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kainat rasheed Sep 2017
what does the hijab mean to a Muslim woman ?
why do their women cover their  hair?

to identify ourselves as being Muslims !
that we would be recognized  
we are proud of being Muslim women
                 but telling you a secret that
this scarf says a lot too , who sees me
is what stand before you is a woman
of enormous strength
enormous courage and integrity
this women will
not lie ,
not cheat ,
not deceive
she will be the best employer
                      the best  friend
                      best advisor
                      best counselor
that's a Muslim women
                     and its a warning
she is not a toy
don't even try to play with her
see good in everything
use good words '
appreciate a Muslim woman
she is stronger

like my hard work
follow me
show some peace
kainat rasheed Sep 2017
my dear          
                         you are a bird so fly just fly          
              fly,because not only those who have  wings can fly
                   smile, there is no day in life to shed tears
              blossom as if there is no flower in gardens like you
                                you can do everything
                                everything is in  your hands
it is not  your duty to always breath in air of failure and regret
              regrets belongs to those who do not believe in God
                                   when there is all haters
       he will always gifts you one who will loves you a lot
      because he knows everything needs some love for its growth
                                        a reason to smile
                                   now you have to find it
                   be stronger enough , now world is your
                                        in your favor
                         don't even try to loose hope

                      "hasbi Allahu wa nam'ul wakil"
      God is sufficient for you and is the best trustee of affairs .

                                       my dear
                                  God bless you  

writer : kainat rasheed
surely God will bless you
its my first hand work in my life time

— The End —