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Lorraine Colon Aug 2018
On nights like this, my heart panics,
Life's meaning loses clarity;
And why is the moon so radiant?
I've no need of its charity

On nights like this, all seems hopeless;
If the sun could wake from its sleep,
Its warmth and light could not dispel
This cold darkness that runs so deep

On nights like this, sleep goes astray,
And Paradise comes within view,
Ah! But cruel angels guard the gate,
Refusing to let Love pass through

On nights like this, being denied
The pleasures that make life divine,
I dream of the forbidden fruit
And pretend it may yet be mine

On nights like this, prayers gently fall
From my lips, then bitter tears start;
But no comfort comes -- peace eludes
My distraught, long-suffering heart

What good is night without the thrill
Of a tender, passionate kiss,
Without the warmth of Love's embrace?
O, the torment of nights like this!
Nighttime grants imagination its wings
To soar far above the day's common things,
And as my lids gently veil weary eyes,
A voice in my head whispers lovely lies:

"Come, dear, make haste! This day's in retreat,
The hour of enchantment now lies at your feet;
Let your dreams run wild -- command what you will,
Sing passion's song!  .  .  .  though Love's own voice be still"

Whispered desires summon gentle hands
To caress and embrace, as love demands;
A warm breath turns into a searing kiss --
A seductive touch,  a moment of bliss

Each fantasy I conceive becomes real,
(These are the moments that Fate cannot steal;
Though flaunting its might, it has not the power
To slay these thoughts or vandalize this hour)

And so with golden threads of make-believe,
Romantic overtures are mine to weave;
Such love is mine till night opens the door
To the sun's first rays . . . . .  then love is no more
Lorraine Colon Mar 2019
Night falls, spreading its black canopy,
And right on cue, the moon appears,
Resurrecting unbridled ghosts
That salute me with taunts and jeers

Woe and loneliness rise from their graves
And dance in the luminous air;
Let them claim their ****** victory!
My shattered heart yields in despair

I'm imprisoned in this godless realm
Of loneliness and misery --
A dank cave that echoes my cry:
Love, why have you abandoned me!

And through it all the remorseless moon
Holds the sun's healing light at bay;
As despair flaunts its victory,
A faint light breaks the fading gray

Finally, the dawn! what welcome relief----
With its light the spirits depart;
The callous moon waves its farewell,
Bringing small comfort to my heart

For I know what awaits me tomorrow
As the night overcomes the day:
The rising moon will signal the hour
For the demons to come out and play
Lorraine Colon Jan 2022
Ask, if you will, for my hand to hold
As the day withdraws its golden light;
And no, I will not think you too bold
Should you ask me to stay through the night

If it is a song you need to hear
To help put your restless mind at ease,
I shall place my lips close to your ear
And hum softly in angelic keys

When seeds of despair become full blown,
Together you and I will tame them;
My strength and loyalty are yours to own --
You need only reach out to claim them

I would let my blood course through your veins,
And my breath in your chest rise and fall;
Any strategy that yet remains
Shall be rendered at your beck and call

Love spares nothing, but must give the whole
Of its being to impart its sweet bliss;    
So my heart, my life, my very soul
Are yours . . . but I'll give no more than this!
What's left to give?
Lorraine Colon Jul 2018
I walk rather slowly these days,
Without purposeful destiny,
No plane to catch, no train to board,
There's no one waiting for me

Time and I have severed our ties,
Now I roam unburdened and free;
No need to hurry home tonight,
No one's waiting there for me

Seasons still change, they come and go,
The tide's still carried out to sea,
Not much has changed at all, except ....
Now no one's waiting for me

I still talk to the moon at night,
But it's not like it used to be,
My tear-filled eyes reveal my plight:
I've no one waiting for me

It matters not when I get home,
Be it midnight, or half past three,
No one's concerned ..... did I mention .....
There's no one waiting for me

Believing in the God of Love,
Each night finds me on bended knee,
Wistfully glancing toward my bed ......
But no one's waiting for me
Lorraine Colon Aug 2022
My heart felt a fear I could not define,
A feeling Love was drifting away;
I realized this was not a good sign
That greeted me at the dawn of day

Foreboding thoughts that I could not curtail
Were invading this poor head of mine --
Like foul wreckage gathered after a gale --
I knew this could not be a good sign

Panic had now overtaken my heart,
Rational judgment was in decline.
Had the threads of our love been torn apart?
This anguish could not be a good sign

Dark clouds overflowed the heavens above,
Luminous teardrops fell from the sky;
It was then I knew I had lost his love . . .
It's not a good sign when angels cry
Lorraine Colon Aug 2020
Bravely the sun announces night has flown,
Its blinding rays far and wide it casts;
Reluctantly the moon descends its throne .......
Nothing lasts

Contentedly you'll hear the robin sing,
Her egg-filled nest she proudly broadcasts,
Then one sad morning her fledglings take wing .......
Nothing lasts

The withered rose that once nourished the bees
Now treats them like bewildered outcasts,
Her drops of nectar no longer appease .......
Nothing lasts

Sad hearts rejoice when Love knocks at their door,
So glad to forget their shattered pasts;
Soon they're holding hands with despair once more .......
Nothing lasts

For some, life holds honey;  for others, rue,
And then suddenly the trumpet blasts,
The Angel of Death comes to claim his due .......
Nothing lasts
Lorraine Colon Mar 2018
Come, my love, we've no time to waste,
The clock is chiming eleven,
Just enough time to get one last taste
Of the Sweet Elixir of Heaven

Autumn's love is no less sublime
Than Spring's first love, daring and grand;
But the hourglass has turned its last time .....
We must outrun Life's fast-falling sand

Pace cannot be arbitrary ---
The river is starting to freeze;
Hurry, my love, try not to tarry,
If you must, crawl on your hands and knees!

Love is calling in the distance,
Offering us her glorious shroud;
Lest she think we offer resistance,
Let us claim all the joy we're allowed

Autumn's last buds will soon depart,
As icy winds nip at the vine;
Soon nothing will stir this dying heart --
Neither love, nor song, nor vintage wine

Time is anxious to take its toll,
The sun's setting ..... let us make haste;
No longer at leisure can we stroll,
Come now, my love .... we've no time to waste!
Lorraine Colon Dec 2021
Love, please come find me, there's no time to waste,  
Heed the clock! It's chiming eleven ---  
Scarcely time to savor but one last taste  
Of the Sweet Elixir of Heaven  

Though Autumn's love would be no less sublime
Than the rapture Spring's love can command,
As Life's hourglass marks the passage of time,
I'm panicked by the fast-falling sand!

No longer can pace be arbitrary . . .
Hope's river will soon begin to freeze;
Hurry Love, do your best not to tarry,
If need be, crawl on your hands and knees!

Faintly I hear your song in the distance --
Your divine nocturne seducing me,
And I, in my desolate existence,
Can no longer abide patiently

Winter stands ready to enter the gate,
Reminding me of Life's shortening days;
Come light the flame, Love,  before it's too late,
Lest my tears of despair douse the blaze

Soon Death will scribe my name upon his scroll.
The sun is setting . . .  let us make haste;
No longer can you and I leisurely stroll.
Come quickly, Love, we've no time to waste!
Lorraine Colon Dec 2023
Pondering the gnarled vineyards at twilight,
   it is for their rare fruit that I long.
The vines have survived many a drought and blight,
   rendering them sensitive but strong

The fruits of old love are tender and sweet,
   having  learned to endure sun and shade;
Gleaning fortitude from gales, snow and sleet,
   their true value's been measured and weighed

Old love seeks the beauty that veils the heart --
The wrinkled face and the graying hair
  matter not;  Yet, what a sting they impart
  to the lonely caught in Time's cruel snare

Observe the pearl fishers -- they're not concerned
   with the oyster's shell, but with the prize
   that's dwelling deep inside, for they have learned
   precious gems lurk in cunning disguise

Satisfying are the fruits of old love ---
   so patiently they wait to be claimed
   by soft, wizened hands, gentle as a dove,
   yet revealing passion, unashamed

Because of all the sorrows and the tears
   and the many heartaches left untold,
   love that has withstood the test of the years
   is a love that's worth its weight in gold

How blessed are we who can see love's sweet truth
   unfolding before our very eyes;
We don't need the exuberance of youth
   to yield to love's call 'neath star-filled skies

Old love has had its feet held to the fire,
   and it emerged, still able to stand;
It survived the bogs of life's muck and mire . . .
What more can be said?  Old love is grand!
Lorraine Colon Jun 2017
Pondering the gnarled vineyards of twilight,
It is for these grapes that I hunger,
For they have survived the drought and the blight,
Bearing scars of days when they were younger

The fruits of old love are tender and sweet,
For they've learned to endure sun and shade;
Keeping strong through gale force winds, snow and sleet,
Their true value has been measured and weighed

Old love seeks beauty deep within the heart,
The wrinkled face and the graying hair
Matter not, yet what a sting they impart
To the lonely tangled in Time's cruel snare

Observe the pearl fishers - they're not concerned
With the oyster's shell, but with the prize
That's dwelling deep inside, for they have learned
They might find a gem in cunning disguise

Satisfying are the fruits of old love,
So patiently they wait to be claimed
By soft, wizened hands, gentle as a dove,
Yet displaying passion's touch, unashamed

Love that has withstood the test of the years
Is a love that's worth its weight in gold;
In spite of all the sorrows and the tears,
Old love can still bear fruit a hundredfold

How blessed are we who can see love's sweet truth
Unfolding before our very eyes;
We don't need the exuberance of youth
To yield to love's call  under star-filled skies!

Old love has had its feet held to the fire,
And it emerged, still able to stand;
It survived the bogs of life's muck and mire,
What more can be said ..... for sure, old love's grand!
Lorraine Colon Nov 2021
Being alone,  I stare at the sky,
Wishing its laws were mine to command;
I would dim the moon's refulgent light --
Might that help Heaven to understand?

Just as the moon's radiance would be missed
If it were abducted from its realm,
So my ship sails with no guiding light --
Too long I've stood alone at the helm

Would the dreary woodland not rejoice
Hearing the song of one faithful bird?
Yet, alone I trudge down Life's harsh path,
Deprived of Love's reassuring word

Being alone, I find no reason
To greet the dawning day with a smile;
I see no sense in praying for strength
To carry my cross another mile

Being alone, I cannot believe
There's a God who feels pity for me;
Without Love's light my ship navigates
In the darkness . . .  and I'm lost at sea

And if it's a sin to renounce faith
In a God who cares,  then cast your stone!
No form of chastisement could be worse
Than this bitter pain of being alone
Lorraine Colon Oct 2020
Suddenly it's all over .....
The feeling that only Love can bring;
Feet that once strolled through clover
Now tread thorns, bemoaning their cruel sting

The moon on its silver throne
Trembles as Love's pledges are broken;
What seeds of distress are sown
As Love's final farewell is spoken!

Songbirds that thrilled captive ears
While warbling a lover's serenade,
Now provoke unhappy tears
As the Light of Love begins to fade

Loving eyes that beamed with hope
Now bespeak a grim reality,
Solace lies beyond their scope
Since Fate issued its brutal decree!

Star-filled skies adorn the night
As the moon announces day is done;
Sadly, Love turns out the light,
And two hearts no longer beat as one
Lorraine Colon Apr 2022
Such loneliness permeates my days,
No one seems to notice I exist;
I'm as transparent as the sun's first rays
Intermingling with the morning mist

I'm as obscure as a grain of sand
Clinging to the ocean's lonely shore;
Should a wild wind fling me to some strange land,
Who would notice that I'm here no more?

Has my frame decayed and turned to dust
And my restless spirit unaware
That I'm just a ghost tumbling in a gust
Of the pitiful wind of despair?

Too long I've haunted this lonely sphere
Where it seems no one's aware of me;
Let there be a soft whispering in my ear:
"Claim your peace, dear soul, you've been set free"

And how eager I'd be to depart
From this cruel world I've come to deplore!
Yet, if love would lay its hands on my heart . . .
I'd consider staying a few years more
Lorraine Colon Jul 2023
On that day he came to me
To sorrow I was bound,
Sailing without love's guiding star ---
What little joy I found

Cold and dismal was Hope's  lamp
Until he lit the flame,
What warmth and light surrounded me . . .
Then Heaven spoke my name!

Heaven heard my whispered pleas,
It saw the tears I cried,
It knew my heart's deepest desire . . .
My prayer was not denied

All my doubts  began to fade
Like dew upon the sea;
The latch was raised, the door swung wide . . .
The captive dove was free!

Free was I from doubt and gloom --
Free of fear's tyranny,
As angels strummed their golden lyres
In Divine harmony

Strange, indeed, the power of love ---
A glorious mystery!
My thankful heart will always bless
That day he came to me
Lorraine Colon Oct 2019
Standing at Love's window, I wonder
Why I've never been invited in;
I ponder the possibilities .....
Soon glorious fantasies begin

Is it true that roses smell sweeter
When Love gently caresses their stem?
I've heard that birds sing most splendidly
When Love is the purpose guiding them

And they say Love can revive a heart
That has withered like a dying flower;
O, the stories I've heard about Love ......
Its gentleness and its furious power

Even a heart that's grown weak and tired,
Fraught with ashes where once there was fire,
Even for that heart there's still a chance
To rekindle Love's blazing desire

But the years pass, and I've yet to know
If the things they say of Love are true:
That first union within Eden's gates!
The ecstasy angels never knew!

Yes, Love has quite the reputation
For bringing joy where sorrow has been;
But I wouldn't know - that's what I've heard,
I'm on the outside ...... looking in
Lorraine Colon May 2020
On this grave don't lay your spray of flowers
As tearful mourners bid me adieu;
I'll not be moved by their sweet perfume,
Nor be dazzled by their brilliant hue;
Your past deeds defined my curtain call --
Deeds that bear the bitter taste of gall

Please, let there be no sorrowful tears,
Don't pretend to lament my demise;
Remain unmoved as you were in life
When you saw tears flowing from my eyes;
Show no sorrow, not even a bit,
Lest you be branded a hypocrite

Come not to the mound where I've been laid
While uttering some meaningless prayers,
Once Death announces the end of day,
For broken hearts there are no repairs;
Don't seek forgiveness while on one knee --
I'll be slumbering in tranquility

As I drink from the Eternal Fount,
Do not sully the Waters of Peace,
Keep your distance, this soul is at rest,
At my grave is where your torments cease!
To the Light I will have made my way
As shreds of a wretched life decay
A seed of Love that never found
The hallowed path to fertile ground,
The fruitless trees, the orchard bare ---
Bitter pain of unanswered prayer

A tired heart, trampled by Love's feet
Dolefully yields in utter defeat;
No eyes gaze upon its despair.
Although unseen, the pain is there

An outstretched hand that no one holds
As night's obsidian cloak unfolds;
Mournful sobs permeate the air---
O, what pain! And no one to share

Hours of blissful happiness
Followed by guile's fatal caress;
Wretched pain of Love's sad farewell . . .
O, what stories the past could tell!

Though such reminiscing brings regret,
Still, the heart whispers "Never forget,"
And so to Love's treachery we're resigned,
And journey on  . . .  with pain close behind
Lorraine Colon Aug 2018
To the four winds I scattered all my dreams,
Hoping they'd ascend to Heaven's door;
But that was so long ago -- now it seems
Love was the one dream that failed to soar

When will he come, does he know of my plight?
Someone needs to warn him to beware
Of the darkness that is mine, day and night;
Will he search where no one else would dare?

How will he find me, when no friendly star
Offers to light the path to my door?
Might this task prove to be a bridge too far?
Such sobering thoughts shake me to the core

Will he falter when the path twists and turns,
Will he ford the rivers though they rise?
On the windowsill my last candle burns,
Will the flame attract his straining eyes?

Time grows short, and I've reason to despair:
Fate has a will mightier than my own;
As hope withdraws, I raise my hands in prayer --
The seeds of panic have been sown!
Lorraine Colon Jul 2022
O, what wonders my senses behold  
As down the garden path I amble,  
And a welcoming feast starts to unfold
As my footsteps approach the bramble  

A few startled birds dare to scold me
As I pluck the berries from their stems;  
(It would take determined arms to hold me
And restrain me from these tasty gems)  

But as a child I was taught to share,  
So my feathered friends have naught to fear.
But what is that scent invading the air?
As I turn the path, lilies appear

Casablanca lilies six feet high
Tower over me like fragrant clouds;
Small wonder mourners approvingly sigh
When white lilies adorn dead men's shrouds

Scintillating songs of mirthful birds
Gently float toward the welcoming ear
Of the listener, who, at a loss for words,
Stands in awe of this enchanted sphere

Nature's beauty begs to be caressed
By admiring eye or sensual hand;
And those who seek will find a treasure chest
Of Earth's priceless gems at their command

As the sun pompously greets the night,
Spreading flames of gold and crimson hues,
All the senses stir in utter delight,
And in such splendor poets find their muse!
Lorraine Colon Jul 2019
In a secret chamber of my heart
Where my thoughts seldom dare to intrude,
I unveiled pieces of yesterday
Amidst the imposing solitude

Sorting through the broken shards of  love,
My teardrops disturbed the dust of Time;
His loving lies and deceitful words
Still moved me with their seductive rhyme!

Each fragment was moistened by my tears
As broken strains of our symphony
Carelessly strewed their bittersweet notes,
Summoning the past so tenderly

What sad but sweet memories were aroused
As my thoughts hearkened back to the day
Two hearts, in the winter of their lives,
Went searching for the last buds of May

What rare flowers might have bloomed for us!
Our story ended so incomplete;
Like thirsty bees that return to the bloom,
How those love-filled days begged a repeat

O, why did I rouse those sleeping ghosts .......
What master do lonely hearts obey?
Better these tears flood my tortured heart,
Drowning those pieces of yesterday!
Lorraine Colon Jul 2019
I once pitied a man who had lost his love,
With compassion I reached out to befriend him,
His shattered heart was in need of repair,
So I offered kind words to help mend him

I once pitied a woman who walked alone
With just her shadow keeping her company;
Overwhelmed by grief, she bemoaned her fate,
But there was no one to hear her but me

And I once pitied lonely men and women
Who never met, sharing neither love nor dreams;
Drinking deeply from the well of regret,
Separately they waded sorrow's streams

But what irony my story discloses ---
The most dreaded of all my harrowing fears!
Now when darkness falls, I can't help but cry
Tears of self-pity 'til daylight appears

These days I find myself alone, abandoned --
A sad circumstance I've yet to understand;
Was I not deserving of his pity?
He walked away with my heart in his hand
Lorraine Colon Apr 2019
Why do we always look to the skies
When we can't find the answers around us?
What are these inexplicable ties
That have encumbered our minds and bound us?

Why can't we admit the glaring truth?
No one from another realm hears our cries;
Though you may find my thinking uncouth,
I find no proof of heavenly allies

Only to each other are we linked
Through all the miseries that Life imparts,
When the sobbing's heard, clear and distinct,
Help comes only from caring human hearts
Lorraine Colon May 2023
Death nips relentlessly at my heels
Like a mongrel that broke from its chains.
Depart, you thief of cherished flesh,
You've no right yet to my remains!

Keep your distance, mask your putrid scent,
I'm not ready . . . and I reject it.
Of course, I know you'll have your way
Some night when I least expect it

And you'll deliver some lame excuse,
As any deceitful villain would;
Ramble on, vicious Thief of Life,
Your prattle will do you no good

Although despised by one and by all,
Some cruel law has given you free reign
To decide when our transient frames
Shall invade the earthworm's domain

And obey we must -  we have no choice,
Not the meek, not the bold, nor the mild.
Indiscriminate is the soil,
Taking all . . . man, woman and child

For you've never yet lost a battle--
By no regulations are you bound.
I'll object, but you'll still drag me
To your lair deep into the ground

And when that final trumpet blast sounds,
Not a drop of mercy will you show;
Up you'll jump, eager to collect
All that's due you . . . and down we'll go!
Lorraine Colon Jun 2023
I think I could have loved you,
O, how you stoked passion's fire!
Or was it just the madness of Spring
That kindled such wild desire?

Was my lantern's glow too faint
As our ships passed in the night?
Or perhaps Fate extinguished the flame
Before you could see its light

We may well have been lovers
If given the proper chance;
But why did the music stop playing
Before we finished our dance?
Lorraine Colon Nov 2017
My pen hovers over a blank page
As red ink drips from my wounded heart;
The pain has been stirred by some senseless word,
Now my loneliness awakes with a start

Why are all my words penned in red ink?
The heart must deliver its lament!
Sad words find release, bringing a strange peace
When too long the heartaches of love are pent

And why do my verses taste of salt ---
Not of the sea and its gypsy waves
That come and go, free of all care and woe,
But from tears shed for the love my heart craves

How much must a heart invest in love
Before it receives a dividend?
To reach its goal, it pays a hefty toll,
And yet, the journey seems to have no end

So where lies the blessed love I seek?
Have I left some leaf or stone unturned?
Might there be a flower in my sunset hour
Yet to blossom, for which my heart has yearned?

Lord, take pity on my foolish dreams!
Shine your torchlight on my dark despair;
And when I implore, storming Heaven's door,
Turn the key and permit me entry there
My pen hovers over a blank page
As red ink drips from my wounded heart;
When bitter thoughts flow like Spring's melting snow,
A dark narrative soon fills the chart

O, please forgive the gray clouds that ensue,
But in my world sunny skies are rare;
And many a night I ponder my plight --
But no comforting words stir the air

When love's anguish cannot be constrained,
Then the heart must transcribe its lament;
Sad thoughts find release, bringing a strange peace
That's absent when heartache is pent

A bit of salt may blanket my words ---
Not of the sea and its restless tide
That comes and goes, free of all cares and woes --
But from tears these weary eyes have cried

How much must a heart invest in love
Before it receives a dividend?
Though it pays the toll, it can't reach its goal . . .
Too often, the signpost reads "Dead End"

I pray the Court of Love intervenes,
And this cruel decree be overturned!
Might there be one flower in this sunset hour
Yet to blossom  . . .  or has court adjourned?
Lorraine Colon Nov 2022
Wild with joy we outstretch eager hands,
Reaching for those first sweet buds of Spring,
Only to find thorns amidst the blooms,
Startling us with a most painful sting.
But it's just Life's way of teaching us
That happiness is a fleeting thing

But never stop dreaming and hoping,
Nor allow your heart to become callous,
For when happiness knocks at the door
How soon we forget Fortune's malice.
And when happiness wears Love's disguise,
Whose lips would not sip from Love's chalice?

Happiness flits and darts through our lives
Erratic as a bird on the wing,
Fragile as a snowball in the dawn
Of a sudden sultry morn in Spring.
Just a brief reprieve from misery,
Happiness is but a fleeting thing
Lorraine Colon Jun 2021
Too often the lonely heart's dreams are hurled
Into the depths of despair's roiling sea;
But soon it finds peace in a phantom world
Of shadows mimicking love's ecstasy

Why should Loneliness conjure up such fears?
When I feel alone, with no direction,
I need only gaze in my pool of tears
And I'm comforted by my reflection

In the night I may wander paths unknown
With the luster of the moon to guide me;
Pity me not, thinking I walk alone --
My shadow walks faithfully beside me

A Spring morning may find me wading rills
In a vale where the meadow rue stands tall;
I cry "I love you" to the distant hills,
And some phantom lover echoes my call

Or I may write a torrid love letter,
In a bottle I'll cast it to the sea.
What joy to be freed of despair's fetter
When the tide returns that missive to me

Curse of loneliness! no such thing need be.
But how do we bear the pain? you may ask;
Look to desperate hearts for the remedy,
Our senses have been well-trained for the task!
Lorraine Colon Apr 2020
The valleys and the hills heaved and trembled,
The stone over my grave was rolled aside;
Like a freed bird, my spirit tried to soar --
Was this the Renascence as prophesied?

Upward I arose from my dark confines,
The flesh on my bones was reappearing;
Now all the dead were rising from their graves,
What gasps of confusion I was hearing!

A blinding light plummeted from the sky,
Its intensity then made manifold;
What joy! There I stood face to face with God,
His overture a wonder to behold!

"Choose to live again," a silent voice urged,
"And so my breath of life through you shall flow;"
Bleak silence ensued, sensing my unrest,
Then I dared to ask what most yearned to know:

"How will this new life compare to the last,
Will I be assured love this time around?"
The Light dimmed a bit, and somehow I knew
The sad answer, though I heard not a sound

"Then tell me, please, what about mankind .....
This time will all men embrace each other
With kindness, respect and more tolerance,
Will we accept each man as our brother?"

Oh, how the silence filled my soul with grief,
Upon a sea of turmoil I was tossed;
Was it madness on my part to suggest
Restoration of a Paradise once lost?

It was predetermined -- little would change,
Just different costumes and new scripts to read;
How rude to offer yet another life
Where neither love nor peace was guaranteed!

Still I argued: "But what about Heaven .....
Does no one earn the right to Paradise?"
Said the voice: "Earth holds both Heaven and Hell,
Make your decisions, and hope they are wise!"

Said I: "What of the plight of all mankind .......
Illness, famine, wars - pain without relief?
The list is endless - is there no recourse
For this senseless suffering beyond belief?"

An angel whispered a severe scolding:
"Life is a gift - accept it gratefully!"
What could an angel know of mortal things?
Without love, life would mean nothing to me!

I could not accept this new gift of life,
And gently, I laid it back at His feet;
Without further discourse He turned away,
There were so many more souls yet to greet

I had re-walked the steps of my past life
And recalled the pain of dying alone;
With no remorse, I returned to my grave,
With a sigh, an angel replaced the stone
Lorraine Colon May 2017
Once again my thoughts walk love's graveyard,
(Why is there no lock on that gate?)
Never have I seen a field so charred
By ashes of love that turned to hate

These remains of love provoke and rile
Stifled sobs as I look around
In silence, not wanting to defile
Sacred memories of this hallowed ground

Pain and pity are shaking my frame
As the tears gather in my throat;
False hope, and then prayer (one and the same)
Rise from my lips to some realm remote

Once again the heart is left weary,
Weak grows the pulse coursing my veins,
Gazing through eyes clouded and teary,
One last time I search through love's remains

But I can find nothing worth saving
Of a love that died long ago;
So why this unrelenting craving,
Why does this stream of memories flow?

It's over, I must put it to rest!
The bloom's faded, the fragrance lost;
Love's phantom now an unwelcome guest -
Worthless as a crucifix uncrossed
Lorraine Colon Jul 2022
Having been born in Nineteen hundred forty-four,
Some say (and rightly so) I'm from "the days of yore;"
Wars were being fought, and the whole world seemed deranged,
Though many years have passed, the world's course has not changed;
But I know I have changed -- now with faltering sight
I search in vain for the dreams that never took flight

I was young once and focused on my golden dreams
Of romance, love, adventure . . . the very same themes
That you dream about, I still dream at this late stage --
So I know how you feel . . . we're on the same page;
Throughout life we reach for the brass ring, but at length
We have to admit we no longer have the strength

I understand now why back then old folks would speak
Of how "the spirit's willing, but the flesh is weak;"
And I yearn for the dawn of my life's yesterday
To once again pursue those dreams that went astray;
But the winds of Time are whispering a simple truth:
It's too late for me now . . . the spoils belong to youth
Lorraine Colon Apr 2017
Let me chance upon a secluded nook
Where Life's bitter torments seem to cease;
There I shall transcribe a most dismal book ---
My heart's voiceless pain seeking release;
A field of daisies swaying in good cheer
Might lighten this burden so sad and drear

Or  I might climb to the top of a hill
Where the scent of heather stirs the air,
And the clear mountain springs sputter and spill
Over ferns dwelling happily there;
A comforting balm shall course through my veins
As my heart dictates its mournful refrains

While tides ebb and flow o'er a restless sea,
My pen will scrawl with a feverish zest;
And when all endurance is drained from me,
On some grassy knoll I'll take my rest;
As the night unfolds its jeweled canopy
My heart will shed its cloak of agony

But should more toil await as night draws near,
Pity me not for this endless day;
For life has ****** many a poisoned spear,
And this poet's heart must have its say;
Not till the very last vestige of pain
Is expelled, will my heart find peace again
Lorraine Colon Dec 2019
How long has it been since you've heard
Someone declaring their love for you?
Why are we not prone to say the word
That removes clouds tinged with sorrow's hue?

If you love someone, tell them so,
Bring a banquet to them, served with wine,
From their hungry hearts the thanks will flow
As on love's sweetest verses they dine

If you feel love, say it today,
For tomorrow is promised to none;
If you can chase but one cloud away,
Sorrow will be lost, and new hope won

Say it today, empty your heart ---
When those thoughts are suppressed, they might die;
Release the joy loving words impart,
Pull back the bow, let love's arrow fly

Say it today, make someone smile,
Erasing both despair and malice;
Give them reason to find life worthwhile,
Let them drink deeply from love's chalice

Say it today -- throw a lifeline
To a heart drowning in misery,
Say those loving words that ring divine,
And send them ......... Special Delivery!
Lorraine Colon Feb 2020
I searched for Love in my garden,
Parting each flower's petals,
I searched through briars and brambles.
Pricking my fingers on the nettles

I searched for Love in the heavens
Where God and the angels are;
While floating on a cloud, I searched,
Only to bump my head on a star

I searched for Love at the seashore,
Scouring each tide, high and low;
When a wave carried me away
I almost drowned in the undertow

I searched for Love in the desert,
Sifting sand through my fingers,
Burned by the sun, choking from thirst
(The torment of it all still lingers)

I searched for Love among the ruins
Of heartaches I overcame;
I found not a trace ..... all was gone,
Not a single dream was left to claim

If searching for Love brings such pain,
What can be done about it?
Nothing! but continue to search ---
It's more painful living without it
Lorraine Colon Feb 2020
Do not come gently into my dark night!
Intrude boldly on this loneliness
That creeps through my veins like a killing blight,
And no words of comfort can suppress

Blast the prison walls of this tortured mind,
Setting it free from its doleful plight;
Send it soaring toward realms yet unassigned
In its quest to find Love's guiding light

Pound loudly upon my heart's bolted door,
Shout to stir and wake these sleeping dreams;
Let them once again walk Hope's blissful shore,
And wade through Euphoria's glistening streams

All the bridges of caution must be burned,
Unfurl audacity's fearless claws;
Brashness is welcome where Love is concerned,
For Love fulfills the greatest of God's laws!
Lorraine Colon Sep 2019
I run to my mailbox with hopeful heart,
No message today - (that dream fell apart);
I stay near the phone,  just in case it rings,
(Loneliness can cause us to do strange things)

Sometimes I awake at the break of day
Imagining passion's rapturous display,
A thrilling embrace, then a kiss divine,
(Nothing more than a mad fancy of mine)

But I've mastered ways to get through the day,
It's when the sun sets, my thoughts tend to stray;
With soft music playing on the stereo,
I fill my wine glass, then turn the lights low

Despair is at its worst when shadows fall,
And Loneliness makes my heart its port of call;
A restlessness has me pacing the room
As doleful thoughts take hold, worsening the gloom

While the usual anguish makes its rounds,
The night offers its mystery of sounds:
I'm sure I heard someone outside my door,
(No, 'twas just the wind howling, nothing more)

Wait! What's that tapping at my window pane?
O, it's Loneliness, pacing in the rain!
Come on in, old friend, come sit by my bed,
I'll get more wine - we've a long night ahead

I'm not surprised, I knew you'd come to call,
Unlike Love, you're in this for the long haul;
Morning already?  The sun seems so pale;
Well, I've things to do -- first I'll check my mail .........
Lorraine Colon Aug 2018
When the sun yawns its last farewell,
Lonely hearts plot their rendezvous;
Stay on the path that our dreams have blazed,
When darkness falls, I'll come to you

Silently, we'll greet each other,
For we must not disturb the moon;
He'll tell the sun of our escapade --
Dawn's light would end our tryst too soon

In our dreams love is gratified,
Its beauty totally revealed;
Even though distance prohibits touch,
Secret longings shall be unsealed

Though mutely we communicate,
My poet, my love, you know how
To weave your sweet words into a wreath,
Laying it gently upon my brow

And to your heart I'll render proof
Of the faithful love that you seek;
But I'll not disturb the silent night,
To touch your heart, I need not speak

And this night will bear witness to
A simple truth to which we're bound:
Our love transcends silence and distance,
All this confirmed ..... without a sound
Lorraine Colon Jul 2017
The day is rich with the gifts of Spring,
Seeds of expectation have been sown;
Truly, I could not wish for a thing,
..... well, maybe not to be so alone

Could a lovelier morning exist?
The lilacs and roses are full blown;
To shout with joy I can scarce resist,
..... yet, I wish I were not so alone

But Time must march, Spring's performed her task,
Now Summer has made its presence known
With such charm, so what more could I ask?
..... well, perhaps not to be so alone

And when Summer dons Autumn's costume,
I'll not cry for the days that have flown;
That Spring will return I must assume,
..... I wonder, will I still be alone?

Now wintry winds nip in playful jest,
Their icy jabs chill me to the bone;
Missing his love causes such unrest,
..... and never have I felt so alone!

And each night as I lie in my bed,
I caress the rays the moon has thrown
On the pillow that once held his head,
..... and I cry because I'm so alone
Lorraine Colon Feb 2019
To all shattered hearts, this solace I bring:  
Awaken from your morbid dreams of death;  
Do not succumb to failed love's mortal sting,  
Don't let ill-fated love stifle your breath  

Though love's retreat can impart a cruel blow,  
Rejoice, knowing it was yours for a while;
For some, Love's sweet nectar will never flow,  
So bask in your sweet memories and smile  

Suffer in solitude behind closed doors!
But know this: tears will not restore lost love;  
Rather, relive the joy that once was yours,  
Memories are gifts from Heaven above  

Now's the time to let old wounds close and heal --
How far could you fly with your broken wings?
Reach for the stars and see what they reveal,
Observe Spring and the buds of hope it brings

Discard love's bouquet, keeping but one rose --
A keepsake -- not meant to be a tether;
Now let this spent love lie in sweet repose,
To float through time like a golden feather
Though the pain appears daunting, it will end,
Your heart will heal; but there may come a time
You'll need to offer solace to a friend
Mourning love's fickle ways with a sad rhyme
Lorraine Colon May 2017
Some of us know the anguish of loving
And never being loved in return;
Hope gets consumed in fires of remorse,
But despair and anguish will not burn

Some of us know the journey of the heart
Can be fatal when trust goes astray;
Soon love falters, then withers and dies,
But the memories do not decay

Some of us seem to get so close to love,
It's just within the grasp of our hand;
Into that stream we foolishly plunge,
But it's just a mirage in the sand

Some of us think love is pure happiness,
But it's love that teaches us to cry;
We've been told that love is immortal,
But through tear-filled eyes, we watch it die

Some of us have learned to dwell in darkness --
There's a strength we find within these walls;
With so many of us living here,
We laugh at loneliness when it calls

Some of us sulk, while others dare to hope
For that glorious dream that yet may be;
Some of us say we are done with love,
But you'll never hear those words from me!
Lorraine Colon Oct 2023
Someone knows when your day has been filled
with memories too painful to keep;
Someone wanders through your dreams at night
  sweeping away sad thoughts while you sleep

Someone knows when you have awakened
  to find dark clouds hanging above you;
Someone knows of your deep loneliness,
  and waits in the shadows to love you

Someone knows of the crosses you bear,
  and the hills that you climb are so steep;
Someone's arms are outstretched lest you fall
  as through each trial and error you leap

Someone knows there are quiet meadows
  where peace and tranquility abound,
Someone will hold your hand while you search,
  and walk with you till that path is found

Someone knows an ember faintly glows
  in your heart where love used to abide;
Someone wants to fan that sleeping flame
  and awaken love too long denied

Someone knows Heaven exists on Earth --
  a place free of loneliness and woes;
Someone wants to take you to that realm,
  loving you till your heart overflows

Someone knows that these dreams are in vain,
   for sadly you're unable to see
That the flame of love burns bright for you
In someone's heart . . . and that someone is me!
Lorraine Colon Apr 2020
Someone, so long ago
Listened while I sang my lonely song;
He understood each sad refrain
And chose to sing along

And when he sang I knew
Our two souls were destined to combine;
With three words he conquered my heart,
And lit the flame divine

Had the sun ever shone
As brightly before he came to me?
Life seemed worthless, without meaning --
A pointless destiny

Suddenly, life made sense,
I was a prisoner he set free;
The rain felt good, birdsong was sweet,
I touched infinity!

A beautiful bouquet
He offered me when he came to call;
But the flowers were not mine to keep --
Soon Fate reclaimed them all

But Love's fire is undying,
Though an ember, it still casts a glow,
Reminding me how much I loved
Someone ....... so long ago
Lorraine Colon Mar 2022
So God took a rib from Adam
And thus woman was created.
Could this be actual datum,
Or myth, highly overrated?

Through life man flounders (blamelessly)
When there's no woman at his side;
And a woman walks aimlessly
Until her mate's identified

I don't care how I came to be --
By grand hoax, or just a small fib.
But I can say with certainty
Being alone's not my cup of tea;
Somewhere, someone's looking for me --
Some poor Adam's  missing his rib!
Lorraine Colon Sep 2018
I find my sorrows to be lightened
When I sing of things that grieve my heart;
When the threat of despair is heightened,
It is then my feeble warblings start;
At first, notes take off like birds, frightened
By a storm, as to and fro they dart

But soon my refrains flow like a stream,
Weakening the throbbing pulse of grief;
One by one they fade into a dream,
Bringing to my heart blessed relief;
But how I tire of altering Life's scheme,
Rustling its script like a petty thief

It's not joy that causes me to sing,
(Heaven sighs when my songs reach its spheres)
With each note, another tear takes wing,
Each song freeing pent up woes and fears;
Without song,  profound would be the sting
Of Love's cruel deceit when it appears

And if the strains of a mournful song
Escape from my windows late at night,
My heart's remembering some grievous wrong --
A melody helps the pain take flight;
Never has my heart feigned to be strong,
A frail warrior, it yields to its plight

But my tears alone cannot atone
For the wretched pain life sends each day;
When buds of loneliness are full-blown,
I weave each bloom into a bouquet;
With arms filled with flowers I walk alone,
Composing new songs along the way
Lorraine Colon Mar 2017
So what if love proves to be untrue --
Are we not accustomed to its lies?  
Long ago deceit made its debut 
And left its reflection in our eyes

So what if the night denies us sleep    
While we wring our hands, pacing the floor;
Yes, the cruel ploys of love make us weep,
And yet we keep coming back for more

So what if we embrace every lie --
How sweetly they fall upon our ears!
Is it prudent for us to deny
Love a chance to turn the tide of years?

So what if we keep taking that leap
Of faith, praying each new love will be true;
The hills we climb each day seem less steep,
And Heaven's portals well within view

So what if love makes us play the fool?
Better we find solace in a dream
Than to tie the rope and kick the stool . . .
And dawn finds us dangling from the beam!
Just as the bee hums his serenade
To the rose blushing with wild delight,
Let soft murmurings flow from your lips --
Speak to me of Love . . . come thrill my night

Every spoken word becomes a flower
(Even Angels smile when you speak low;
Though divine, they cannot comprehend
How my garden blooms in winter's snow)

Love can transform time and circumstance,
Foster hope when mercy's spring runs dry;
Midst torrential rains the sun still shines,
Rainbows stretch across the midnight sky

Yet, when anguish takes aim at my heart,
Piercing it with grim accuracy,
How your words bestow Love's healing balm
Still remains a mystery to me!

How can words of Love possess such power?
When true love resides in the heart's core,
Then the words that flow are absolute,
And this pain-filled world exists no more

Carry me to that enchanted realm
Where we'll join the blessed throngs above;
I have no doubt that Heaven exists
When you whisper your sweet words of Love
Lorraine Colon Apr 2017
As trees awake from their Winter rest,
How they shiver without their green sleeves;
Doleful birds gaze at their vacant nest,
Alone, the mateless dove mourns and grieves

Icy snow covers the forest floors,
Even my hot tears are turned to frost;
Has the sun shuttered its golden doors?
It appears Nature's wires have been crossed

Winter's settled in and won't depart,
The hearth's cold embers will not relight;
My love left, taking with him my heart,
Frozen I stood as he left my sight

Angels peer down from their lofts on high
As cries of anguish rise to their ears;
Who dares to set Nature's laws awry!
What force is this that can stir such fears!

Without his love these bleak wintry days
Are dimming my view of Paradise;
Bid him come to lift this cold dark haze,
Only then can sunbeams leave the skies!

He was the guardian of my dreams,
Alas! he carelessly let them fall
Through the ice of Winter's murky streams,
Spring will be late ...... if it comes at all
Lorraine Colon Apr 2023
Ice still gathers upon the window panes.
Though I keep the hearth ablaze, I fear
In this desolate corner of my world
Spring will be a little late this year

A fear of dread and emptiness prevails
Since the light and warmth of love withdrew,
How will I endure  . . . How can I forget
All the joys of Spring that I once knew?

Now trees raise leafless arms toward the sky,
Shivering without their sleeves of green;
Bewildered birds gaze upon vacant nests,
Sadly pondering the dismal scene

And the flowers . . . what could convince them
To awaken to this hollow gloom?
To what avail would be their blossoming
And the essence of their sweet perfume?

And though I smile, my eyes betray the pain
That stabs at the heart when love is lost;
The sun has battened down its golden doors,
Leaving Hope to tremble in the frost

I'll not see the flowers bloom and go to seed,
Nor hear the nightingale's plaintive call;
And I know, as sure as day turns to night,
Spring will be late . . . if it comes at all
Lorraine Colon Jul 2022
The gloom of solitude fills my mind
With images unbeknownst to me:
Someone's loving arms with mine are twined. . .
And yet I know no such entity

Pausing to admire the meadow rue
My love and I share a brief caress;
O, the loving moments that ensue . . .
But when have I known such happiness?

Wintry nights find me in total bliss . . .
Making love before a blazing fire;
(Just as sure as logs sputter and hiss,
This is but a glimpse of wild desire)

From where do these taunting portraits come?
The mind's workings are not always wise.
But should the starved heart not take the crumb
That would save it from tragic demise?
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