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abby Jan 2018
I'm staring into space
watching the snow
I see movement in the corner of my eye
it's you
your arm waving
You mouth something to me
I mouth something back
that's all we say
I wish for more
I wish for you
  Jan 2018 abby
Let your pain be pain.
Don’t hide it under beautiful metaphors or a smile.
For the love of God, don’t push it so far down that you’re walking every step on thorns.
Let your pain bleed through.
Holding onto the ache will not make you stronger.
(Believe me, it will not.)
Pain makes skeletons.
It makes you bitter, angry, and numb.
Gripping so tight that your knuckle turn white will not dilute the burn.
It will wilt your soul.
Pain does always not build character.
It just hurts.
Pain is a wound that festers.
It will wait years upon years for it to be picked at.
What do you believe will happen when it begins to bleed again?
Let the pain flow.
Let it slip out of your wounds and roll down your eyes.
Let it pour out of your mouth till your voice is shaken to the core.
You’ll thank yourself in time.
abby Jan 2018
You look at me
Your sad blue eyes
I look away
I can’t have you
She has you
  Jan 2018 abby
i can’t write about what it feels like
to run my fingers through your hair
or feel your hands on my skin
(no matter how much i want to)
i can’t speak to the softness of your lips
or what it sounds like
when you whisper my name
(no matter how much i want to)
i don’t know what the skin on your hips
feels like after you’ve showered
or what it’s like to wake up
to your breath on my shoulder
(no matter how much i want to)
i can’t write about the feeling
of our skin
soft and rough
holding hands
(oh god, i want to)
i can’t write about you
in anything other than the abstract
abby Jan 2018
Life is like the weather
It is unpredictable
We always fail to predict it
So instead we must prepare for anything
For rain
For snow
For cold
For warmth
For love
For hate
For death
For life
And even with all these preparations
Life still catches us off guard
Life is like the weather
Always changing
One day im happy
The next im crying
Another in love
Still more i hate
Sometimes i have everything
Sometimes i have nothing
But one thing always remains the same
Life is like the weather
You cannot control it
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