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 Jul 2015 L
I Love You More
 Jul 2015 L
I guess I won that stupid fight of "I love you more."
 Jul 2015 L
Inked Papers
 Jul 2015 L
Inked Papers
I hate the sea,
they remind me of you.
Like the waves, you keep coming back.
And leave again after washing upon the sand.

 Jul 2015 L
Tommy Jackson
What is love?

What is love?
A constantly asked question.
Some say love is just an emotion.
Sure, but is that all?
I say, love is a gift.
A gift from one heart to another.
It is something to keep and to cherish.
Not throw away like some worthless piece of paper.
It can be painful at time,
But for the remainding, it is beautiful, everlasting, and forever.
It is never selfish or greedy.
Mean or cheating.
What ever you do,
Never throw away love
when you come across it.
Whatever the obstacles,
Hold on tightly and never let go.
So much of the younger generation will throw word around love as if a kite to the wind. Being married ten years I know love we have to sacrifice ourselves as I see only few men do for there women these days so men don't lose sight of what's right there if you do have a wife or woman, and same for women to men. And if for those people you do love someone never let that slip away from you and give all your love to that person because it's all we got
 Jul 2015 L
Olivia Robinson
I don't apologize for my blackness and your fear seems like this beautiful melanin enriched skin is a blessing and a curse. police offers using our young men's as target practice ripping our rich black roots from the ground and scathing them  them all over the cold blood stained concrete streets that my people paved.they just want us to dance sing and play ball to entertain them. they don't want us to succeed and move on to bigger and better things so sinister grins creep upon their faces as they watch us slaughter eachother in the streets. they watch us struggle to get out of poverty they say we're all on welfare and ain't **** but how can we move up in the world and get out of poverty when this system wasn't built to benefit us? we are more than the stereotypes. we are doctors lawyers entrepreneurs nurses designers filmmakers activist.we are intelligent intellectual beings with knowledge that surpasses all understanding. they don't want us to open our mouths and speak our truth...they want us to shut up and chuck and jive and kiss their pasty white ***** to the bone they want us to ignore the blatant racism and discrimination we face everyday and be content that we aren't enduring as much pain as the ones before us have. but we will not shut up. we do experience racism. we do experience discrimination. and our people are dying everyday from dare you utter the words respect yourself and well respect your from the same mouth that slandered my ppl and taught us to hate ourselves with? we were taught to love everything that was white and hate everything that was black and love blonde long straight hair and blue eyes and hate our chocolate skin and ***** hair but these ***** roots are matter how much you try and destroy them they are deep and run through us all. so my brothers and sisters... be proud of your roots take care of your roots embrace your roots love everything about yourself from that ***** *** hair that breaks all the teeth of your comb to your chocolate skin that glows in the sunlight and those strong minds and powerful voices because black is beautiful, black is powerful black is brilliant, black matters.
poem I wrote a while ago around the time of the Mike Brown case. it's not finished.
 Jul 2015 L
Camron Elliott
One Day You Are In,
The Next Out,
What Next.
 Jul 2015 L
Nessa dieR
Hazel Eyes
 Jul 2015 L
Nessa dieR
I learned that my dreams
Are transparent
That it's clearer than the blue sky and the sea
Your eyes told me so...

And although I can't say the words
"I love you"
**You will always remain in my heart...
 Jul 2015 L
Hanny Geraldine
Psychologists say
writing poetry help to heal broken heart
Therefore I write

I prove them wrong

Because the more I write
the more I am reminded of you
and it breaks my heart
into dust
 Jul 2015 L
The Poetic Architect
And I’m tired of trying to find my own way
And I’m tired of playing the mouse in the maze
Like I’m memorizing the same old phrase
Just repeating my steps to the same old place

Oh, I wanna get lost tonight
I wanna get lost
I wanna get lost in your arms
I wanna get lost
And lose my way into your heart.

Cuz there’s so many voices
Telling me how to get lost in this life
So right now I wanna get lost in you
Lost in you
Before I lose myself
 Jul 2015 L
poetessa diabolica
Poets were created
       to emulate grandeur,
            whilst suffering the blues
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