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Kara Jean Mar 2015
Loving someone who doesn't love themself
is a constant reminder
that bliss and pain are one and the same.
I have a coat for you but you're sweating.

I'll love you til my end.
Kara Jean Mar 2015
Constant changing
of winds and minds and ideas.
nesting in my bones and thinning my thighs.
blowing through our open mouths and burrowing
deep deep into my soul.
in the most raw form
when your mind is cloudy and I care too much.
The end is so worth it
but the journey might eat me alive.
I will keep doing this over and over and it will **** me.
Kara Jean Mar 2015
There are bruises on the insides of my thighs from your hip bones
and bruises on my lips from your teeth.
There is a bruise on my chin from bumping heads while we slept
and a bruise on my heart from the words that fell out of your mouth.

These bruises are reminders
That *** is clumsy
Kissing is sometimes better when you're smiling
Sleeping together is messy and beautiful
And words leave marks that will never fade.

Bruises in a positive light; what a concept.
I've never had bruises that make me happy and I love that they were all unintentional.
Kara Jean Jan 2015
Don't let me fall for you;
I will kiss every inch of your face until you can't breathe from laughter.
I will wash your body in the shower and kiss all the parts you don't like.
I will write you thick letters and leave you silly notes in unexpected places.
I will paint for you and do anything that will make you smile.
I will let you take your anger out on me
again and again and again
then accept your sorry *** back with arms wide open.
I will drive the two hours home to stay the night with you in the hospital,
I will stay up all night and sing to you
and touch my lips to your forehead with the softest breath.
I will lay awake fretting over whether your threat was empty or if I'm going to get an earth-shattering call in the morning.
I will tell you again and again how beautiful I find you and how special you are in this universe.
I will hold you close and memorize the sound of your heartbeat.
I will write poems about the unique shade of your eyes and the intoxicating way smoke rolls out from between your lips.
Don't let me fall for you;
I will love you until my last breath.
My dear, I believe it's too late.
Kara Jean Jan 2015
How ******* dare you
downgrade something so lovely;
can't you see your worth?
You're so **** important
Kara Jean Jan 2015
Dim light, green-eyed warmth,
souls twining through open lips;
I feel so complete.
You make me whole.
Kara Jean Jan 2015
Time and talk will heal
the hole that's been punched between
your heart and my own.
We can do this.
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