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Furey Dec 2018
I'm slowly realising that I am falling apart
Whether it is piece by piece
Or all together
I know I have miles to go
To progress and choose my path I want
However I am tired
I want to stop
At the same time I want to keep going
So here I am yet again
Writing out my feelings
Trying to ignore my hurt
While this doesn't always work
I hope it does this time around
Enlisted and hoping for a chance
To prove myself and take a breath
I hope that I am what everyone's looking for
So here I go
Furey Nov 2018
One day I will
Hang these words
They will no longer
Need to be my shield
I will not worry
One day I will
But not today
Furey Nov 2018
I keep on tripping
How am I to carry on
If I can't carry myself
With pride and confidence
How can I be this person
That everyone expects
When I can't carry
The weight of myself
The weight that came
After he was gone
A box hand delivered
It has a set of tags
His name inscribed
We all had set certain people
These were the ones
We cared and cried for
Our soldiers
The ones who didn't come home
Furey Nov 2018
Today I thought would be good
I woke up and said
"Happy Birthday"
To my dad a VFW
I got dressed and empty the litter
I kissed my kitten June
Packing my things together
I even remembered to charge my computer
My class did a Vet's day memorial service
Then I went to class and everything fell apart
My computer wasn't working
Google Classroom failed
I looked at my grades
My mom will be mad
I know I turned that in though
I mumble to myself
I talk to my teacher so I can get everything done
Hopefully before tonight
All will be forgotten
I can look forward to the holidays
My family
My kittens
Ha even my friends
Today is one of those days
Where it can be bad
Slowly though becomes good
I hope everyone can appreciate
These some days.
Furey Sep 2018
I'm sick of it
Sick of hearing
Your generation this
Your generation that
We were never that lazy
I walked uphill both ways
So what
Do you want pity
Do you want me to be you
If not then why do you compare me to you
I hate gym class but I like helping people
What's wrong with that
You say "Why not do both"
Because I don't like both
I'll join the military just to get away
Maybe I'll die honorably
You'll be proud
I doubt you'll be sad though
Not as sad as the people I helped along the way
Tomorrow might be another day
So what
Why should I do anything tomorrow what I can do today
Because then I have time
I don't have to get it all done at once
I can pace myself
Take a moment to just breathe
Then comes the onslaught
Why are you so lazy
Why can't you do one thing without complaining
When I was your age...
Why don't you ever stop talking
Stop muttering to yourself
Stop singing in public
Stop embarrassing me
SHUT UP ******
my tiny voice of
I'm sorry
I didn't mean to
Please I'm sorry
Tears stream fast
Marks flood my cheeks with red stain
It makes me sick
That you think to be good at anything
I have to be you
Or like you
I'm sick of it
I hear so many people say things like this, parents, teachers, random adults while I was at work. Why is it so necessary to be like you when we are supposed to learn from your mistakes?
  Sep 2018 Furey
Eva O'Sullivan
They say it get's better
They say it could be worse.
They say forget it
They say move on
They say try harder
They say it's easy
They say grow up
They say lies
They say it's fine
They say be calm


They never ask how I am
Furey Sep 2018
Your brother came onto me
I'm sorry I hurt his feelings
But not really
He took me to the party
But he didn't want to dance
I tried to talk
He didn't respond
I think that he deserved anything he got
Especially after he called my friend
I'm not sorry
It hurt him but it hurt me too
From this I know I'm on yours
Your Blacklist
You care about him
Then let him fight his own battles
You're the younger sibling
You aren't supposed to fight his for him
So now I'll deal with you both
You can send the hounds after me
I don't care
But once you attack my friends
That's another story
I will fight
Tooth and Nail
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