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 Apr 2020 Kristina Tan
 Apr 2020 Kristina Tan
i never used to smoke
but since you left,
it’s the only time i can seem to breathe
 Apr 2020 Kristina Tan
Nikole L
I get hurt easy
If you have no plans staying,
Do not come knocking.
 Jun 2019 Kristina Tan
She Writes
You asked me why I like you
But I didn’t want to tell
Some of my reasons are cheesy...
But here is why I fell

I love the way your lips curve
When I make you smile
It makes me want to pull you close
And kiss you for awhile

I love the way your eyes twinkle
When you talk about things you love
I truely believe
You are a gift from above

I love that you are compassionate
You have such a big heart
That was the first thing I noticed
Right from the start

I love the way it feels
When you hold me tight
I finally feel safe
Like I could sleep through the night

I love that you don’t judge me
For my less than perfect self
That is more attractive
Than any amount of wealth

There are so many more reasons
But I’ll start with just this few
Maybe someday
I’ll give this poem to you

 Jun 2019 Kristina Tan
Both can ****
        The only difference is
                      Cigarettes shatter lungs
         She shatters everything

            I remembered the first moment
my lips pressed the filter
     as I lit it up breathed it all
                savored every smoke
       as if we covered up painful lies
        in a container of painkillers

The same way  
we used to pressed our lips
     sparked something between us
           savored every moment we had
    as if our love was a rose
               in a valley of tulips
 Jun 2019 Kristina Tan
Life is God throwing me
a surprise birthday party,
being a terrible host,
and forcing me to come.

Life is a party,
people go and come.
But you're dancing with a stranger,
so you can never find the One.

Life has an after party,
with twice the anxiety
But they say it's called 'Heaven' for me,
and 'Hell' for some?
I wouldn't want to go to the after party of Heaven if the good people I've met in the party of life are going to the after party of Hell.
 Jun 2019 Kristina Tan
The poet lives two lives.
One on the outside,
And one in their mind.

When you look in their eyes
You could see an abyss.

If you looked long enough
You could sink into it.

But most people don’t see it.

Take the time to read the words, though,
And you would know for sure.

The poet lives in two different worlds.
A little escape from the madness.
Or maybe, into.
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