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  Dec 2015 Jesica
Our hearts don't break
For lack of love.

Plenty of people do not love me,
And I lose no sleep.

Perhaps your heart breaks for those who do not love you.
But mine,
Breaks into pieces every time I realize that
Love is not enough.
Jesica Dec 2015
He is confused,
His mind stops him,
But conscience gets better of him,
He follows the trail of white,
They disappear into the wild,
Something tells him to turn back,
But he goes on.
Inhuman sounds and thunder warn him,
Trips, hurts his knee.
But still he goes on.
Shadows loom and trees sway.
His heart thuds against his chest.
Suddenly he wakes with a wet brow.
When nightmares haunt your dreams, when you are woken up every night filled with fear....only a few will understand the pain and suffering.
Jesica Nov 2015
The little white beauty,
The world she wanted to see.
Inspired by her deceased father,
She wanted to become a doctor.
But alas, the society
Shattered all her aspirations.
All her dreams caged,
Till she was aged.
Her heart suppressed
Her life lost all zest.
The little bird (the girl) wants to spread her wings and fly but the world around her restrains her from doing so.
  Nov 2015 Jesica
brian mclaughlin
Their minds are closed
hearts grown cold
their killing continues
as they grow old

Fueled by their hate
what I find as odd
is that these terrorists ****
in the name of their god

Extremism *****
whether religion or bucks
as at the end of the day
it's the common people who pay
  Nov 2015 Jesica
She comes to me like Sunlight
and hides behind storm clouds
Her voice soft as rain
wearing a rainbow in her hair
She comes to me like Sunlight.
  Nov 2015 Jesica
brandon nagley

Once was lost
Now am found;
She unearthed me
She birthed me
In amour's


Once was blind
Though now I seeith;
She made me her own
Into her abode,
Mine soul she freeith.


Once was deaf
With nothing left;
Though I prayed
And beseeched,
For the Lord's
Dear best.


Once was dead
Though now
Alive; tis I
Foundeth heaven,
In queen Jane's eye's.

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
©Earl Jane nagley dedication-filipino rose
This is a poem how God answered mine prayer for mine soulmate.... As he sent me angelic Jane (:::
Jesica Nov 2015
The day I lost him,
drop by drop,
My heart aching,
my brain conflicted
and body helpless.
I watched as he looked at me.
A smile escaped his lips,
and he left me a dying message
"My love, live for yourself, don't try to satisfy this greedy world."
With that his eyes closed.
Each day I replay those moments,
wishing I could save him,
only if I could rewind time.
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