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Kat Apr 2018
The u n i v e r s e is like glass,
hard yet easily breakable.
Even it shattered like a broken f r a m e
it will always be there.

But since it's so large and make me think about me,
I wonder about my life and people's v a n i t y.
The more I stare at myself the s e  l f - h a t e
p l a n t s and accumulates.

I stare at the s c a r s and
the charts for my e a t i n g  d i s o r d e r.
I wonder what if I'm
                         ­              t

             ­                                      o

      ­                                             e
              ­                               o
                       ­           h
I spend my time wondering about
d e a t h
s u i c i d e
e x i s t e n t i a l i s m.
              I wonder about the people around me, Am I truly
                                          a l o n e ?

The things in the u n i v e r s e all have each other.
They have many s t a r s, many m o o n s and many many p l a n e t s.
They all have each other like a simple ecosystem.
If 1 were to disappear a lot of stuff could happen.

I look at myself and all around the city.
The earth, my home,
it's covered in             or if you prefer
                       t r a s h                         l i t t e r.
This trash has caused at problem at my home.
It's caused a bunch of problems.
Like pollution and rising heat.

The humans are a huge problem too.
Because of what they're doing
The trees and grass are disappearing.
Fossil fuels power almost everything.
It's used to make electricity.

Electricity powering cars and technology.
The world slowly being run by computers.
Is this really the earth's future?
This was a word association poem I did for my English class.
It flows but the topics change.
All the words that I used are like t h i s
Kat Apr 2018
I know you've already heard this.
I know that you already have.
This is a simply a PSA when I say that smoking is bad.
Maybe it's stress
Maybe it's a dare.
It was a stupid decision to even light the cigarette
But one day you'll realize that because of your decision,
you will stop your air
They'll **** your lungs
The lungs will rot away.
Your lungs will have to undergo surgery if you're lucky I say
I'm not making this up
I've experienced it first hand
I almost lost someone close to me because of smoking and their still slight of a hand
You think that's a metaphor that they are still recovering
But no,
it's not
It's a literal
They actually can't use their left hand.
It's been almost paralyzed because of smoking.
You may not know this about cigarette companies
They target the lower class citizens and genetically modify the nicotine to make it more addicting.
No matter what the labels say
No matter what the companies promise to do
They honestly don't care about your health and if there one thing they want.
It's your money.
So if you decide to even try smoking
you automatically lose with a small chance of hope.
Everything I've written is true.
Also, do you have any feedback?
This is for an English project.
Kat Apr 2018
I’m sitting here in my living room.
The rundown building with pictures from when the house held no gloom.
That was years and years and years ago when the house wasn't sad
and I wasn't here living alone.

Standing up walking to picking a picture
My thumb runs across the glass of the frame
The people in the picture smiling and laughing in a house with a large window in the background.

Outside it was raining the gray clouds covering the blue sky.
I remember that day.
That day we laughed.
That day when we went to a friends house to hang out.
It was different then
When we were irresponsible and new to life.
Lates teens 17 or 18.

Constantly being at someone else’s house, talking about plans for a future we didn't know wouldn't exist
We didn’t know the horrors back then.
It was different it was shiny but now it’s used.

No wonder people changed their ways and I’m left behind.
I didn’t change the ways I worked.
I didn’t do what they did with their lives.
They wasted it away.
Now they're just corpses rotting in graves all because they were stupid enough to smoke, vape, and other terrible things they shouldn't have done.

But enough about the present
for that is not why you came.
You came to read about the nostalgia the pictures.
The pictures in the frames.
The ones that clutter that old living room.
The ones that are dusty and from so long ago.
Those pictures hold so much nostalgia it's hard to let go and live in the present.

For that is not where I seem to be.
Although I may be alive in the present my spirit will always be
in the past were the good memories are.
And that's where I'll stay until I rot away.
But when I do,
I will do one thing.
I will continue to stare at the pictures and experience the nostalgia they bring.
Don't do drugs, smoke, vape or any of that garbage because one day, it will majorly ***** you over.
Kat Apr 2018
I keep staring at you from far away
We know each other but never really have a word to say.
I stare at you from the table next to you.
I think that I want you to say "I love you".

I'll text you occasionally.
I want you to respond.
It hurts my chest when you say I'm bothering you
It hurts to hear you say I'm annoying
It hurts to see you walk away.

Is this a crush?
Is this love?
Or is this just a fascination?

I'm already your friend.
I don't want our friendship to end
just because of this feeling maybe called love.
*cough* me in the 6th grade *cough*
Kat Apr 2018
why do you cause so much stress?
You make my mind a living mess.

If you were to be gone forever I don't think you would be very missed.
Almost all kids don't like you,
They think you're a pain.
They think that they think you are annoying and should be slayed.

It's hard to be good math, science, history and such.
It's hard to remember a bunch of dates for things we don't care about.
Why should we have to sit here and listen to the teacher talk about things we don't care about.

Although schools important and I'm not encouraging you to skip.
I don't want to have to be silent and sit.
Aren't we supposed to have our opinions?
Then why don't you let us share them instead of giving us your opinions.

There are a few kids who really like school.
They think that it's important but I'm not sure quiet
if they think that it's fun or cool.

School is where bullying happens.
School is were pain is caused
So many kids have committed suicide because of all the stress it has brought.
I don't understand why you have to be so cruel it's hard to be good at academics in school
I wrote this for all my friends who spam my email with their complaints about school
Kat Apr 2018
I have a puppeteer,
It tugs on my strings.
It has a name, but I hate to say it.
It controls me in the background,
making my every move whispering bad things and lies into my ear
I hate my puppeteer,
It uses me for entertainment.
People just see me,
The Puppet
Not the thing controlling me.
The thing is though
I'm not the only one it controls millions of people in the USA alone are also controlled by my puppeteer.
We all hate it
We all want to break free
And some of us do
My puppeteer has a name.
I'm not depressed I swear
Kat Apr 2018

Hello hello to people I don't know.
Thanks for supporting the writing that I sow
I know it's sad.
It's kind of a mess.
But who really cares about my mess and distress.
Hello hello to the people who care.
To the people who even bother to read what I have to share.
I'm not sure what to write for a bio.
But, thank you thank you to all the people I don't know.
Welcome to this little community that I have,
It's really small and it's actually kind of sad.
No not the amount of people here,
It's not the amount of followers I have.
It's about the pain in my heart that I have come to share and make at least a few of you glad.
Hello I'm sad
Just kidding I'm glad
You can't see it from your computer or your phone screen
But I'm smiling at laughing from all the poems from this team
There really no team here.
It's only the users of this site.
I just want to say thank you for all the people who decided to journey here to this web site.
I'm sad you're glad.
Well maybe you're sad too.
Maybe it's the weather but this is currently my mood.
I know that my bio isn't changed very often
It's because my mood doesn't really vary and sadness is usually all I have to offer.
This bio is getting long. I don't really have anything important to say. I just want to say thank you to the people who came this way.
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