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Kai Nov 2024
my dreams drain me,
pain me,
but i still wish they were real
in my dreams, i am the person i dream of being
i call you, i tell you i love you, and i fight to be real

once i claw my way to the surface,
that person has already drowned
10,000 leagues of dreaming compress my body
(and also two blankets)
i don’t call you. i don’t say anything at all.
and i wish i wasn’t real.
dealing with some heavy things
“i’m stuck inside a fantasy where i could be all you would need” - the comfort of a laugh track by ROAR
Kai Sep 2024
discussions of worth
always ring hollow to me
when nothing matters
Kai Oct 2024
heart of feathers, heart of down,
keep me warm, won’t you?
cradle me soft, won’t you?
be my pillow, my quilt, my comfort
and carry me into dreams, won’t you?

mind of plumes, mind of quills,
help me fly, won’t you?
be my wings, won’t you?
give me flight, freedom, wind
and carry me to the clouds, won’t you?

my tears will drench your down
don’t let me drown, won’t you?
my tears will waterlog these wings,
but you’ll still fly, won’t you?

broken wings, broken bones
blood feathers, i won’t know
until i fall from the sky
and only then i’ll wonder why
Kai Aug 2019
it lies entombed in fabric and stale air
the fire arms swaddled in cotton shields
scalding, the guilt, huddled and shining fair
the narrow, long weapon it finds it wields

disgust, at itself
set back on the shelf
dives back in the sea
of cloth Calliope

though arduous, the work to quench the flames’
thirst would fruit with cool, gentle blossomed rose
they wilt into an ugly, blackened shame
with scarlet spark still glowing ‘neath their throes

it found a better way-
let cooling comfort stay
fire cannot fight flame
and burn cannot beat blame
in which fire symbolizes so many things it is actually ridiculous. also, it’s very edgy.

seriously though if someone wants to do a symbolic analysis go for it. i shoved so much random stuff into this
Kai Oct 2024
I am empty, but
the good thing about
being empty is that no
matter how much I pour out,
I will feel the same.
Does that make me full?

Holes are full of air.
Space has dark matter.
Nihilists are full of thoughts.
Nothing still has thing inside.
Maybe I am full
without knowing it.

Nothing matters, but
I love some things anyway.
I determine worth.
i learned how to do italics!!

_this_ = italics
__this__ = bold
___this___ = bold italics
Kai Sep 2024
"dimag ka dahi"
karare **?" mother jokes
she is so correct

“are you turning your
mind into yogurt?”, that means
bacterial mush

cerebral dairy
sludge sloshes inside of my
hollowed cranium

how many times must
i repeat, “i don’t want to
take any with me”

before she listens,
and relents, and lets me go,
and i can breathe at last

all i want is to
disappear altogether
so she can’t see me

so she can’t scold me
when i have done nothing wrong
so she can’t tell me
all the things i’m doing wrong
so i won’t be rude
when she has done nothing wrong
the problem is me
not always, but it is now
i, who did not take
medications that i should
i, self-saboteur,
orchestrator of my fall
i, sun-baked, tired
composing this long haiku
syllables be ******

sweet coco next door
provides me with a reprieve
from these swirling thoughts
every april 1st, i do some sort of gimmick. this year i had decided to respond to texts exclusively in haiku

...and then the feelings hit
Kai Feb 20
that hurt in your gut,
the one that starts in your diaphragm and coils up your lungs,
then clenches in your throat and salts your eyes
and when you swallow it,
it wraps down and squeezes your stomach
the one that jitters your nerves,
shakes your shoulders,
freezes your tongue,
and curls your spine
the one that crawls out in whimpers,
in whispers,
in wails
in words too honest

that hurt is not your enemy.
it is your heart’s voice
it says, “this isn’t fair”
it says, “i deserve better”
this one is as much a reminder to myself as it is something i want to express to others
Kai Jan 22
Less than a drop in an ocean
than a molecule
than a single explosive atom
in an ocean
in an abyss
in a universe.

More than a landmass for a billion bacteria
a colossal energy machine
a life-giving, life-taking sun
a universe
an abyss

Just enough to be
i think about how insane it is that life exists, that emotions and identity exist, et cetera. how everything that led to the people on earth today is both a total coincidence and some kind of extreme precision

and it’s like, how can you ever feel like a failure? stars collapsed so you could be here. whatever you are is already more than enough
Kai Aug 2023
there, in that pool of blood
lies the evidence of my
arrogation to presume
i could make the world a fool

truths i declared were lies
swirl down the porcelain
drown in condemning pain;
my identity's demise

umbilical conceit,
crimson hypocrisy,
with this sure paradox
why do i not know defeat?
Kai Oct 2024
am i the forest or am i the axe?
parasite vines that strangle the leaves,
gnarling roots tearing through cobbled veneers,
or transforming corpses into glowing heat?

am i the stardust or am i the black?
burning a world before it was born,
collapsing into a catastrophic sun,
or merely resting my eyes before dawn?

am i the vessel or am i the cracks?
the flawed container that fails to hold,
messily patched with drips of gold,
or freeing a nectar from being controlled?
there’s no reason behind when i use proper capitalization and when i don’t. just mood dependent
Kai Oct 2020
I've been wanting to do this for a long time, but I always lacked the courage.
I'm sorry I wasn't brave enough to tell you in person. I was scared of what you might think.
I regret not telling you sooner.
I couldn't live like this anymore.
I can't live without you.
This has been coming for a long time now.
I know how I feel. It's okay if you can't accept it.
I love you. Forever.
some things which might be in a suicide note or a love letter
they're not that far apart, really.
Kai Jan 4
after years of ministrations,
mimicry of empathy, empty sympathy,
simple solaces and asymmetric affections,
aching hearts, hurt, horror,
hoping for your healing,
hearing whispered worries, and
wishing an iota of insight on your indulgent identity
inserts itself into your mind,
i muse:
maybe my myopic love was lacking
all that’s left of it is lethargy.
i can’t leave,
lest you come undone and decimate what little direction you’ve divined
and die, suicide, someone somewhere somehow
staining my conscience.
cordial conversation continues— a commitment i’ve conceded to

i am in spite of you
i am because of you
you made me who i am
i love what i’ve become
so i guess i love you, too
this is about a longtime friend. both of us have changed since we met, partly because of each other.

i don’t know what i want. i’m just tired of hoping things will get better when they aren’t.
Kai Oct 2024
you are a singularity of love and fear
boiling quarks and quasars coiled tight
thermonuclear thoughts each night

i am a yawning, dark emptiness
a void of dark matter, silently absorbing light
just behind an event horizon of love

if this abyss could somehow absorb your quasars
your entropy, your heat death
and all the plasma that plagues you
without eating away your love,
then finally the quarks in my heart could fuse into electrons
and protons, and neutrons
and hydrogen, and stardust
and the joy that this void could avoid your boiling—
but then i wouldn’t be empty anymore
Kai Oct 2020
kind of? it just fills me with so much-- so much desperation when I think about how many people want to die.

and i spent, like, almost three hours or something yesterday trying to talk people out of it online. because i was thinking about it. but most of them didn't change their minds, or anything.

did i fail them? i could have been their last chance. i could have been so many people's last chance. i could have saved them if i'd known the right words to say.

Woah, hey, hey, I gotta stop you there. You can't blame yourself for it if... if they don't change their minds.You're not the reason they want to die, so it's... it's not your fault if they do. And you're not making them any more likely that they will, either.

no, no, i'm not. i know it's not my fault. but... i just care so much! i can't believe they want to die. i wish i could tell them that i'm here for them and i want to give them all the things they wanted and couldn't get because life couldn't give it to them. i wish i could show them how beautiful it all can be.

But you can't.
You can't even help yourself. Put on your own oxygen mask first, you know?

you and i both know that anything going on with me isn't nearly that serious

It should be.

what's that supposed to mean? are you trying to say that i should be worse? i should want... want to die?

No, no! Jeez. I mean you should take it seriously- as seriously as you've been taking random strangers' problems on the internet. If you don't take care of yourself, then maybe one day the tables'll turn and there'll be someone trying to talk you out of it. You matter too, you know. You're just human.


...Are you okay?

yeah. sorry. i'm just not used to this

Used to what?

you being nice?
Be kind to yourself. Not everything in the world is your fault. Not every evil is because of your personal failure.

Not sure what to tag.
Kai Sep 2024
i have eight eyes-
silver eye, gold eye
scarred eye, gouged eye
her eye, his eye
moon eye, sun eye
i must be a spider
crushed underfoot by a hysteric woman,
more afraid of her than she of me
poem written as a character of mind. for context, he has one silver eye and one gold eye. the silver eye matches his mother and the gold eye his absent father. at one point in his life, his mother tried to gouge out the golden eye.
Kai Mar 2019
Two roses intertwine, becoming one;
their fragile petals thirsting for the sun.
They lift each other’s leaves up to the light;
and so, together, blossom through the night.
This poem's meaning is really up to you. You can even take it literally if you'd like.
I tried to express the feeling of two entities, both broken or fragile or vulnerable for some reason, helping each other through some period of time. The circumstance and nature of the relationship between the entities can change; the poem still applies.
I named it 'Symbiosis', because that is the most summarized form of what this poem was intended to describe. [In biology, a symbiotic relationship is when two organisms assist one another, such as a fish eating the parasites and such off another fish. One fish gets food and the other food gets cleaned.]

I tried to add some visual poetry, too, with each line looking a little longer than the previous line in a sort of stair-step pattern - as if you could climb up and be triumphant.

oh, and yeah this is iambic pentameter... heh
Kai Nov 2024
a thing claws at the walls of my abdomen
it roars for release
if i were stronger, i would dig my fingers
into my flesh
pull it apart, and
let the thing out

the thing is innocent. the thing is guilt
i guard my innocence. i am guilty

with this thing twisting my stomach, i feel nauseous
is the thing nauseous, or merely nauseating?
is the thing nauseous because of its own thing?
is the thing within clawing, too?

the thing within is truth. the thing within is afraid.
the thing is true. the thing is fear.
and i am the silent liar who seals all these innumerable things away.

i claw at the walls of my facade
i roar for release
am i the thing?

my teeth taste of the acid of remorse
if i’ve resolved to live a lie, why must these things claw inside me anyway?
did i resolve to live a lie?
or am i the thing?
if the things stop clawing, who am i?
if i am the thing, why am i trapped?

i am innocence. i am guilt
i am innocent. i am guilty.
i am truth. i am fear.
i am true. i am afraid.
and i am the silent liar who seals the innumerable ‘me’ away.
Kai Mar 2021
vices binding my soul; ever complying
perfect obedience; never denying
i'm silent no matter how terrifying
i'm on the verge of tears but never crying
my lungs only produce a quiet sighing
i'm screaming final breaths but never dying
and all the while my pain's intensifying
my wings fledged and outstretched but never flying
i try to speak but there's no point replying
i'm done with all your endless justifying

you could've changed, but you're just never trying
the 11 syllables thing is part of the poem. you get lured into thinking it will flow nicely like an iambic pentameter, but then you reach the end of the line and you feel like you have to interrupt yourself to maintain the rhythm. that's because you do. that's how it's meant to be read. the interruption is part of the poem.

you can read this in multiple ways. either one person struggling against another, or two people arguing.
Kai Oct 2024
billions of imperceptible incisions on the skin of my fingers
from the wires environing my tired skull
from the papers which taper into scribbled drivel

hold it tighter, clench the wire,
picture ichor pouring downward
clutch my senses, make pretenses
dig in my nails, impale my failings

what’s the point?
what’s the point
what’s the point what’s the point
what’s the point the point the point
the point is digging in to my fingertips
a temptress in an abyss, and i odysseuss
the wire is a siren who sings of ichor and gore
and my brain contains only wax
and my heart is tied to the mast

— The End —