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 Jun 2016 Joeysguy
 Jun 2016 Joeysguy
each day
i fall in love
with someone new--
but it seems
i'm only falling
for different versions
of you.
 Jun 2016 Joeysguy
 Jun 2016 Joeysguy
habib said, Don't think too much

i cried.

he placed his hand on my head
and prayed for me.

and then gave me sweets.

Don't think too much ok.
Just now, I thought you were only 17, not 19!
*All the best for school, ok

If any sink, assure that this, now standing—
Failed like Themselves—and conscious that it rose—
Grew by the Fact, and not the Understanding
How Weakness passed—or Force—arose—

Tell that the Worst, is easy in a Moment—
Dread, but the Whizzing, before the Ball—
When the Ball enters, enters Silence—
Dying—annuls the power to ****.
 Jun 2016 Joeysguy
Paul Butters
 Jun 2016 Joeysguy
Paul Butters
The rain keeps pouring down,
Pounding on the ground.
The rain keeps falling down,
Those ******* clouds make us frown.
The rain keeps tumbling down,
It started with some drizzle.
The rain keeps scything down,
Striking like a chisel.
The rain keeps sleeting down,
Causing local flooding.
The rain keeps belting down,
Plants droop instead of budding.
The rain keeps showering down,
No time for any stanzas,
The rain keeps teeming down,
From Scotland down to Kansas.
The rain keeps arrowing down,
Whenever will it stop?
The rain keeps swirling down,
Yes, I’m hating every drop.

Paul Butters
Another one for Pat Jackson.
 Jun 2016 Joeysguy
Jedi Ferrer
Don't strive to have a life that only looks good from the outside.
Live a life that feels great on the inside.
Sometimes we can strive so much to look good to other people without realizing that the smile we project on the outside does not reflect the world inside us.
Be real to yourself.
 Jun 2016 Joeysguy
 Jun 2016 Joeysguy
We were not written in the stars.
We never were.
 Jun 2016 Joeysguy
Fay Slimm
 Jun 2016 Joeysguy
Fay Slimm

Days run on,bounding over life's hill.
Dash behind haste goads time on further.
Each frantic hour intends keeping still
But in racing along, pace begets ******.

Met are all needs when busy un-bridles.
Quiet rest heals weary saddle-sore self.
If haltered, rush ceases and gallop tires.
As slackening reins never cry out for help.

Staying the ride dismount heady steeds.
Break awhile to pick life's sweet flowers.
Age weighs after taking life at high speed
Yet seizing each moment makes days ours.
 Aug 2014 Joeysguy
Missy Beminio
i want your garden
sprout from the earth
breathe you in
consume all of you

i want to feel
green in my feet
in between my toes
it can't be beat

the sweetest smell
it's like the fuel
i know it all
a little too well

the warm embrace
what is this place?
it seems you've left
without a trace

who are you now
you've left me again
i feel the fear inside
purer than the water
that brought us here
it's beginning to get to me
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