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 Sep 2015 Lizzie
 Sep 2015 Lizzie
Your body’s borders,
These walls crumbled,
All this unclaimed land,
Ready for the taking,
Conquer these cliffs
Sail my seas,
This nation of mine,
Brought to it’s knees
 Sep 2015 Lizzie
 Sep 2015 Lizzie
This is the last train,
Final stop for me,
I've counted my paces,
The distance between us,
I hope its enough,
To silence the song in my chest
 Sep 2015 Lizzie
 Sep 2015 Lizzie
Withered Innards
No beauty in the beast,
Where is the medicine?
Do not be some savior,
When something is broken,
It is easier to find a new one.
 Sep 2015 Lizzie
Rumor has it
The gentle of midnight
Has held this simple bed
Lay me down upon it,
Play a chorus of skin
I hope you read every word
I've never spoke
 Sep 2015 Lizzie
Panic Theater
I am at a loss
Trying so hard
To find the right words to say
For you,
To open the door
And let me in,
Once again.

(For you to break my heart once more.)
 Sep 2015 Lizzie
Here’s to the father
who did his best for his daughter to feel secured,
who shielded her from the bad guys in her night terrors,
who worked hard everyday,
only to get shouted at for ‘excessively' asking
about the man in her life.

Here’s to the mother
who cooked the food her son loved,
who did the laundry every Wednesday,
who guided the steps he made,
who loved without asking for anything but to love her back,
only to get shut off of his life because he says,
“You care too much. I’m a man now!”

Here’s to the lady
who cries herself to sleep
for feeling guilty of what she did.
Here’s to you
who want her father to feel loved
but timid to speak the words
and to show him the truth,
so you yelled at him instead.

Here’s to the man
who stops his car to calm himself
who thinks of coming back to his mother
and tell her, “I’m a man now, but every man needs a woman, and it’s you my mom.”

Here’s to all the parents in the world
who freed and comforted us from the fiends
of our nightmare,
of our youth,
of our life.

Here’s to the young ones (or even not)
who think they are better off alone,
who think they are old enough to be on their own.
Here’s to all of us
who have been wronged.
(pendingletters // jl)
 Sep 2015 Lizzie
Amelia Pearl
At night I fought with the temperature that
Just can't seem to be still.
Front and back,
I turned and never got comfortable.

My eyes were closed,
My thoughts drifted to you.
Imagining that you're beside me,
Whispering for me to go to sleep.
It felt like it could be reality.
So I let it be.

My eyes opened,
And you weren't there.
My dreams were about you,
About you taking care.

The temperature is still now,
Its warm and cozy.
It felt like your gentle arms were around me,
And so I whispered.
"Good morning"
 Sep 2015 Lizzie
 Sep 2015 Lizzie
Its the little things you do,
like the way you pulled the covers up over my exposed body before you left this morning
You probably thought I was asleep
but I was awake enough for a minute to see the last thing you did before you shut the bedroom door,
and went downstairs
was take care of me

it's in those moments that I fall even deeper in love with you
the moments that remind me how lucky I am
to be the center of someones world
who absolutely dosent have to revolve around my orbit
but decided that they wanted to

I am loved deeper in my weakest moments
you never stop trying
your love is unwavering
even when I do nothing but push against you
you simply stay
and love me

maybe it's because we're more than lovers
we are two souls
connected in a bond tighter than I think either of us can comprehend
you are my best friend
and loving you comes easy
natural, free flowing,
like breathing

many people will confess their undying love for someone in their lifetime
claim that their relationship is stronger than anyone else's  that they know
that they have something so special no one could ever understand
but I don't think our love is complicated
or hard to comprehend
because with us
you get what you see
and simplicity is the beauty of the bond that we share
we have never needed more than just each other

because love is enough
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