time

It’s as if its pulse inside your core

Alone, sustains your life

The boom that makes your organs shake

Brings on a peace of mind

To know that beat is felt by all

And souls are intertwined

The intimacy’s soothing

No matter how loud is the space

You can’t talk much but connect to all

In a musical embrace
My Blog:
Mar 2014 · 973
Louise Leger Mar 2014
Look back on that mistake

You know the one

The one that makes you lie awake

The stratus that dims your sun

I know you think about that day

The things you would have changed

And that all the paths you could have strayed

Were all within your range

You can play it bit by bit by bit

And lead it to today

The thought of it might make you grit

That your slip still makes you pay

How could just one tiny lapse

Have lead you so off track

It’s hard to say, but just perhaps

A tiny shift could bring you back

If a butterfly can flap its wings

And cause a mighty storm

Then maybe just a little thing

Could bring a better norm

Life can change with just one act

We know already, this is fact

Imagine where your life could be

                                   If one more time, you switched the track
Mar 2014 · 624
In the Garden
Louise Leger Mar 2014
Devoted digger
Busy bee
With calloused fingers,
And roughened knees

Elbow grease
With sun and showers
All for peace
By fragile flowers

The work is hard
But assures to hearten
In the back yard’s
Magic garden
Louise Leger Mar 2014
I really hate having a cold

This sniffing is getting quite old

With my aching head

I’ll get out of bed

Cause calling in sick is too bold
Mar 2014 · 453
The Importance of Tea Time
Louise Leger Mar 2014
In the crazy world in which we live

Achievement’s all in what we give

It’s all a matter of how much stress

You will endure to get success

The bar is rising more and more

For no one wants to take the floor

The hardest worker takes the top

But for one to rise, two more must drop

We will get out what we put in

The lengths some go, it’s quite a sin

And as we take our leaps and bounds

We might forget about the ground

We must recall for what we strive

We make the cash to live our lives

We all should take some time to breathe

Sit back, relax, and sip some tea

Bring out your saucers, cups, and crop

The ones for which you work non-stop

We slave, day in and out, for perks

We do not slave to do more work

For some, it won’t come in a cup,

The things in life that lift us up

Whatever may be your luxury,

Take time to sip your cup of tea
My Blog:
Mar 2014 · 473
Free Verse
Louise Leger Mar 2014
Free verse.

It’s not an easy thing for me

To just let the words flow (free)

And not to worry about the structure,

The meter,

The intervals in time,

And making it rh—

…I need control

It’s hard for me

To express myself freely

Don’t you see?

It’s what I need

But I plead

To speak free

If you have to ask,

It’s a mask

So that I can unwind

With some sort of structure to hide behind


That’s easy…

But free verse.

It’s not an easy thing for me

The rhymes coach me on what to say

But to come up with this all on my own…

I’m stuck.

Right now, as I am writing this, I am stuck.

I’m only telling you this because I truly and honestly can’t think of something fitting to say

That line was way too long.

Should I break it up? NO

It’s free verse! Just say what you feel

But I feel like this isn’t good enough

New stanza.

Because poems need stanzas

Good poems have stanzas

Good poems have structure

But this isn’t really about the poem…

Am I good enough?
My Blog:
Mar 2014 · 468
A Preposterous Story
Louise Leger Mar 2014
A silly and unlikely scenario… but if just a couple words were changed, would it still sound preposterous?*

From a very young age

I knew I was a little different from the other kids:

They all wrote with their right hands,

But I always felt compelled

To pick up that crayon

With my left hand.

But I was terrified that all the other kids

Would make fun of me for being different

And that my family

Would shut me out…

I later found out that there is a name for this

And that I was not alone:

I learned that I was “left-handed,”

And that this is true for roughly 10% of the world

I spent a lot of time building the courage

To come out about my


Then one day I couldn’t bear to keep my secret any longer…

I told everyone that I was left-handed

And you know what?

My family said that they would love me

No matter what hand i wrote with.

Some of my friends thought it was a little weird

But for the most part, they were okay with it..

Some weren’t. But hey,

They weren’t my true friends anyway

It’s tough being a south paw

In a right-handed world

But I have faith

That one day

It will be fully accepted and normal

And that lefties will one day be able

To proudly show their true selves

Without being made to feel strange
My Blog:
Mar 2014 · 827
Inspired to Inspire
Louise Leger Mar 2014
You’re striving to inspire

The world with what you do

In turn do not forget to let

The world inspire you
My Blog:
Louise Leger Mar 2014
Let’s imagine for a minute

That life is a loaf of bread:

Soft, warm, and inviting

When you first come out of the oven

In time, however

It gets a little stale

Not so fluffy as it was in the beginning

It gets a little rough around the edges

It can get a little blue here and there

And in time, if you let it sit too long

Those little parasites will grow

Until there is nothing good left

But let’s not be too rash

Don’t toss it in the trash

No, not just yet

There’s something you can do, so don’t you fret

You have a chance

To make your loaf

Something amazing

What can your loaf bring?

Break it down

Into tiny little bits

Toss away your blues

But keep the misfits

Everything that is good

Is what makes it yours

The crust, the heal,

The unique little pores

Spread it all out

Within your pan

Draw it out

As long as you can

Don’t forget

To add some spice

Make it taste

The way you like

Pop it in the oven

And let them bask

Make them warm and toasty

Make them last

What was once a dull mass

Is now a bunch

Of quirky little bits

With lots of crunch

Why waste away

As a stale loaf of bread

When you could be croutons

Everybody likes croutons
My blog:
Mar 2014 · 1.2k
Reasoning Radicals
Louise Leger Mar 2014
I understand

You feel radically for your cause

But your shouts may bring forth,

To your message, a loss

I can’t help but feel

With your radical acts

You suffocate people

With your so-called facts

Be your cause wrong

Or be your cause right,

It’s quite hard to see

When you blind them with light

With politeness and reason,

They will then hear you out

With nurture and care

Your branches will sprout
Louise Leger Mar 2014
An extrovert

Would hope to look back and find peace

In leaving the world a better place

An introvert

Would hope to look back and find peace

In leaving the world a better man
Mar 2014 · 460
Louise Leger Mar 2014
Don’t let the hot air get under your skin

You’ll burst by the tiniest ***** of a pin

If you have a strong fabric you’ll have room to vent

And a ***** here and there will not ruin your tent

There’s not so much pressure when there’s such room to breathe

Hot air may sneak in but in time it will leave

For nothing is able to come burst your bubble

If you’re skin has some give, you can sift through the rubble
Mar 2014 · 790
In the University Library
Louise Leger Mar 2014
Pens, tap.

Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap.

Heals, clack,

Click, clack, click, clack

Click, clack, tap.

Clocks tick

Tock-tick, tock-tick

Click-tock, tick-clack, tap

Tap, clack, tick-tock, click

Keys tack

Ticka-tacka, ticka-ticka, tack

Ticka-tacka clack, tick, tap, ticka-ticka, tack, tock, ticka-click tick

Tick, tock, tick, tock, ticka-tacka, clicka-clacka tick, tock, tap-tap-tap-tap, ticka-tacka-clicka-clacka-ticka-tocka tap—


Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap….
Mar 2014 · 536
The Man in Manhattan
Louise Leger Mar 2014
We travelled sunny Manhattan, my family and I

On the top of a double decker, to see what scrapes the sky

The bus saw it all, Times Square, Empire State,

Broadway, Wall Street, Central Park, it was great!

When we drove by the office buildings, I saw a large set of stairs

It was beautifully vast with a refreshing air

Dozens of suited workers were scattered about

Some sat there to rest, some went up, some went down…

There was one man who sat there and really drew my eye

When I looked the time slowed and I wasn’t sure why

He was generically handsome in a way that was vague

And was contently unrolling his brown paper bag

In a dress-shirt and tie, his blazer set aside

He sat, eating a sandwich with a surreal air of pride

Unlike your average stressed out business man

He was at ease with himself, sandwich in hand

As the moment had passed our bus travelled on

And just like that, the young man was gone

We finished the tour and returned to our hotel

We relaxed in our room and gabbed and shared tell

Of our thoughts of the tour we had taken that day

“One thing I noticed,” I heard my mom say

(I could already tell what she was about to relay)

“was this man in a suit who made quite a display,

eating lunch on some stairs, I kept looking his way”

I could hardly believe it, that she saw him too

I expressed in excitement, that I totally knew

Precisely the man she was talking about

“I saw him too!” I heard my dad and bro shout

We all laughed in surprise that of all the people we saw

To that very same man, we all had been drawn

What was it about him that made him stand out so much?

He was only a man just enjoying his lunch

He just seemed so content and at peace with himself

His aura made it clear of his internal wealth

What was it that set such a grand vibe in motion?

Perhaps he had just been handed out a promotion

It could be that his un-ignorable gleam

Was the personification of the Manhattan dream

Or maybe he was just basking in the warm sunny day

Whatever it was, we all felt his array

I wonder if that moment when we looked from the bus

Was as important to him as it had been to us

I can’t help but feel like it must have been

Cause whatever he was feeling drew all eyes to him
Mar 2014 · 389
The Proudest Creature
Louise Leger Mar 2014
And so he rebuilt his lovely home

All on his own

After someone had knocked it down

For no reason at all

It was a lovely piece of art

Until it was torn apart

Out of spite

It isn’t right

But the little spider wasn’t phased

Right away, he began to reconstruct his maze

For that home did not just keep him alive

It was his pride

And when some careless fool

Put his hand through the spool

He did not dare quit

Once, again began to knit

For what the fool had dared commit

Would not dampen him one little bit

It was not a blow by any means

It was a chance for him to gleam

And do what he does best

Because he knows that the next

Will be better than the rest
Mar 2014 · 319
Poetry is Not a Riddle
Louise Leger Mar 2014
I swear I’m not attempting to confuse

It’s not a riddle left for you to find

I try my best to clarify my muse

The way the world reflects upon my mind

I understand it isn’t always clear

The message that I’m trying to portray

It’s often crammed by rules I must adhere

And thoughts I’m not quite sure of how to say

I promise poetry is not a riddle

But it’s not always an easy thing to do

You have to try to meet me in the middle

So I can open up my mind to you

It isn’t always easy, I confess

It’s not a riddle though, it’s an express
Feb 2014 · 1.4k
The Learning Quilt
Louise Leger Feb 2014
The children all had boxes

With all the things they’d learn to do

When they heard the bell, away with one

And out another for something new

Each box had printed fabrics:

One with numbers, one with notes,

One with maps and little flags,

One with microscopes…

One day, just by accident

Someone knocked the boxes on the floor

The fabrics scattered everywhere

What piece went where, we weren’t sure

But it didn’t take to long to see

What needed to be done

We grabbed some scissors, cut them up

And weaved them into one

Turns out we didn’t need the boxes

They took up too much space

Now we had a lovely quilt

With all the fabrics we had laced

Our quilt now hangs upon the wall

Its much more pleasing to the eye

Instead of hiding in those boxes

We can see them all the time
Feb 2014 · 364
Louise Leger Feb 2014
Summer, 1879:

I look up

And see twinkling lights

Lighting up the night

So many I could not even begin to count

Stars everywhere

Way up there in the night sky

I am drunk on the essence of its vast beauty

Surrounded by all these stars, I feel so small

But it is not in vain

On the contrary, it fills me with a lovely notion

The possibilities:


There is no more inspiring sight

Than New York on a summer’s Night

Summer, 2014:

I look up

And see twinkling lights

Lighting up the night

So many I could not even begin to count

Stars everywhere

It is the Big Apple after all

I am drunk.

Surrounded by all these stars I feel so small

But it is not in vain

On the contrary, it fills me with a lovely notion

The possibilities:


There is no more inspiring sight

Than New York on a summer’s night
Feb 2014 · 281
When the Mourning Sun Rises
Louise Leger Feb 2014
Like something venomous

Sunrise penetrates my window

Seeping through the flesh blanket

That protects my eyes from reality

Unable to ignore the sun’s rays

The light escapes me

A light that was so radiant just moments ago

And now is but a foggy memory

Of a thought that will never be
Feb 2014 · 314
The Flight to Nowhere
Louise Leger Feb 2014
I hear you seek a perfect sight.

Hop on board we’ll take a flight

To picture perfect paradise

I hope you can put up a fight,

The trip is quick but not so nice,

You’ll see the weather’s not quite right,

To the ads you saw, it’s not as bright.

Now where’s your friends, your job, your life?

“I change my mind, let’s leave this rock.”

Alright, let’s go—on board you hop,

You must be quick we’re taking off

But just as soon, your savior drops,

It spirals down, the engine stopped.

You’re stuck here now, you can’t get off.
Feb 2014 · 536
The Most Elegant Piece
Louise Leger Feb 2014
There is something so superficial

About an art gallery

Strange pieces strewed about

For passers-by to see

Some people stare

With their nose in the air

And say:

“This piece is exquisite, what a lovely display!”

They’ll insist that it’s priceless but would not pay a cent

And others will question if it even makes sense

“How is this art? A stick glued to the wall,

I could do this myself, it means nothing at all!”

But though you think it’s insane

Your eyes still maintain

You’re respectful and quiet and do not make a peep.

Although you still think it’s a bit superficial,

You pretend to yourself that you get it to feel deep

And somehow it creates a vibe that’s… sort of beautiful

Some odd stokes of eloquence,

Mixed with trash on a shelf

But the piece with most elegance

Is the gallery itself
Feb 2014 · 568
Louise Leger Feb 2014
To say the universe is a big place

Would be a true understatement

If you stood at the end of the universe,

Of what importance would the Milky Way seem?

Of what would Earth?

Of what, would a single human being?

If we are so small; insignificant

How could any act of ours still be important?

It could make a person wonder why

There’d be a point to even try

But why would you not?

We live just one time, if you forgot

So what, if you’re just one tiny dot?

Well here’s my thought:

Consider a rain drop.

Its universe, a lake.

As a rain drop, it gets one shot,

That split second as it hits the wake

That is the only time it has to be a drop within its universe

That lake may be there for hundreds of years

But the raindrop,

Just that tiniest decimal of a second.


You have one chance to make your mark

And send it rippling throughout your universe

And long after you are no longer a raindrop

And have become but particles among other particles

Of deceased raindrops floating about,

The universe will feel your mark, your wave, rippling on and outward.

Do you really think your universe could ever be the same without out you?

No matter how small, your mark will hit that lake like an atomic bomb
My Blog:
Feb 2014 · 405
Louise Leger Feb 2014
Tomorrow I will do my best

I’ll study for that test.

Tomorrow I will clean my room

But today I have to rest

Tomorrow I’ll climb mountains

And I will make amends

And it will be an awesome day

It’s just around the bend

Tomorrow I will find my fate

Accomplish something great

Tomorrow I will change the world

And not procrastinate

Feb 2014 · 1.8k
"The Tank Man"
Louise Leger Feb 2014
The students stood at Tiananmen Square

That’s where they went to fight for public gain

The government said they must get out of there

The people stood their ground and so were slain

In utter shock the public stood defeated

They were in disbelief of what occurred

They thought the stand would have to be retreated

The protest of the mass would go unheard

But one man stood alone and he said No.

And blocked the tanks; observers thought he’d die

They tried to pass, he’d still not let them go

For all those silenced voices he would cry

Because of him they did not go in vain

Around the world, one man had made a change
My Blog:
Feb 2014 · 335
Shakespeare's Fate
Louise Leger Feb 2014
When a piece of art has great success

It is observed and appreciated by all the earth

But when success is too great, it then becomes less

And the earth will no longer know its worth

The art is then turned from a masterpiece

Into but an artistic cliché

Doomed, an outdated piece of work

No more, may it show its true array
Feb 2014 · 311
A World not Far from Here
Louise Leger Feb 2014
Imagine a world

Where everyone has maybe ten,

Instead of seven hundred and twenty four, friends

A world where you would have to help your friend to apprehend

That that dude you were with at the mall on Tuesday is not your boyfriend

And it’s not a big deal, its just something you sometimes have to do

Because it wasn’t clearly stated on a page that tells the whole world about you

Where people don’t like, but they laugh at the jokes you do

And where you’d be appalled by the fact that some creep just poked you!

A world where you can’t wait to get out of bed the next day

So you could tell of what happened at last nights cabaret

Because then you get to be there to see their reactions

Instead of just pinning it up on your page to be rationed

Where a hug is simply the best feeling to be had

And not seeing a red square pop up on your tab
Feb 2014 · 307
You Were always There
Louise Leger Feb 2014
I can say you’ve always been there
Through all the wear and tear
You were always by my side
The whole ride
All of it.
But I’ll admit.
Though I can say you were there for me
I will say too, you never did care for me.
As a matter of fact I can even go so far as to say that you were the cause
Of all the wear and tear for which you were there: My sorrows, my stress, insecurities, flaws.
That was you.
It’s what you do.
But I know you’ll never admit the truth
You’ll never take responsibility for those years from my youth
That you took from me!
Don’t you see!?
All this time you insisted you just wanted to help
But all you did was leave me with these internal welts
I was just a girl…
And you made me less of one.
And when I had finally decided I’d had enough
You insisted that I was the one being too tough
And here you still are, years down the line.
We haven’t spoken in a while but you still stay close behind
Every once in a while I will hear you voice your plead
Trying to convince me that I still need you
I wonder if you’ll ever truly leave me in alone
Although I’ll admit is scares me that I might be left isolated
Because unfortunately I am not made of stone.
And sometimes the thought of taking you back leaves me blissfully sedated
Do you see what you’ve done?
The longer you’re here the more I feel strung
Like some sort of puppet.
But I am not your puppet
And you have to leave now
Yes, I hear you beckoning
And it’s sickening!
It cuts like a knife
But I need you out of my life
You’ve been hiding in my closet for way too long
And it’s invasive, repulsive, and utterly wrong!
How about
You get out
You say I never listened to you?
No. I did my share of listening
Now YOU listen to ME!
For years you’ve been a total invasion of my privacy!
And you have the nerve to say that I obstructed YOU!?
I can’t do this anymore, I’m done…
I can’t just fork over every waking hour, sacrifice this much of me to someone
But I’m left in total despair,
For deep down, I know you’ll always be there
Feb 2014 · 501
The Mall
Louise Leger Feb 2014
I was walking though the mall one day

For no particular reason at all, just passing the time away

I was there with my boyfriend and we were doing our usual routine of walking and talking

We’ve both always enjoyed people watching

I guess that’s partly why we like going to the mall

We go there sometimes when we aren’t really even looking for anything at all

And that’s fine

It’s just something we do to waste some time

It’s better than just sitting around at our houses

So we thought we’d get out and look around at the t-shirts, the jeans, and the blouses–


That’s enough of that, I’ll get back to the specific events of that day.

Like I said we were just walking around

And one thing I could not help notice was all of the sounds

Every time we’d walk past a store

A different tune would emerge from its core

Attempting to briefly describe

Its personality but it struck me as more of a bribe:

“Come in here! We won’t bite!”

But they will chew up your money right out from under your sight.

Once again, I’m sorry, I’ve fallen off track

I have to get back to my story…

So on top of the sound of the music from the stores creating a sort of Doppler Effect

Another thing I noticed and could not forget

Is the bits and pieces of different conversations

All so entirely different like they were their own little nations

A small group of preteens giggled and gossiped as they did fly by

No sooner did the clique disappear I heard a baby cry

A mother and her children: one infant, two sons, and a daughter

Mom said “we’re leaving” but the children, they fought her

Awkward… As I quickened my pace to sooner pass them by

The next I encountered was a group of young guys

Not so young as the girls from before

No, they looked as if they were about twenty-four

With all their ears stretched and tattoos and their chains

I feel like they did it to be different but quite frankly they all look the same…

Next walking towards me is an elderly pair

A man and a woman with thinning white hair

They look very humble and seemingly fair

I wonder what they would think of those guys back there

It’s funny to wonder why each of them have come

And even to wonder where they’re all from

Did they come here as we did, just for something to do?

Is this place an escape, or did they just come for some shoes?

All of these types, with each such a different face,

For one reason or another we all ended up at this very same place.
My Blog:
Feb 2014 · 279
Cheers to the Artists
Louise Leger Feb 2014
If it weren’t for other artists I would not love what I do

They make my ideas brighter when I’m making something new

Each one has a certain style that lets who they are shine through

I like to think that when I write I have a style too

And you’ll never see a piece alike. No, not a single two

It really is quite gripping that it’s all so unique and true

And I can almost not believe all the different points of view

It really proves we’re each our own and no one can do it quite like you

No matter what the art you choose, or where you’re from, or who

Cheers to all the artists, and I bid to you, adieu!
My Blog:
Feb 2014 · 254
The Fight for Right
Louise Leger Feb 2014
The world could learn to understand
That good is made by man
Sometimes what is good for one
Won’t fall into your plan

It is this very disagreement
That breaks the world apart
Even the smallest variance
Can cause a war to start

When someone breaks the rule of right
We all get up in arms
How could they have done this crime
And caused the world such harm?

It’s utterly outrageous!
Well, to some it just may be
But to others it might not be the case
And they would disagree

The thief who stole the loaf of bread
Has children starving back at home
And the one who didn’t “get a job”
Can’t afford a decent set of clothes

Even a killer, in his disarray
As horrid and filled with spite,
Do you think he would have done the crime?
If he didn’t think it’s right?

Don’t get me wrong, I’m not trying to condone
The crimes that people do
I just wonder if perhaps you might have done the same
If you had lived your life in that person’s shoes

And you might say no.
And I’ll believe you as that’s for what you fight
Because everyone, in their own heads
Is fighting for what they think is right.
Feb 2014 · 290
Louise Leger Feb 2014
Speak not when in awe

The most beautiful moments

Are muffled by words
Feb 2014 · 434
Louise Leger Feb 2014
A new patch of flowers is strewed

Toes damp from the days morning dew

A leap and a dash

In puddles we splash

The essence is freshly renewed
My Blog:
Feb 2014 · 315
What You've Yet to See
Louise Leger Feb 2014
Leaving your comfort zone

Is like a moon jumping orbit

Out there on its own, scared and alone

With no notion of its loss or benefit

For an undermined length of time

The moon will be just a moon

It is both eerie and sublime

Yet hoping to find its destination soon

The journey may be long

It may be lonely, and scary at times

But to find where it belongs

It is surely worth the crime

For if it never did stray from its track

It would never know what lies beyond its realm

The less the travel the more the lack

And never would it know true whelm
Feb 2014 · 314
The Ice Storm
Louise Leger Feb 2014
The town was coated head to toe with ice

The poor old trees could hardly hold its weight

With Christmas near this blow would not suffice

They said it was a pretty awful state

With cars not starting and the power out

How could Christmas dinner still be made?

And no one could turn on their pretty lights

The grand vibe of holiday was swayed

But I did not quite understand the fret

All I saw outside was perfect bliss

An elegance that I could not forget

For Mother Nature gifted us her kiss

I’d never seen disaster with such class

A winter wonderland made out of glass
My Blog:
Feb 2014 · 289
We Fear the Light
Louise Leger Feb 2014
Ask a child why he fears the dark

He will say ”It is because I cannot see”

As adults we fear the light

Because we wish not to see

But not seeing the horrors that stand before us

Does not make them disappear

Which is the sillier thing to fear?
My Blog:
Feb 2014 · 324
Perspectives (person two)
Louise Leger Feb 2014
I like to think that I’m kind of heart
But sometimes the things my best friends say
Dampens this image I try to portray:
Just as class is about to start,
A girl walks in maintaining a distance
My point is proven in this particular instance
I hear my friend say “My God she’s so weird”
Just loud enough that the whole room could maybe hear
The girl shot us a look and I knew that the comment had hit her
Quite frankly, I don’t blame her for being so bitter
How could she say that?
That brat!
I’m tempted to call her on what she just said
But I shamefully laugh along with her instead
Because the thing I dread more than the notion others see
Is being shunned by the inside if I were to disagree
And others might call me a shadowing drone
And so be it if it means I will not be alone
My Blog:
Feb 2014 · 312
Don't Lie Awake
Louise Leger Feb 2014
Plans shift
Friends drift
Love dies
Time flies
Promises break
People flake
If one road ends, don’t lie awake
There’s more than just one path to take
There’s always room for compromise
The sun may set, but it will rise
And with the sun, your heart will lift
Through these grains in life, onward we sift
Feb 2014 · 315
A Love Sonnet
Louise Leger Feb 2014
A moment in your arms is life alone
A life alone with you is heaven’s grace
You are the thread with which my heart is sewn
My eyes cannot resist your picture face

You color-code my planet’s black and white
This Technicolor dream is sure to last
And you and I are such a perfect sight
I can’t recall the future or the past

I am in love with you there is no doubt
If you were gone my heart would surely ache
For any bliss that I could dream about
I still can’t wait to see you when I wake

My heart will always skip a beat or two
‘Cause all I ever think about is you
My Blog:
Feb 2014 · 360
Perspectives (person one)
Louise Leger Feb 2014
Aware of myself, I step into the class
Stomach still turning
Throat burning
It cuts me like glass

I spot out my friends at their desks
Do they know?
I pop a mint for my breath
Preparing myself to put on my show

I give a happy hello and I smile.
Right away I recognize it’s been quite a while
And just as I’m getting myself in the groove
This girl walks in and she dampens my mood

I can’t help but stare.
I’m jealous of the way that she just doesn’t care.
I wish I could know her but I think that she hates me
She always sits so far from me lately

I could not tell you why but I feel the words slip
And escape from my lips:
“My God she’s so weird”
With a laugh and a sneer

Somebody shushed me and said that she heard.
Great, now she must think that I’m such a ****.
She gives us a glare
I pretend not to care
But I do. I don’t know why I said what I said
But the words are now echoing back in my head

“She’s jealous,” I heard someone express
“She wants to be you.”
All the stress I suppress
If only she knew…
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