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kailee Nov 2018
i dont understand
what are they talking about
my mind is so scattered
my heart is racing
what are these notes
what the hell?
  Nov 2018 kailee
I despise myself for not being someone you could love.
kailee Nov 2018
i am
i am numb
i am numb because
i am numb because of you
i am numb because of you and her
i am numb because of you and her cheating me
i am numb because of you and her
i am numb because of you
i am numb because
i am numb
i am
kailee Nov 2018
I'VE been crying

JUST quit hurting

TRIED to live on

TO you

FORGET the hurt

i've just tried to forget
kailee Nov 2018
my eyes are so heavy
they feel like weights

my mind is so scattered
it feels like a little kids drawings

my bed is so soft
i just want to stay all day

my mind so ******
its like i cant control it

its so hard to focus
its like there's a parade in my head
kailee Nov 2018
futile people are becoming less
of a run-in and more of a day-to-day occurrence
mental health is on a deep spiral because of the
trauma placed upon most women and some males
love has turned into a "thing" between people
what the **** is a thing
and why do most lovers have one
instead of a relationship
instead of a "thing" its now ****
and that is now accelerating
my sister, brothers, mother, dad, acquaintances, and strangers
i fear you all cause even a brother cant be loyal.

my life is full of ****
just like the world as of...
well always
kailee Nov 2018
kids vaping
**** victims increasing
I.Q.'s lowering
kidnapping increasing
doing stupid **** is a trend
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