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739 · Aug 2024
Kanishk Baghel Aug 2024
In hall-1, we first exchanged our gaze,
You on the first bench, I a row behind,
Speaking of ghosts, tales that amaze,
Unknowingly, da bond that soon we’d find.

Wish we’d met in da first year’s light,
But in semester five, our paths entwined,
Though time was short, it felt just right,
For deep connections don’t mind da bind.

Bewakoofiyan, we shared with glee,
In you, I found a friend so true,
Your mole, your confidence, all I see,
A fierce spirit, yet sensitive too.

Your loud voice, a speaker in disguise,
Bossy yet gentle, a paradox so true,
Your hmm… irritates me, but I realize,
In silence or chatter, I cherish you.

Like a mother, you cared with grace,
At farewell, your words still ring clear,
“iska dhyan rakhna, ye bore naa hoo, mai lekr
aai hu isse,” As if my joy you had designed.

Now, in different courses, we tread,
Still, our friendship holds its flame.

We’d align our clocks even in haste,
Just to meet for minutes, to laugh and sigh,
To ***** about courses, professor’s taste,
Stuck in this college, wondering why.

Though your taste, I often tease,
Saying, “There’s no accounting for taste ,’’
You’re my friend, who puts me at ease,
You’re a bee, flying high, untamed by herds.

And in winter’s chill, you came for me,
Waiting in fog, while I was delayed,
My lecture ran long, but there you’d be,
With warmth in your smile, never dismayed.

From Mathura to Agra, you’d roam,
And now, in different cities, we strive,
And no matter da distance, our bond redeems.
                                                        ­                             By :- KANISHK
Kanishk Baghel Aug 2024
In halls of academia, where time drifts slow,
I wandered, a reluctant pilgrim, through paths I did not choose,
Amongst the throngs of souls, a mundane flow,
Bereft of spirit, in a sea of dull hues.

Yet in this grey, a beacon brightly gleamed,
A girl of grace, with tilak on her brow,
Her face adorned in patravali’s gleam,
She stood apart, inspiring here and now.

Her eyes, a window to a soul so deep,
Where ancient wisdom softly made its nest,
In conversations, time did sweetly sleep,
Each moment shared felt wondrously blessed.

With pedagogy subjects twinned with mine,
We walked the same scholastic path with ease,
But her spirit soared where other’s did confine,
Her presence turned the mundane into breeze.

Her roots in dharma, firm and deeply grown,
A conduit of the sacred texts she speaks,
In her young years, so much wisdom shown,
A luminous guide for all who seek.

Through states she traveled, stories she did weave,
Of Bhagwat Gita, timeless and profound,
In every word, a world one could believe,
Her voice a balm, where peace and truth are found.

On YouTube's stage, her light shines far and wide,
A modern sage in digital array,
She bridges worlds, where ancient truths abide,
And brings the past into the bright today.

In her, I found a reason to endure,
This vanvaas of the B.Ed's endless grind,
Her spirit pure, her purpose strong and sure,
Inspiring dreams within my restless mind.

Seasons this tale of admiration’s song,
In her presence, I find a sacred space,
Where soul and heart in harmony belong.
                                                                    BY :- KANISHK
522 · Aug 2024
A Luminary's Grace
Kanishk Baghel Aug 2024
In academic halls where knowledge gleams,
Dr. Jyotika, a star whose brilliance streams.
On day three's dawn, a serendipitous art,
EDM-106, where passions start.

A kindred spirit, warm and bright,
Dispelling shadows, guiding light.
With energy boundless, she does impart,
Igniting souls, with skillful art.

Her steps, a cadence, rhythmic and fleet,
A mentor's grace, supremely sweet.

Behind the lens, an entrepreneurial gleam,
A visionary, chasing a distant dream.
With every stride, a purpose clear,
Dispelling doubts, calming fear.

A mother's wisdom, sister's care,
Her guidance, a solace, beyond compare.
Though paths diverge, her influence stays,
A guiding star through my life's maze.

A commerce soul, drawn to her light,
A scientist's world, a pure delight.
Though semesters waned, her spirit grew,
A mentor's mould, a vision true.

To emulate her, a fervent desire,
A professor's role, a lofty spire.
Her office door, a welcoming sight,
A haven of wisdom, pure and bright …
                                                               ­   BY :- KANISHK
I hv composed this poem for my esteemed college professor as a heartfelt expression of my profound respect and admiration for her.
508 · Dec 2024
An Ode to My Erudite Mentor
Kanishk Baghel Dec 2024
In pedagogy's realm, where lessons unfold,
I met her strict gaze, her demeanor austere,
A teacher whose presence both warm and cold,
Her voice a blend of command and cheer.

In Semester Two, my steps hesitant, slow,
Her firm stance loomed like an iron wall,
Yet the seeds of respect began to grow,
When Semester Three softened her call.

Room 49 FOE became my portal to awe,
Her smile disarmed yet discipline reigned,
“Kanishk, come in,” her words without flaw,
Though her sternness at times left me restrained.

Her walk commands the road she strides,
Confidence fused with urgency's flare,
At times in specs, a doctor she hides,
With wisdom glowing beyond compare.

Her knowledge vast, like a boundless sea,
Economics and tech she wove with art,
A motherly guide who cared endlessly,
With wisdom and strength in equal part.

Her life a balance of work and kin,
Two little children and duties immense,
Her strides spoke of purpose deep within,
A journey of hiatus, grace, and sense.

For every doubt, she’s always there,
Even at midnight, her patience intact,
Her soft-spoken words, her thoughtful care,
A bond of guidance and trust compact.

Though scolded once for childish play,
Her affection remains, steady and strong,
I’ll ask about Pahal Horizon without delay,
And hope our bond endures lifelong.
                                                                By: - KANISHK
286 · Jan 14
Da Lotus Within da Mire
A boy once dreamt, not of teaching's creed,
But paths adorned with ambition's fire.
From commerce halls, where dreams proceed,
To B.Ed’s realm, bound by fate’s quagmire.

In SOE's corridors, where silence sways,
Among 250 souls, yet so alone.
The boy endured, through mundane days,
With steadfast hope, his dreams his own.

Mistakes of youth cast him in this tide,
Yet serendipity graced his strife.
Two mentors wise walked close beside,
Illuming the shadows of this life.

Peers spoke of gossip, in trivial vein,
While his sharp edges dulled in their midst.
Their demeaning chatter, a source of disdain,
Yet his lotus heart in mud persist.

Through Somai Bagh’s halls, he shone so bright,
In online realms, his spark sustained.
A sweet supervisor, her smile’s soft light,
Ignored his mischief, her patience unfeigned.

With winter’s breath, by fog’s embrace,
Chai warmed the bonds of hearts once new.
Serendipity smiled, her radiant face,
In her friendship, his solace grew.

To Manu ma'am's P. lab, he carried his art,
His words, his soul, unveiled that day.
A poet’s courage, a beating heart,
Recited verses in bold array.

The end now nears, of this tale so vast,
A chapter closes, yet dreams ignite.
Through trials endured, the boy holds fast,
A hero poised to claim his light.

So here he stands, with resolve anew,
Charming, steadfast, and free of dread.
It’s Kanishk, dear reader, bidding adieu,
A lotus grown where others tread.
                                                                 By:- KANISHK

— The End —