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 Jun 2015 Kodis
i know i told everyone i hated you, but oh, baby
alcohol will not fill the hole i left.
you can pour as much ***** down your throat as you want but if it tasted like my name after two shots, it will still taste like my name after twelve.

oh, baby
alcohol, contrary to popular belief, is not a truth serum.
it will not cure your compulsive lying, it will not provide you with a newfound empathy for others.
liquor is not a cure, it does not make you better, it makes you worse.

oh, baby
alcohol does not make you forget.
four days after i found out about you and her and all the lies, you sent me 80 drunk texts begging me to return to your abusive relationship. do not tell me that alcohol makes you forget.

i've never drunk texted you but it only takes my drunk self 15 minutes at a party to find a boy to fill your role for the night. seven shots later and i'm holding this boys hand and he's holding me up - i did not forget that he was not you, i merely remembered that i was alone.
alcohol does not make you forget.

oh, baby
alcohol will not help your grades.
i heard that your new study partner is named smirnoff, i know textbooks don't have blonde hair and soft lips but i promise they would make a better replacement than that bottle.

oh, baby
alcohol will not make you nicer.
drunk texting me that this is all my fault for being so jealous is not endearing. calling her a ***** is not endearing. falling over is not endearing.
baby, alcohol will not make people like you more.

oh, baby
i know that you are carrying some baggage but alcohol will not make them lighter, alcohol will not make them more colorful, alcohol will not make them more valuable.
it will not help, it is not appealing, ***** breath is not a cool accessory.

i am never coming back, but the boy i fell in love with is inside of you somewhere and he does not deserve to be treated like this.
 Jun 2015 Kodis
to you these are just shapes on a page, sounds in the air
but when i tell you "i loved him,"
i can him smiling in a thousand different places and when i say "that was a good day," i can feel the butterflies in my chest and my light heart and the sunshine on my face and when i say "it was nice to have someone," i can feel his hand on the small of my back and his soft voice asking "are you okay?"
i can say "i really ******* loved him," and maybe you can hear the pain in my voice but you'll never experience the agony of being naked in his bed and saying "you don't love me,"
you'll never know what it's like to **** yourself daily to try to hold on to something that isn't even there. yes i can show you a picture but you'll never know how beautiful he was to me

i can say that it hurts, that his absence ravages my insides, that meeting him was like drowning and finally being pulled to the surface, like living in darkness and someone finally turning on the light,
and maybe you can imagine what it is like, but i cannot make you feel my pain.

"How odd I can have all this inside me and to you it's just words."
-David Foster Wallace
how odd
 Jun 2015 Kodis
dear mother,
my mental health is not a spectator sport.

you do not get to tell me "you need to go to school to learn to be a decent person" when i am too depressed to get out of bed and then brag about my ACT score.
it is not your score. it is mine.

dear mother,
you do not get to tell me that you are sending me to a psychologist to "learn how to treat other people" and then ask me if i am okay. i am not okay.

dear mother,
you do not get to watch me hyperventilate under a bed on a school morning and get angry and then brag to your friends about my GPA. it is not your GPA. it is mine.

dear mother,
you do not get to scream at me for "upsetting your household" and order me to take easier classes and then brag to your friends that your daughter took 5 AP classes. yes, that is hard, but you made it harder.

dear mother,
you do not get to scold me when, yes, i stayed up all night but didn't finish my work but then brag to your friends about my success. it is not your success. it is mine.

dear mother,
you do not get to push me down and then comment on how wonderfully i got back up.

you do not get to cheer me in success and boo me in defeat. i am not a sports team, i am your daughter

dear mother,
you are not my mother. you are my fair-weather fan, and yes i am doing well now but i do not have time for autographs.

dear mother,
 Jun 2015 Kodis
 Jun 2015 Kodis
"You like that?"
I breathe into his ear
He moans in ecstasy,
has nothing to fear
The pleasure's all mine sir
For I can ****** you, make you forget her
It's the way I move you, touch you, feel you, it can't be described
It's something you don't want to lose,
If you did you would die
Not in truth just a little inside
You would crave it, want it, need it
And it always feels right
You don't need gin, whisky, ***** or ***
Just let me push you to the bed
And pleasure you to kingdom come
 Jun 2015 Kodis
 Jun 2015 Kodis
The dust collecting on the window sill,
Makes me think of time
The days and hours accumulating,
It was the most dangerous crime

I had you warned but you didn't stray,
So I can't be put at fault
Starting to become someone else,
Routine every day like some type of cult

Like a sunset everything must end,
Even though we adore the mystical beauty
Sitting here lost in my words and actions,
While you were lost paying Call Of Duty

More days passed with nothing but anger,
Your fists showed exactly how you felt
Even if they weren't directed at me,
I had to pick up the cards after they were dealt

So many tears, shouting, and lies
But you always got your fill
Anything you needed I was right there
Well...not anymore, because I dusted my window sill.
 Jun 2015 Kodis
My heart is so full
I don't know if its the caffeine
Or **** singing upbeat blues
Of Chicago tickling and embracing my name
But I dip and taste the chocolate
Whiskey of moment to moment.

Teddy bear tv reflects chipped yellow nails
Kissing moments and told to move in public
Who knew cafes excited where we could play video games
Ink our whole bodies to look like the emoticons
We pour whiskey and sun chapped backs to
But he and he and he and we
And mama just really hopes
I'll marry a rich athletic man:
"The lord is watching over you."

But The Women of The Now & I
We wash our expected pitch perfect skin
Why pretend anymore?

Maybe I'll write you a poem
Garnish your drink with me
Legs kicking up West Avondale ground
Throw me some dollar bills, as gazes are held
For perhaps too long--
Longer fingertips would rather
Gesture and caress
Camera equipment, opportunity
But I look around me

"Did You Say Cupcakes?"
A painting says to my right
I could box step
Waltz into this light
Why not radiate as the moon bats its eyes?
 Jun 2015 Kodis
Take me
Hold me close to you
Love me always
 Jun 2015 Kodis
Cristina Dean
shattered bottles
on moon drenched streets

even as a broken pair
we're prettier than
most things well
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