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 Dec 2014 Juju Juju
The starlight was not real..
This I knew..
Mainly because the starlight was singing to me..
Only my soul could hear such music..
Its when I knew yet again that this was a dream..
There were three stars that sang to me..
They would resonate their cosmic lyrics to my childhood soul..
The air was cool..
A welcome touch to a warm summer night..
I stood on the wet sand..
And to my surprise I finally realized where I was at..
I stood at the middle of an ocean..
The waters were all pushed away from me..
Held back by some dream barrier..
The ocean towered over me but could not get to me..
For a moment I became the stars and saw myself below..
I then made the music..
I was in control...
 Nov 2014 Juju Juju
 Nov 2014 Juju Juju
He says he doesn't understand why I read all the time to escape. Says when the book ends, the fairy tale dream you're living in while reading ends.
doesn't he get it?
When I'm reading its one less minute, one less hour of wanting to **** myself.
 Nov 2014 Juju Juju
 Nov 2014 Juju Juju
I'm an unfinished
Sentence with horrid spelling
And strange punctuation
But if you read me
You feel the emotion
Puslsing out between the letters
 Nov 2014 Juju Juju
I want you*

Alas, the obstacles outweigh the need

your emotions for me
what are they?
First you are mean
and by the time I ask
You are happy and tell me
I'm yours.
What do I care?
if the snow is higher than
the stop signs, but
still visible for pedestrian to see
no loading or standing zone

What do I care?
that dark lonely night is approaching
and my poor heart melt every time I think of you
what do I care

I could not, at any age, be content to take my place by the fireside and simply look on. Life was meant to be lived. Curiosity must be kept alive. One must never, for whatever reason, turn his back on life.
— Eleanor Roosevelt
 Nov 2014 Juju Juju
Onto a wall I post my claim for love beneath
thy balcony in Verona! I borrow thy name, Juliet,
my love is for her. I too have witnessed mine and thine passions,
I love her so, as did thee.
So, under thy balcony I left a poem,
a rose to another name,
a love I seek!
Help me William and Romeo and Juliet,
to send her my visions!
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