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 May 2016 Jordan
Cameron Boyd
Sometimes I'll go for walks
long walks
down long roads.

Sometimes I'll have a nap
not a long nap
and just dream.

Sometimes I'll read a book.
a big book
one that takes me weeks.

Sometimes I'll phone a friend
a close friend
one I left behind.

And other times I'll just sit and think
for hours
about you.
 Nov 2015 Jordan
Keah Jones
Don't touch me
Wait, don't go
My mind has called the rebels and
I'm scared to be alone

Hold me
Quiet though
Wrapped in your shelter I feel like I'm home
 Jul 2014 Jordan
Alex Vazquez
I am so very annoyed.
I over think and obsess over you.
Trying to get you to fill some void.
I guess this poem is long overdue.

I get frustrated too many times to count.
I climb up what seems to be this rocky and slippery wall.
Hoping that I can surmount.
I only now realize, that I pathetically crawl.

I am not going to drag on anymore.
I will do what I want, and for me.
From now on, I am back to a closed door.
I won't get hurt anymore, this I guarantee.
In my mind, this is short, but I couldn't really find the urge to write more on the subject at the moment.
 Jul 2014 Jordan
Melanie Melon
I am sore
and I don't know if the marks on my neck are from you
tiny capillaries burst from a night of intimacy
or from a drunken mistake.

I am tired
a tired that can't be fixed by sleep
but by you kissing my nose and smiling
I'm sorry I made silent promises I couldn't keep.

I wanna be your peach
And I want you to be my plum
but I don't know if you can be my earth
Because I'm no ******* sun.
call me back I'm sorry
 Jun 2014 Jordan
JR Potts
We joke sometimes
about falling in love,
we talk in deep detail
about our romance;
the kind of house we want,
the name of the family dog,
would we rather have boys or girls,
and we argue over who will stay home
to raise the kids, I always let you win.

We joke sometimes
about growing old together;
we talk about thinning hair,
wrinkling skin, tired eyes
and energized grand kids.
We promise to one another
that we will stay in love,
still hold hands, hug each other tightly
and kiss both daily and nightly

We joke sometimes
about a life we could be living
and I just want you to know
that I am not always kidding.

— The End —