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 Mar 2022 jude rigor
dark blue
technicolor psychedelic lost realities
kissing cats then and now stupid fantasties
hallucinating white and black invisible fairies
inspiration perspiration a little mushroom tea
falling listening monochromic shades or hues
mind bending red green jaded poets and ingenues
 Mar 2022 jude rigor
neth jones
i feel drunk
when reading about drunks
no bracement
i look up from the book
it's 6:45 a.m.
i'm in the hospital cafeteria
nearly time for work

in a stranger
     i clock a face
                     struggling to become a face
            she breakfasts
bent under a hood of hair
(she's not sure what expression
                     to let be witnessed )
i dodge her glance

the windows
make a massive jet mirror
          reaching the full ballroom height
a shield onto hard darkness
   protected from a primal cavity
the patrons are shied in its casting
a smudging forms at its base
   the horizon beeking
   an easing hint of winters sun

the glow is wanted
          but it brings nothing new to its display
still a hibernal wash
i don't hum with these morning frequencies
they can be beautiful
but i pitch sickly
and i suspect
the stranger girl is also no dawn spark either
not a morning person
 Mar 2022 jude rigor
neth jones
combined effort
      moonlight, trees, autumn breeze
  form bobbing shadows
a humorous theatre
     mocks my solitary mood
Notes For 00001 01... made into a poem


moon lumin with the breeze
cutting out uglies
cookie dough shadows
wailing hands in the trees
leaves clipped from the earth
cursed in rebirth before the projector
recurring all this wit and tangle
strangulates my solitary mood
and pensive strides
breaks my face into mirth
mad-mad impractical and inefficient
life complimenting simian laughter

MARK (poem)
MARK (notes)
 Mar 2022 jude rigor
a m a n d a
if you can find it within yourself
to see the art
in everything,
you will never be bored.
not for one moment.

i can promise you that.
 Mar 2022 jude rigor
i sit amongst the wreckage and her sisters
destruction watches as i run my fingers
along an old scar, opening a fresh wound

i ***** every finger on every edge i can find,
trying to find some semblance, some feeling
of what used to be

the dust only reminds me of
how long its been, yet no dust
has settled yet on my

within my fingers, i clutch
a fragment, glossy and new,
another one of the hundreds
i've created, one that i am
finally bound to love

 Feb 2022 jude rigor
Luna Pan
achilles can you explain
why i care about a stranger more than my friends?

aphrodite can you explain
how can i love someone more than anyone that i've ever talked?

dionysus can you explain
do i seem delusional moreover if i am why i want to lose my sanity for him?
 Feb 2022 jude rigor
love is the loneliest feeling in the world
it makes me feel lonely
it makes me sit at a coffee shop in agony
aware of the fast paced world around me
no matter how much i try to reach out
it will never be close enough
no one will ever be close enough
i am lonely in love
even being alone,
is better than being with a lover and feeling
totally, alone.
just a letter to me, who is deeply terrified of love
 Feb 2022 jude rigor
maybe it's the world
maybe it's the human condition
the man and the animal
throttle each other's throats
even when they are one
art criticism in an age of polarization
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