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 Dec 2016 lauren
Sun (10w)
 Dec 2016 lauren
The Giver of Life.
The Giver of Hope.

 Nov 2016 lauren
I am full of memories
painted on our ceiling
when we were just two kids
and the rain wasn't hurting anyone

do you remember the smell of smoke
coming from the leaves our mother used to set fire to?
remember the November sunsets
when we'd play stupid games
and none of us was a winner?

remember how we used to sit in front of the fire
playing cards and drinking wine
we thought our lives would be like a smooth sailing on the ocean
yet here we are
miles away from each other
and the music doesn't sound the same
and our cards are missing
still no one is a winner

the smell of burning leaves wakes me up at night
we are apart
and the wine we drink daily
has no taste
and we keep on playing
even though our lives are like a wrecked ship
in the middle of an ocean that's always dark
we are still lying to ourselves
but deep inside we do know
the wine has changed its colour

and so did our eyes.

much  darker they are
much clumsier our fingers
much number the feelings

the leaves are falling
and they are burning
we just can't smell them
 Nov 2016 lauren
Mike Hauser
I live in a world of words
That constantly spins around
A solar system filled with verbs
And planetary nouns

Syllables that hold me down
Like the 3 in gravity
Consonants in and out
Is the oxygen I breath

Adjectives and adverbs
My galaxy abounds
In this world I live of words
That constantly spins around
 Oct 2016 lauren
Pablo Neruda
Sucede que me canso de ser hombre.
Sucede que entro en las sastrerías y en los cines
marchito, impenetrable, como un cisne de fieltro
navegando en un agua de origen y ceniza.

El olor de las peluquerías me hace llorar a gritos.
Sólo quiero un descanso de piedras o de lana,
sólo quiero no ver establecimientos ni jardines,
ni mercaderías, ni anteojos, ni ascensores.

Sucede que me canso de mis pies y mis uñas
y mi pelo y mi sombra.
Sucede que me canso de ser hombre.

Sin embargo sería delicioso
asustar a un notario con un lirio cortado
o dar muerte a una monja con un golpe de oreja.
Sería bello
ir por las calles con un cuchillo verde
y dando gritos hasta morir de frío.

No quiero seguir siendo raíz en las tinieblas,
vacilante, extendido, tiritando de sueño,
hacia abajo, en las tripas mojadas de la tierra,
absorbiendo y pensando, comiendo cada día.

No quiero para mí tantas desgracias.
No quiero continuar de raíz y de tumba,
de subterráneo solo, de bodega con muertos,
aterido, muriéndome de pena.

Por eso el día lunes arde como el petróleo
cuando me ve llegar con mi cara de cárcel,
y aúlla en su transcurso como una rueda herida,
y da pasos de sangre caliente hacia la noche.

Y me empuja a ciertos rincones, a ciertas casas húmedas,
a hospitales donde los huesos salen por la ventana,
a ciertas zapaterías con olor a vinagre,
a calles espantosas como grietas.

Hay pájaros de color de azufre y horribles intestinos
colgando de las puertas de las casas que odio,
hay dentaduras olvidadas en una cafetera,
hay espejos
que debieran haber llorado de vergüenza y espanto,
hay paraguas en todas partes, y venenos, y ombligos.

Yo paseo con calma, con ojos, con zapatos,
con furia, con olvido,
paso, cruzo oficinas y tiendas de ortopedia,
y patios donde hay ropas colgadas de un alambre:
calzoncillos, toallas y camisas que lloran
lentas lágrimas sucias.
 Jul 2016 lauren
Crystal June
There is no experience in the world
      that I cherish more
            than hearing my father play the piano.

It's imperfect and beautiful and
                                                          ­     like
                                                            ­      home.

The notes are often choppy, and there are pauses
      as his mind turns over what keys to play next --
            sort of like our lives as a family.

We're awkward
      and have
            broken             periods,
but altogether we're making music.

Every breath a note,
      every laugh a chord,
every      "I love you"      a harmony
only our family
      can hear.

And there's staccato! arguments,

and there's fortissimo days with pianissimo nights,

and there's repeat on repeat on repeat,
      making our lives seem
      constantly       andante.

But life is like a series of randomly placed fermatas --
unpredictable, yet musically enriched because of it.

            And I wouldn't want it any other way.
The day my father stops playing piano is the day a piece of my soul dies.
 Jul 2016 lauren
Bianca Reyes
Devouring the ravaging portrayal of arousal
Humming at tunes only heard and misunderstood
While forming science from abstract and holding
Pencils with dreamy hands enveloping haunting
And daunting beauty from within
As cerebral impulses begin exploding
Shared on Hello Poetry on July 21, 2016
Copyright © 2016 Bianca Reyes
All rights reserved
 Jul 2016 lauren
Nishu Mathur
Through the dancing leaves of the palms
And tufts of clouds that fill the skies 
Like a hymn, a song, a prayer, a psalm 
How beautiful is the sunrise
Curve by curve - gently rising 
The orb of pink, then orange glow 
Eyes like spheres hold the lighting 
Enthralled as the gold grows
Inch by inch, his presence felt 
The majestic sun - so bows the night 
Heating the ground - the day melts 
The breath of rays; the hope of life 
Sing the birds their morning song 
Spreading their wings to fly in bliss 
I too sing along 
Touched by the warmth -
And sun-kissed
 Jul 2016 lauren
Samm Marie
No terrorist ever thinks,
"I wonder how much art I've inspired"
No artist ever thinks,
"I want a terrorism attack as inspiration"
How many lives must be taken?
How many different forms of art must respond?
Twin towers
World trade center
How much longer must we live in hell?
Aren't we the generation if change?
Whatever this ******* is
It needs to stop
Right ******* now
I wonder,
What's next
I know,
I'm terrified
I want to be,
Ready for whatever you have to throw my way
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