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Because when I think about you I smile til it hurts,
When we are apart, it just hurts

Everything I do and everywhere I go, I wish you were with me because I know it would be that much more fun

I rush my weekends so I get to see you again sooner.

The thought of losing you scares the **** out of me.  I can't live without you for one day, not having you in my life would destroy me.

I cannot wait to start the rest of my life with you, everytime I look Into my future, you are right there by my side.

I would do anything for you and to see you even if its for a few seconds. You make me the happiest man alive.

I HAVE NEVER loved anybody the way that I love you!
 Nov 2014 lorenzo florendo
Get out of my head, telephone ears
I'm not even trying to call you
But you're answering every line
Don't believe in god, but you're giving me signs

There's little cities in frames plastered throughout every hall
No corner of this house makes me feel alone, when I talk to myself the sounds just bounce of the walls
Little people in my head are grinding gears, making worlds in the back of my eyes
Everything on the other side slurs my words because I visit myself so often I'm going blind
It's the only place to hide here

Are you going to push me around when I'm king?
Feed me grapes as I roll around in my golden wheelchair?
Come to ease my every whim at the ring of a bell?
Are you going to ****** me with your perfume and let me run my fingers through your hair?

Will you pick me up and teach me how to dance?
Kick the wheelchair from underneath me and take me out to see the stars?
Pluck some funny shrooms from that log and open up my mind?

I know one day I will die
And every part of me will be pulled apart until I am rot and bones or a pile of ashes on top of a will the size of a tome
But I hope that it is in someone's home
And not just my own
But how can I ever trust that you'll never prefer to be alone?
I can't wait until you no longer utter those three words

I Gotta Go

I long for the day that we ALWAYS leave together to go to our place

I want to sit on our couch and watch our tv together

I want to cook for you in our kitchen

I want to sit in our backyard and have drinks together

I want to shower with you in our bathroom

I want to hold you and fall asleep with you in our bed

I want to randomly dance with you in our bedroom and our living room and our kitchen

I want to create beautiful art with you in our basement

Please be patient baby so we can share OUR lives together! I promise it will be worth the wait. I love you baby!
 Nov 2014 lorenzo florendo
I just want to be happy.
to be thought of.
to be heard.
for the wind to kiss my face. be loved.
sanity has lost it
and I am yet to find
tranquility despite
tragedy of this
hopeless mind

your eyes, your smile
just the thought of
you weakens me
yet I know this is
useless, helpless
can't you just see?

I wonder how long
will I stand
trying my best
to make things
work in hand

maybe, just maybe
losing you is for the best
but maybe, just maybe
I hope you'll come back--
back in my arms again
I didn't want you close enough to hurt me,
And I was content with never having you to myself.
But somewhere along the line I forgot to keep my walls up,
and now I'm broken because once again I wasn't enough.
 Nov 2014 lorenzo florendo
 Nov 2014 lorenzo florendo
i miss you
in the plainest of cliches
between smoke breaks during work
when taking trains to unfamiliar locations
when i meet new people who share your name

you put love into me
yet left nothing but dry blood

every thing relates back to you
i ate you up
and now i'm having trouble digesting
 Nov 2014 lorenzo florendo
I want to be worried about.

Not in the "she'll do something reckless" way.

But in the:

Did I say that right?
Does she like me back?
Does she love me back?
Would it be weird to text her and tell her I had a good time?
Even though I just saw her is it weird to call?
I miss her voice, does she miss mine?
Do I need to tell her I love her more?
Am I telling her I love her too much?
Does she miss me?

kind of way.

— The End —