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1.1k · Aug 2016
Another Chance
justanotherfool Aug 2016
You don't have another chance"
"You don't deserve one more chance"
  I can hear all these chants
  From all these crowds around this clown

Oh, Now I see a face so known
No No, I never thought you'd be here in this crowd
  singing these chants along with this crowd, around this clown

My Love, if you too think that I have no chance
Then what are my chances to have another chance
879 · Apr 2017
Epitaph for Neena {A2W}
justanotherfool Apr 2017
"Here she rests, now, here in her tiny little nest
Her never ending quest, still, no one can wrest.
You sleep for now, I will join you, that's a vow
It's true, he has a new world for us to sow"
It is sad that I have to write this. But since this is the one thing you want from me at this moment, I cannot choose not to. But again, dear, I love you. And I know that our God will do the right thing for you. And I pray and believe that your recovery itself is his will
807 · Aug 2016
Please, Don't come back!!
justanotherfool Aug 2016
I say, I love these pills, even when they say it kills
I had the blue one, then the white one
And now I have this blood red one

I love this one, who saved me when I had no one
Embraced me when I lost my love to another one

Now it's time I say 'Once I loved these pills'
Coz' now I know it kills,
all they want to see is my blood spills

So they stabbed on the wound, the wound on my back
a left over from a few years back
then I turned back
They say " Our knife got broken by your back."
"We are leaving for now but for sure we'll come back"
"Till then you keep this souvenir on your back"
I wrote this when I thought I am over with my depression. the scary thing did happen. They had come back. May be had never left also. But this is so close to my heart for many reasons.
justanotherfool Oct 2016
A brain, with a never-ending war inside
A heart, in search of a new way to subside
A pair of eyes, looking for a new divide
It's me here, with every inch so mortified

Everything here seems so off and so wrong
Everyone is tripping toes to the euphoric songs
They want me to get along and play along
But still this solitude!, huh, and I'm not alone!

Should I wake up tomorrow? that same question,
same dilemma, that made me ask this now again
This vacuum in my soul, invention of the inception,
of the unceasing pain, struggle and suffocation.

Dear Father, I need you here, I need you near
I have all these people here, but still, I'm in fear,
fear of war, fear of purdah, fear of despair, and
of losing heart that you'd save me like yesteryear.
justanotherfool Aug 2016
No, I am not another witch, though it's been sometime since I got ditched
Once I was a peach, that's the same thing that made me bewitched.
All I ever hated was to be in these skies, My only dream was to be in that grounds
I thought it was the real heaven, I should've asked my Lord for an expound.
Today I stepped my foot on the floors, just to get sold in pounds for pounds.

No, this ain't any fiction, My Dear, it's the story of my eviction,
for my misapprehension of 'the crucifixion.'
Lord, please help me to get these wings stitched,
Lord, please help me to make my mind all cleansed,
As I now know that you would come, when this moon turns 'blood red'
125 words- For the contest-Image Prompt-
626 · Aug 2016
All these lies!
justanotherfool Aug 2016
Feed me all your lies as I can bear another million in this life
And you know that I can't live anymore without your lies!

Today, You pulled me up to these skies, and told me ' You can fly '
Honey, you just made me embrace that lie
Coz', to be in your eyes, I needed to live with all your lies

But, now you tell me that I got wings, Just to throw me from these heights
You said, "I want to see you fly, fly in these skies like a kite"
"But, I know your are scared of the blue skies
that's why I brought you here at this night"

I know it's all over tonight and there will be no more days or nights
So I begged to kiss me tight, for the sake of all those nights
She said ' No time for snogs tonight, For I got someone else tonight'

'A little push is all I got for you, as there is no space here in this room for you'

I spread my hands as if it's my wings
Then I looked at the skies though I know that all I got is these grounds
Now I got that push, and there was no hush
I could hear their laughs as I reach that land
Still I can hear their laughs as I rest in this yard
I just do not like this one for some reasons. But again I am trying my luck here. All suggestions are appreciated.
556 · Aug 2016
Help me die!
justanotherfool Aug 2016
I might suicide now
or I just want to die somehow

I can't bear this pain
as all my efforts go in vain,
as I find no help in these help-lines.

I am not scared of breaking this world's law
All I am scared of is breaching Jesus's law
I am too confused with all these laws
But my love, what else can I do when you are lost.

How can I start living again?
How can I be happy again?
Where can I find peace again?
Will I get a chance again?
Will you be giving me a chance again?

There should be an answer for all these
For all these questions at least.
I know that I will never find an answer for this
as nobody gives any sh*t.

May be I should suicide now
though I don't wanna die now
All I now need is that moment
Huh, I wasted that second, again
I got lost and just found myself still alive
That ain't good, that ain't right as I am never gonna be alright.

May be I should suicide now
Even I think I wanna die now

Honey, Don't you think that you should help me die
As you are the only one who told me to go and die!
Guide me with your suggestions
justanotherfool Apr 2017
Dear Lord, hear the cry of your child here
She can't defy, please, slay down her fear
bless her now, lord, with your mighty faith
so never shall shake, she in this wraith.

Dear Father, you are the real healer
fend for her, Abba, as you need her
Guide their hands, in her operation
Guide her spirit, in her salvation

Lord, the father of the fatherless
reckon your daughter in her distress
the miracle, it isn't from the doctors
not their will, mercy, but her father's

Let this day be her testimony
for you saved her from her agony
the cancer in her flesh, you designed
for her good, she knows, so will not mind

All in this world prays for compassion
Father, let them see her, your creation
Let them read her life, your rede to them
Abba, claim her spirit, sign with your thumb
Isaiah 41:10 Don’t be afraid, for I am with you! Don’t be frightened, for I am your God! I strengthen you–yes, I help you–yes, I uphold you with my saving right hand!
justanotherfool Aug 2016
It's been a long time, on this bed,
        listening to all these songs of the dead
May be I should play something else instead,
        a song that could make everything redd.

"Dear, Do you remember any such song,
        that could make me forever strong?"
"Oh Joe, You waited all this time long
        for a notion which you'll never get along."

May be that's where I went wrong,
        I regret begging you to remember that song.
All I wanted was to try my luck before it's too long.
        I thought you'd remember, that your love was that vigorous song.

So now, I am back to the songs of the dead
        wishing for that day to come with no dread.
I hope for that day, a day with no more worries ahead,
        on which I get that final mend, for all these wounds in my head.

Now I can't feel a thing in this body
          Now I am nothing but a dead-body.
oh God, don't breath a new life into this body, of this noddy
          Just let me stay in this lifeless body, to lead a life with no jeopardy.
Please give me ur suggestions
justanotherfool Aug 2016
Huh, Get me out of this race, I am too tired to chase
and can no more outpace, all these rats in this place.

God, I'm running out of dates, running out of grace
and now there's a war in my brains, I can longer face.

These were my thoughts of those days, thoughts of that phase
a phase with all the haze, huh, really my dog days.

You eve' had a thousand days, stuck in a maze,
and all the people say, you are a ******, buttface!

Oh, you know, all those Sundays, and your pastor takes
a bible to praise, and shoves on your face, with a freaking verse.

Sorry, It's time I replace, a 'God' that brings disgrace.
It's time I erase, the 'you' in my brains, without leaving a trace.

No please God, Why don't you come out of space, to this base
and do what it takes, to make this g'**** world amaze!

Oh my Lord, It's too cruel to stay, with all your plays,
in that space, when your race is in search of a brace.

Lord, Just open the gates, get us out of these straits,
to a whole new place, Father, with all your grace.

Lord, just in case, if you can't deal with our mistakes,
just bury us in your rage, but please don't leave us in these Hades.
The first few parts are obviously from my journal. After listening to the song-'Oh Lord' by 'NF', I was inspired to make a song of my journal. So this is it. I need your help to improve this one. Especially, I failed to find a connecting link for the first and and second half of this song.
487 · Apr 2017
Prayer for Neena
justanotherfool Apr 2017
Oh Lord, she was born by you, she was born for you
You had a plan, she was your plan, it never came out of the blue.

Father, you know her inside, you know her outside
You had a purpose, she was your purpose, it never can be denied.

She wasn't born for a day, she was made to last forever.
Lord, You planted eternity in her heart, for her, with her, together.

This earth, nothing but an auberge, and this life, a mist
We are here only for a while, for another moment, to make it your list.

My Lord, fix her eyes, to the unseen, to the eternity
You had a purpose, for her and for all of us, it was never mortality.

Oh Lord, all she has is a troubled soul, a weak body
You still give her strength, to lift her up to be there for your glory.

Dear Father, smile on her, make her life your pleasure
Let her see that smile, feel that smile as she is your divine treasure.

Abba, the wounds in her heart, in her soul and flesh
Needs your touch, the healer of wounds,  let her spirit refresh.
This song is for my sister Neena ( I know her by that name) She is battling cancer. It is my prayer to the Lord for her healing. All I want to tell Neena is to keep your hopes up and live every moment the God has given to you. The God has a purpose for you, be there to fulfill that. SO don't you dare to quit. He has not done with you. He will serve his purpose with you through you. Look up to him.
482 · Oct 2016
The Thrive to Survive!
justanotherfool Oct 2016
Every time, I thought 'Oh, it's all done'
'huh, the battle I have can never be won'
'Fine time for the last bullet in my gun'.
Hey, but still I'm here for another run.

They were raining me down with their blames.
All the devils were running in my brains.
No more could I bear the pain in my veins.
Hey, but still I'm here for another game.

I just wonder how I am still alive!
It's always like I was born to survive.
Jesus made me fall, So that I can thrive.
He made me fall, for my soul to revive.

I've faced the test 'n I've tasted the test.
Proved nothing to him, but I fed my quest,
of where to dig my roots in the tempest,
of why I survive, because I'm all blessed.
Incomplete, but guide me with your suggestions and corrections.
justanotherfool Aug 2016
You know these kinds of thought,
                  like 'Mahathma Gandhi' once wrote
'You have to be that change,
                  if you want to see the World change'

Don't you think that it's so strange,
                  as we still haven't seen any change!
Now I know what 'Nehru' tried to state,
                  when he said 'ignorance is scared to change'

No No, I have nothing against you, My dear,
                  I just want you to come out of that fear,
that pinned you for so long in this chain,
                  from breaking out to the 'World of Change'
Chains to Break and a Elon Musk-'Some people don't like change, but you need to embrace change if the alternative is disaster.'
I had this scare to change or to try an alternate option, even if the other option has the potential to cause immense damage. Believe me, I really tried to change that part of my character many times, only to fail every time. But sooner or later you will get that moment that shines some light into our sick brain. But I do not know how that happened to me. May be I was just sick of not changing. to Change.
417 · Aug 2016
Only Hope.
justanotherfool Aug 2016
I hate that part of my life's plot,
                  that'd put me in a tight spot
That pity plot was made out of this thought
                  that I will never find 'hope in my Lord.'

I never saw that my perception was wrong,
                  and I made it my life's song
So that I can trip the light fantastic toe
                  and to sing that 'despair is my Lord.'

I laid all the blame on the son,
                  not knowing he is the one,
The only one that could guide the sun,
                  to shine upon the 'words of my Lord.'

Now I love this part of my life's plot,
                  where my Lord knocked off my dead knot.
I clinched all the words he spoke,
                  and now I know that 'hope is my Lord.'

Now all I want is to shout,
                  shout out loud without a doubt.
'You can bolt down this song for the faults,
                  yet your 'only hope is in my Lord.''
This is nothing but my testimony. I had written the relevant write up a few years before. Just trying to make a song out of it. I am not at all satisfied with the 3rd stanza. So please help me
415 · Aug 2016
justanotherfool Aug 2016
I still remember that night,
A picture on my screen, of a bride
With her groom, in so delight
Honey, I still remember that **** night,
the night that dropped a dark light,on the hope that we will reunite.

I held all the pills in my hand
No longer worried about it's bland
That thought no longer seemed offhand
My wet eyes joined my bleeding heart, in the joy of eluding this wasteland.

But my Lord was never done with his work
He told me that I am being a ****!
Then he decked the devil, as I look
On that night with the December's murk.

I wondered why he gave me that hope
Until I saw that text on my screen starts to pop.
Now my wet eyes joined my lull heart, and both started to *****.

I clicked on that message
made sure that it ain't any mirage.
I saw the face of this girl, a little older than those in college
Still she looked so much younger than her age.

She said,' My name is Helena'
'I no longer can bear this night'
'I saw a picture of this groom kissing his bride'
'He is the same person who promised me last night,
'that he will never ever leave out of my sight'

We had a same story-line for both our lives
Which dried all the tears in our eyes.
We gave hope to each other to survive,
to survive this night, and all the rest of the days and nights.

(There is a sequel to this one which has not yet been penned)
This something that is so close to my heart for many reasons. I honestly believe that it was only God who had made me meet Helena that night( Otherwise I would not have made through that night. She is undoubtedly my best friend now.
390 · Jun 2017
Deal me out, Lord!
justanotherfool Jun 2017
It's time I throw in the towel, I am getting way too older
Please, don't give me a second wind, I just don't want to go it alone
Oh, hear this, my Solid Rock, I don't even have a leg to stand on
In these troubled waters, I need no more words as actions speak louder

Why am I left here in this bind, with a red heart so black and blue
I was told, that I was meant to shine, was it over mine or your head
Better I leave this dead horse here, here on the other side of my bed
Now I have shrunken too much, I guess I was just meant for someone's boot
incomplete, but please give it shot, lets tear it apart
376 · Aug 2016
Sorry, Can't get over you!
justanotherfool Aug 2016
Do you remember what I'd told
That getting over you is my only goal
But forgive me today for playing foul
Now getting over what I'd told is my only goal.
330 · Aug 2016
Keys to Paradise
justanotherfool Aug 2016
Hey, You seem so happy!
You're laughing loud as you can be,
Over a bottle whiskey,
With a hand full of LSD,
Blood in every sneeze, dragging on your knees,
yet you scream, 'Living in my Dreams'

Hey, You seem so pleased
as you see the dead in the seas,
as you spit fire to see, the kids crying 'please'.
You drink their blood with ices, hail the flag of ISIS
And you claim that it's your sacrifices,
huh, and that too for Jesus!

Hey, you seem so satisfied,
With yourself tied to your pride,
Living in this bright side, away from the war side,
Thanks to that divide, see that smile on your child
Huh, you think you're fortified, you think you're purified,
so you put the god aside, as you're satisfied.

I just hope you'll all find time,
to find on the other side,
your keys to paradise.
Help me with the grammar, please. And help me to identify the weaklings
justanotherfool Aug 2016
I've been walking this same road,
Never had a moment to feel some proud.
I have no problem in saying that loud,
Joe, You can no more control this shroud,'
'It was the wrong King you ever bowed, for the past Six years'

'Huh, I've not heard of any other King,
and never kissed any of those 'Saints'' ring.
It was Jesus on whom I relied to bring,
a bit of peace of mind when I'm not winning.'
'Ei, It never ringed in the ears of your king, for the past Six years'

'Hm, That's why you're stuck in this road,
and it seems like you have not at all grown.
It was you the one who, fell for that crone,
buried the lord once you smelled her cologne.'
'Joe, It was my King who wept all this time, for the past Six years'

'Now It's time you get out of that road,
All you need to do is to seek for 'the God',
give him that confession you owed.
Ask 'the spirit' to guide you to decode,
all the words of the God, veiled from you for the past Six years'
For the contest[for_contest_id]=2671524
Though I wrote it for the contest, I was completely being honest about it.
All  I wanted was to finish with 1 Corinthians 15:19, But Somehow I lost track to it. May be you can help me.
290 · Aug 2016
A Helping Hand
justanotherfool Aug 2016
Fell Down
Cried Loud
Helping Hand
I Pulled Up
She Pulled Down
Fell Down
Foot, Shoulders
She Went Out
I Laid Down
Cried Loud
No Helping Hand
288 · Aug 2016
Sorry, Can't get over you!
justanotherfool Aug 2016
Do you remember what I had told
That getting over you is my only goal
But forgive me today for playing foul
Now getting over what I had told is my only goal!
justanotherfool Aug 2016
Oh Lord,
you know what this is all about
yet no word from your throat.
Is it that I'm so deaf!
Or is it that I'm all dead!

No No May be you're just indifferent.
May be you think I'm so irrelevant.

huh, okay, I know, I am no president,
May be not that elegant and a little bit arrogant
but still my lord, my tongue was so eloquent
I know, it reached your ears, my cries of all these years.
So may be I ain't the one who's deaf, and
may be it's you who is dead.

Forgive me, my Lord, for being this raring
Don't push me down again for this daring
It's just that, huh, it's too much.
I am so trapped in his clutch.

Lord, Why are you so indignant!
Is it because of me being so languish
for your touch that is so delinquent?
Hey, Don't you hear me, the mighty father, am I speaking Spanish!!

May be I'm the fool, coz' I believed you
I believed that you were the break through
May be it's time I do a review,
may be a search for some other Kings too
People say, that they are all tried and true!

No Oh no, You are my only master, my Lord
Ah, I just can't believe that I tried to switch this board.
He made me believe that I am ignored.
Forgive me, Lord, as I'd fallen into his hole.

All I wanted was a name, a name with all the fame
as I was so tired of all their blames.
So I set it in my brain, set it as my aim.
lord, it was all part of his ****** game.

All my worries were on this life, and I gave in myself to the butcher-knife
wanted to be renowned in this city,
never saw that I'm being an unknown in the holy city.
Now I see, as all my worries were of this life,
I should be of all the men to be pitied,
I should've remembered the crucifixion and your resurrection,
No objection, it's time I make that correction
to lead a life as your reflection.
1 Corinthians 15:19 If only for this life we have hope in Christ, we are of all people most to be pitied.

The initial part of this song/write up is actually from my journal written a few years back. I know that it is not up to the mark of any poetic or literature standards. Reproducing that part from my journal itself made me full of guilt. Bt anyway, those times in my life were so real. I won't deny the fact that I was s cynical then on my Lord.
225 · Aug 2017
justanotherfool Aug 2017
breathe life into me
you sell your white elephant
a pie in the sky
my first one. help me improve

— The End —