If the child in you died, you killed It.
Every sky scraper in the world, a child built It.
I’ve decided to pick my crayons back up and go outside the lines.
News can no longer find me, everything new is something we must find.
No one can stop time but I’ve found a way to spiritually rewind.
Questions are our true eyes and so the educated spend most of their lives blind.
Children don’t ask questions because they don’t know, they ask because they want to learn.
We all know those people who don’t know much, but curiosity would make their lips burn.
So, less social media I’m playing outside and coloring charts.
Truth is, we accept being stagnant when we were born intuitively knowing how to handle this part.
What do you do when you don’t know what’s going on? Just ask him.
Then just like a child, ask again and again and again.