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kainat rasheed Sep 2017
i have read once
that  " what is after death "
                       "your deeds "after birth
                            "hell , for sinners"
                               " heaven for innocents "

                                 "its reflection of you "
                                    "your deeds "
hope you like this one
kainat rasheed Sep 2017
my old people told me
there is "no fire" in  hell
everyone is taking their own
"burning themselves "
hope you will love this one
kainat rasheed Sep 2017
i have read once
that  " what is after death "
                       "your deeds "after birth
                            "hell , for sinners"
                               " heaven for innocents "

                                 "its reflection of you "
                                    "your deeds "
searching souls
kainat rasheed Sep 2017
i was making observation on this  
" what is death ? "
"what is the relation between death and life "
once i saw ship
when ship left the seashore and hardly could be seen
people said
" it went "
i thought there would be a port on other side . and people will say
"it comes "
it is the name of death
"end of one  old life , start of new life "
hope you will like
kainat rasheed Sep 2017
i gave  a pair of shoe to a poor boy
the boy asked me " are you god"
i said " no"
boy said " then you must be the friend of  god , tomorrow i was asking god for new shoes "
i smiled ,now i understand this
" it is not difficult to become friend of GOD "
kainat rasheed Sep 2017
i saw a little boy
in old , muddy ,broken shoes
playing with a plastic ball
i felt said for him
i went to  bazaar (market)
bought a new  pair of shoe
i gave him and told
"take this, wear this  ,now its yours"
little boy quickly took out them from the plastic beg
he turned and asked
are you GOD  ?"
i said "no "
he said " then you must be the friend of GOD .Tomorrow i asked God for a new pair of  shoes  "
i smiled
he left ,and went to his home
now i understand
" it is not difficult task to become friend of GOD "
may you be one of his friends
kainat rasheed Sep 2017
they are  asking me what is worship ?
worship is to give water to a thirsty
take off drowning one from water waves to seashore is worship
keeping secrets of other instead of revealing it is worship
remain silent when other one is help less  is worship
to  bring smile  on  your lips falsely  for others is worship
to bring out an animal out of rain to a safer place is worship
to show a way to a bird in your room by turning off the  fan is worship

writer : kainat rasheed
hope you like it
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